The Luminous Solution is a Thai fantasy BL series about a coffee shop that grants wishes. The main character is in a committed relationship with his successful boyfriend. However, he may be at risk of losing his job. The protagonist feels too proud to ask his lover for financial aid. Instead, he approaches a mysterious café owner who offers to help with her mystical powers. If he accepts, there will be unforeseen consequences to his life.
A part of me wants to defend The Luminous Solution due to its ambition. Instead of another generic BL drama, it dares to explore darker themes about moral dilemmas. It also experiments with the narrative structure, leading to unpredictable twists. However, the plot is confusing to follow due to the clumsy storytelling. Many ideas seem incoherent and convoluted. The weak acting accentuates the flaws, making the series feel inelegant.
The Luminous Solution Summary
Series Info:
Thailand (2023)

Thana is in a committed relationship with Patis. They have been dating for around nine years. The couple lives together and enjoys domestic bliss. Thana works as a designer at a creative agency. However, his company has recently been struggling and announced mass layoffs. Thana and his friend Ying worry they may be on the chopping block. Thana's boss has hinted that his job performance doesn't meet standards.
The company has offered severance packages to any employee who agrees to quit. Ying decides to accept the conditions, while Thana also follows suit. Thana receives a small amount of compensation, which he gives to his mom. Ever since his dad passed away, she has been struggling financially. Thana feels stressed after quitting his job, especially since he has trouble seeking new employment.
Unlike his boyfriend, Patis' career is thriving. He is a successful doctor raising funds to open a new clinic. Patis and Thana's friend, Naphat, envies their comfortable lifestyle. Naphat makes biting remarks about how Thana can mooch off his wealthy boyfriend. Thana takes offence to these remarks. He feels too proud and independent to ask his lover for financial aid. Thana also doesn't tell Patis about losing his job. Instead of going to the office, he secretly hangs out with Time, a neighbour.
As Thana worries about his financial situation, he suddenly sees a mysterious coffee shop called "The Crown". This store is only visible to those who are suffering. The cafe owner is an enigmatic woman who offers to help him. She can grant one wish, but there is a catch. Each wish may cause unforeseen circumstances. Thana hesitates to proceed during his first visit to the coffee shop. Yet, he becomes tempted to revisit the shop, particularly as his life worsens.
Elsewhere, Mai is a teenager who recently moved to a new neighbourhood with his family. On his first day of school, he clashes with his classmate Ryou over an accident. Later, they must work together on a school project. Their friend, Dena, encourages everyone to get along. Yet, Ryou and his buddy Nack continue to act hostile. Mai apologizes and doesn't know how to overcome a lousy first impression. As the teens walk home one night, Ryou becomes intrigued by the mysterious coffee shop. Only he can see the divine shop of wonders.
The Luminous Solution Cast
Mig Teerapat Prongaroon (มิก ธีรภัทร โปร่งอรุณ)

Thana is Patis' boyfriend. They have been dating and living together for almost a decade. Thana works as a designer at a creative agency. However, his company has been struggling financially and faces mass layoffs. He risks losing his job, which strains his financial situation. Thana's father recently died, leaving his mom strapped for cash. Yet, Thana doesn't want to rely on his wealthy boyfriend for support.
Mig Teerapat Prongaroon

Mig Teerapat Prongaroon (มิก ธีรภัทร โปร่งอรุณ) is a Thai actor. His first BL project is the 2023 series, The Luminous Solution.
Gun Napat Na Ranong (ณภัทร ณ ระนอง)

Patis is Thana's boyfriend. The couple has been in a committed relationship for nearly a decade. They live together in an apartment. Patis works as a successful doctor. He plans to open a new clinic. One of his potential sponsors is his old friend Naphat, who has feelings for him. Unbeknownst to Patis, Thana has lost his job recently and doesn't plan on telling him.
Gun Napat Na Ranong

Gun Napat Na Ranong (ณภัทร ณ ระนอง) is a Thai actor. He is born on January 12, 1998. His first BL project is the 2018 drama, Love by Chance. He also appears in Love by Chance 2 (2020), Golden Blood (2021), and The Luminous Solution (2023).
Bhu Bhudis Viseshchitra (ภูดิส วิเศษจิตร)

Mai is a high school student who recently moved to a new neighbourhood with his parents. Mai clashes with his classmate Ryou after making an awful first impression. Yet, they must work together on a school project. Despite Mai's attempts at reconciliation, Ryou and his friends still act hostile towards him. Mai tells his parents about the bullying problem. His father encourages him to "man up" and defend himself.
Bhu Bhudis Viseshchitra

Bhu Bhudis Viseshchitra (ภูดิส วิเศษจิตร) is a Thai actor. He is born on October 2, 1996. His first BL project is the 2020 drama, Manner of Death. He also appears in Nitiman (2021) and The Luminous Solution (2023).
Bell Ratchata Kumsup (เบล รัชตะ คุ้มทรัพย์)

Ryou is Mai's classmate. They clash after Mai breaks Ryou's school project and refuses to apologize. Reluctantly, they must work together for an assignment. Mai tries to reconcile with him, but Ryou still holds a grudge. Ryou is friends with Dena and Nack. Dena welcomes Mai and encourages everyone to get along. Yet, Ryou and Nack remain hostile toward their new classmate.
Bell Ratchata Kumsup

Bell Ratchata Kumsup (เบล รัชตะ คุ้มทรัพย์) is a Thai actor. He is born on October 9, 1999. His first BL project is the 2023 drama, The Luminous Solution.
Supporting Cast

Pam Praephan Hiransrisoontorn (แพม แพรพรรณ หิรัญศรีสุนทร)

Dome Woranart Ratthanaphast (วรนาถ รัตธนภาส)

Bank Theewara Panyatara (แบงค์ ธีวรา ปัญญะธารา)

Safe Toosafe Thongsaphak (เซฟ ตู้เซฟ ทองสะพัก)

Dena Chanisda Von Der Luehe (เดน่า ชนิษฎา วอน เดอ ลูว)

Ant Warinda Noenphoemphisut (แอ๊นท์ วรินดา เนินเพิ่มพิสุทธิ์)

Kacha Nontanun Anchuleepradit (คชา นนทนันท์ อัญชุลีประดิษฐ์)


Tontae Tinnakorn Puwasakdiwong (โต๋นแตร์ ทินกร ภูวศักดิวงศ์)




Mai's dad

Mai's mom



Kaew's partner
Dome Woranart Ratthanaphast (วรนาถ รัตธนภาส)

Kaownah Kittipat Kaewcharoen (ก้าวหน้า กิตติภัทร แก้วเจริญ)
Cast Highlights
- Patis' actor (Gun) appeared in other Thai BL dramas, including Love by Chance (2018), Love by Chance 2, and Golden Blood (2021).
- Mai's actor (Bhu) has supporting roles in Manner of Death (2020) and Nitiman (2021).
- The actor portraying Time (Bank) has a supporting role in Love Sick 2 (2015), Gen Y (2020), Gen Y 2 (2021), and What Zabb Man! (2022). He also stars in one of the stories in the 2023 anthology series My Universe.
- Prem's actor (Tontae) has supporting roles in the Nitiman (2021) and Venus in the Sky (2023).
- The actress who portrays Kaew (Ant) has supporting roles in Love Area (2021) and its sequel Love Area Part 2 (2022). She also appears in La Cuisine (2022).
The Luminous Solution Review
Drama Review Score: 6.6

The Luminous Solution is like the gay version of a Grimms' fairy tale. The dark, twisted plot explores ambiguous moral dilemmas with a touch of magical realism. Despite its narrative flaws, I want to defend this ambitious series since it takes creative risks. Many BL dramas are similar, following the predictable formula of a sweet love story. In contrast, The Luminous Solution dares to portray sinister plots that highlight morality and consequences. It deserves kudos for approaching the genre differently, even if the execution is clumsy.
In The Luminous Solution, the characters use magical wishes to solve their problems. Each scenario comes with unforeseen circumstances. Despite the fascinating concept, this series doesn't implement the ideas cohesively. The plot is too convoluted, from cryptic chats to hazy motivations. The confusing narrative unfolds in disjointed fragments, making it tricky to piece everything together. Some scenes are trivial moments with little meaning, while others repeat the same points without divulging new info. The filler perpetuates the aimlessness of The Luminous Solution.
The series features two couples with separate storylines that don't overlap until the end. The leads, Thana and Patis, have a dysfunctional relationship. Their intense drama escalates and becomes scandalous. You aren't supposed to like Thana, an unsympathetic protagonist who acts problematically to his partner. While the series explains his perspective and condemns his actions, Thana's scenes are still frustrating. This sleazy scumbag is beyond redemption and makes me uncomfortable. My aggravation reaches a point where I don't want to watch him anymore.
In comparison, the teen couple seems more tolerable. Mai and Ryou have a rocky start to their relationship, almost crossing into severe bullying. However, they start getting along and transition to charming interactions. While their flirting is cute, the exchanges are average BL fanfare. Don't expect anything special from the romantic content. A storyline about Mai's sexuality emerges in the later episodes, but the themes aren't communicated elegantly. The Luminous Solution muddles its messages instead of conveying Mai's inner turmoil poignantly.
The dramatic plot contains challenging material, which requires the leads to cry, express fury, or emote vividly. Yet, the contrived performances diminish the emotional impact of the climaxes. What should be devastating moments seem less compelling since the actors can't display their feelings persuasively. Likewise, the romantic exchanges look awkward and don't exude maximum passion. These couples lack chemistry. The only cast member I regard favourably is the charismatic actress playing Dena. Also, I like Kanda's performer because she's hilariously camp.
My opinion of The Luminous Solution is negative after the first five episodes. However, the finale reveals exciting twists, adding complexity to the series. It takes a lot of brainpower to untangle the incoherent plot, but I appreciate the story's intricacies. The more I rewatch, the more illuminated I am. This series is smarter than I gave it credit for, from the sophisticated themes to the experimental narrative structure. I want to praise The Luminous Solution for its colourful imagination. However, the glaring storytelling flaws hold me back from a positive recommendation.
Creative story
The Luminous Solution is like the BL version of a Grimms' fairy tale, exploring moral dilemmas with a creative twist. The storytelling is clumsy and confusing. It's hard to understand the incoherent plot.
Unhealthy romance
The adult couple has a dysfunctional relationship with frustrating drama. The teen couple is more tolerable, but their flirting is average BL fanfare. Both pairs lack chemistry in awkward encounters.
Contrived acting
All the actors are skin-friendly! However, they give contrived performances that diminish the emotional impact of the plot. The dramatic material is too challenging and exceeds the cast's abilities.
Sad ending
The Luminous Solution has a sad ending for both couples, who can't overcome their differences. While confusing, the finale reveals exciting twists, answers questions, and adds depth to the plot.
Whimsical artistry
Some scenes are pretty and evoke a sense of fairytale whimsicality. Yet, other moments appear low-budget or tacky. Generally, the visuals look presentable with no significant concerns.
The Luminous Solution is a convoluted fantasy BL series with lousy acting. The twist ending highlights this drama's creativity. It dares to tell a dark, twisted love story with intriguing themes about morality.
The Luminous Solution Series Explained

Mai and Ryou are the past versions of Thana and Patis. You may have discovered this twist earlier, but the series deliberately hides the connection. They purposely give all the characters different names to mislead you, although their personalities are similar. Both couples have separate, concurrent storylines that never overlap until the ending. The finale reveals they're the same people. The teen protagonists are just the younger version of their adult counterparts, disguised under new identities.
The Luminous Solution highlights both the starting point and the ending point of a romance. In the teen timeline, we see how the couple meets and becomes high school sweethearts. In the adult timeline, they break up and cease their relationship after being together for a decade. It's a unique way of telling a love story, juxtaposing the two timelines to showcase the different relationship dynamics. From the joyful courtship to the painful breakup, the series takes us on a journey by experimenting with the narrative structure. Of course, you may not realize it until the last episode.
In addition, the other characters also exist in both timelines under different names:
- Mai is the younger version of Thana.
- Ryou is the younger version of Patis.
- Nack is the younger version of Naphat.
- Dena is the younger version of Darin.
- Kaew (the single mom) is the younger version of Kanda (the café owner).

In addition to the multiple timelines, The Luminous Solution reveals that each character has made a wish in the past. During the early episodes, Thana visits the coffee shop, where he uses his power to ask for a new job. The series makes us think he is the first customer. However, he is actually the last person. Later, we learn that everyone else fulfilled their wishes years ago. The series begins with a timeline where Ryou, Nack, and Dena have already influenced the future.
Here are each of their wishes:
- Thana wishes to find a new job.
- Ryou wishes for Mai to love him wholeheartedly.
- Nack wishes for Ryou to kiss him.
- Dena wishes her friends to forget the past and start with new identities.
- Kaew wishes her son can have a better life.
Notably, Dena made her wish after Ryou rejected her confession. All the characters erase their painful memories and adopt new personas thanks to her. The four remain friends as adults, except they exclude the awkward history from their adolescence. The series leaves some details hazy, not referencing the specifics of the memory loss. They should still remember other info, like their families. However, anything to do with Mai, Ryou, Nack, and Dena's existence is wiped from the timeline. They are replaced with Thana, Patis, Naphat, and Darin instead.

The story's mantra is: be careful of what you wish for. Each magical wish leads to a sinister consequence that undermines the initial desires of the characters. This cautionary motif is reminiscent of the moral lessons in Grimms' fairy tales, where the protagonists face unforeseen outcomes due to their choices. The Luminous Solution relishes in wicked irony. You may get what you want, but your fate won't be what you initially expect. Even if your dreams come true, you may still feel unfulfilled afterwards.
Here are the consequences for each character:
- Thana gets a new job, but he loses his relationship.
- Ryou gets Mai to love him, but his cheating boyfriend also loves someone else.
- Nack gets a kiss from Ryou, but it only lasts a few seconds and happens years later. Also, Ryou still doesn't return his feelings.
- Dena gets to erase everyone's memories, but their fates remain unchanged despite the fresh start.
- Kaew gets a better life for her son, but he must move away from her.
In each instance, no one seems significantly happier than they were before. The reality isn't as ideal as the rosy fantasies in their head. The story implies that it's impossible to feel perfectly fulfilled. The characters will always want something more. As you examine the scenarios, consider whether each person is better off with or without the wishes. Do they regret their decisions? Or are they willing to accept the repercussions? These moral dilemmas are fascinating because they force you to evaluate your priorities in life. What is most important to you?
Mai's sexuality

Mai and Ryou didn't get along initially. A minor scuffle on the bus almost escalated into a bullying crisis at school. Fortunately, the two teens clear their animosity and realize they enjoy each other's company. The pair begins to hang out more often, getting chummy with each other. Mai asks Ryou to sit on him when the bus has no seats. Later, he kisses Ryou on the nose as a joke. He also rests his head on his friend's lap to nap. Their body language is very intimate.
Their friends notice Mai and Ryou's growing attraction. Dena teases them for flirting in Episode 4, a remark that makes Mai self-conscious. It's the first sign that he feels uncomfortable about others speculating on his sexuality in public. Dena teases them again in Episode 5, causing Mai to doubt their relationship. In private, he gets flirty with Ryou. The couple's first kiss is reciprocal and passionate. Yet, Mai clams up publicly and distances himself from his lover. They finally break up in Episode 6. Unfortunately, this teenager struggles with his sexuality.
Mai's dad makes snide comments about "acting like a man". Mai grows up in this toxic home and feels insecure about liking guys. Earlier, the bullies lock him in the changing room. The metaphor represents how he's trapped in the closet. Ryou must be the one to liberate him. Mai feels so tormented about his attraction that he forces himself to have sex. He thinks doing so helps him gain clarity. Mai tells Ryou, "I can't fall for you because I'm straight." But he's in denial. He directs that statement not to Ryou, but internally. Mai is trying to convince himself that he isn't gay.
7 deadly sins

I have a wild, unsubstantiated theory that each character in The Luminous Solution represents the seven deadly sins. There's no official confirmation of this, so I may have misinterpreted something that doesn't exist lol. However, I see the parallels. Each sin describes a character's predicament or downfall in the story. This series fascinates me because it explores the ugly side of human nature. It highlights destructive tendencies and undesirable impulses as we sabotage ourselves.
Here is how each deadly sin correlates to the characters:
- Mai (aka Thana) is the embodiment of Pride
- Ryou (aka Patis) is the embodiment of Lust
- Nack (aka Naphat) is the embodiment of Envy
- Dena (aka Darin) is the embodiment of Wrath
- Time is the embodiment of Sloth
- Kaew (aka Kanda) is the embodiment of Greed
- Pie is the embodiment of Gluttony

One of Thana's most prevalent issues has always been his pride. In his youth, he worried about his public persona and didn't want to disclose his sexuality. Admittedly, other factors contributed to why this gay teenager stayed in the closet. It wasn't just because of his bruised ego. Nonetheless, this internal conflict played a significant role in his inner turmoil. He feared that others, like his dad, would perceive him differently due to his attraction. He needed to feel worthy instead of being looked down upon.
In his adult years, Thana ties his self-worth to his career. He feels inferior to his boyfriend, who makes more money and has a successful job. In contrast, Thana is ashamed of his failures. In Episode 2, Naphat offends Thana for claiming he mooches off his wealthy partner. That observation hurts his sense of pride. Despite his financial struggles, Thana keeps his layoff a secret. Patis would have easily lent money and offered him a job at the new clinic. Yet, Thana is too prideful to beg his loved one for help. He'd rather perpetuate an outrageous lie than admit to his unemployment.
Thana visits the café, where he asks for a job. His wish comes true as he finds stable work. Yet, Thana's secrecy fractures his relationship with Patis. He isn't honest with his partner. In contrast, he opens up to Time, a fellow slacker who helps him apply for jobs. They bond since Thana doesn't feel inferior to Time. As the pair develops a sinful attraction, Thana cheats on his boyfriend. This affair only manifested because Thana was too prideful to tell Patis about his unemployment. In the end, his ego costs him. Thana may have a new job, but he loses his loved one forever.

Lust is the deadly sin that best describes Ryou and Patis' storyline. During his teens, all of Ryou's friends had a secret crush on him. Mai, Nack, and Dena viewed him as the object of their desires. Ryou's existence attracts lust from others. To be fair, he doesn't flirt, send signals, or mislead them. Even so, everyone around him still succumbs to his charm. Nack and Dena are devastated when Ryou declines their love confessions. It isn't necessarily his fault, but Ryou is a serial heartbreaker.
Ryou and Mai develop a mutual attraction. However, Mai struggles with his sexuality and denies his feelings. His relocation is a metaphor. He chooses to follow what his family wants instead of living independently. After Mai's departure, Ryou's desires haunt him. He covets his closeted friend, even though Mai is unwilling to pursue a relationship. Driven by lust, Ryou turns to the coffee shop for help. He wants to make Mai love him wholeheartedly. His wish comes true as Mai's self-loathing disappears. Mai gains the confidence to love genuinely from his heart.
Ryou and Mai settle into their committed relationship. They grow up, adopting their new identities as Patis and Thana. Despite their domestic bliss, Patis must pay the price of what he wished for in his adolescence. His request never stipulated that Thana must love him exclusively. Although Thana covets his boyfriend, he also develops a sexual desire for another man. Lust overcomes Thana, who cheats on his partner. Patis ends up falling out of love due to the betrayal. The tragic irony of their situation is Patis still feels heartbroken despite receiving Thana's affection.

Nack had a secret crush on his best friend, Ryou. When Mai and Ryou grow close, Nack becomes upset by their intimacy. He antagonizes Mai due to jealousy. This newcomer has come in between Nack's relationship prospects with Ryou. Nack finally gathers the courage to confess his love in Episode 4. Unfortunately, Ryou rejects him and doesn't reciprocate the feelings. "I only think of you as a friend," Ryou clarifies, leaving Nack heartbroken.
Nack visits the coffee shop and requests a kiss from Ryou. During the confession, they shared an intimate moment before Ryou averted the kiss. Nack wanted to use his magical wish to make up for that missed opportunity. The scenario comes true, yet it doesn't happen under ideal circumstances. Nack, now Naphat, has to wait almost a decade for this kiss. Until then, they only maintained a platonic relationship. Patis was drunk and barely lucid when he smooched his friend for a few seconds. Yet, the fleeting encounter changes nothing. Patis still rejects Naphat afterwards.
After Patis breaks up with his boyfriend, Naphat has an opening. The newly single Patis is indebted to his old friend, who invested in his clinic. Now is your chance to get together! Yet, Patis continues to friend-zone him, emphasizing their professional boundaries. Regardless of his relationship status, Patis doesn't return his romantic feelings. Naphat puts on a cheerful facade. As they share a platonic hug, the camera shows the smile fading from Naphat's face. Cursed with envy, Naphat seems destined to live with unfulfilled longing over someone he can never attain.

Dena's character made a positive first impression. Everyone else seemed eager to bully Mai, whereas she welcomed him to her social circle. She always included the newcomer in the group activities. Later, Dena played the role of the supportive friend. She encouraged Nack to confess his feelings. She also reassured Ryou not to feel bad about the rejection. "You don't like him. He has to accept it," she says wisely. I was impressed by her kindness and level-headed behaviour. Dena is awesome, or so I thought.
I was crushed to discover Dena's evil side in the finale. A part of me suspected she locked Mai in the changing room, but I didn't want it to be true. 😞 The scary part about Dena is that she hides her wrath beneath a mask of kindness. She's the smiling assassin who shoots death glares only when nobody sees her. Dena knows Mai & Ryou like each other. Yet, she advises Nack to confess, knowing he'll be heartbroken. Also, she teases Mai for flirting with Ryou, triggering his insecurities. Beneath her friendly persona, Dena is secretly petty with a Machiavellian flair.
After Ryou rejects Dena's love confession, she visits the coffee shop with a vengeance. She takes the mentality of, "If I can't have him, nobody should." Dena makes a dangerous wish of erasing everybody's memories. Mai, Ryou, and Nack lose their old identities because of her. It isn't enough that Dena wishes to forget her heartbreak. She also drags down her friends, ensuring they can't retain their positive experiences. Her actions stem from wrath and bitterness. Despite Dena's wish, the characters' fates remain unchanged. A fresh start doesn't make any of them happier.

Time is a mysterious character who enters Thana's life one night and proceeds to cause chaos. The first episode includes a scene where Time walks down the staircase shrouded in red lighting, giving him a devilish appearance. He's supposed to represent Thana's inner demons, manifesting after our protagonist loses confidence in his career and relationship. Time isn't necessarily evil, but he behaves hedonistically. Like the cigarettes he often smokes, Time prioritizes immediate pleasure over long-term repercussions.
After being expelled from school, Time has no plans for his future. This dropout loiters in odd places, spending each day as idly as possible. Time defends his relaxed lifestyle. "In this judgmental society, people who don't achieve success are deemed failures. If we don't live by the rules, we become outcasts." Time challenges the prevailing belief that you must find a job, work hard, and make money. He's perfectly content with his lack of responsibilities. Notably, Time is one of the few characters who don't make a wish, highlighting he feels satisfied with life.
Thana is drawn to Time's lack of ambition. Our unemployed protagonist admires his companion's laidbackness. Patis is an overachiever whose successes make Thana feel inferior. In contrast, Time is an underachiever who levels with Thana. However, the story warns us about living like a sloth. Despite their romantic connection, Thana doesn't stay with Time. They only have a short, casual fling instead of a serious romance. Since Time doesn't commit to anything, he never maintains a long-term relationship. Like a cigarette, this fleeting love affair quickly burns out.

The Luminous Solution begins with an ominous opening scene. A young woman cries in a coffee shop after making a wish. We don't know the details then, but this store becomes her prison for the next few decades. Kaew has forfeited her freedom to operate this magical cafe of wonders. According to the rules, she must help all her customers fulfill their wishes before her release. Kaew obsesses over each client's progress on a tablet. She will be granted a second wish at the end of her tenure, however long that may be.
Before running the shop, Kaew was a struggling single mom. After becoming pregnant, her lover refused to take on parental responsibilities. She tried her best to provide for her child, but Pie seemed unhappy under her care. Other kids teased him for being fatherless. Kaew visited the coffee shop and asked for the ability to give him a better life. Her wish came true. The wealthy father changed his mind and agreed to raise Pie. They planned to relocate overseas, which meant she must separate from her son. While Pie would have a better upbringing, she wasn't involved in his future.
Many single parents raise their kids successfully despite the challenges. From working hard to enduring hardships, they learn to make ends meet. Yet, Kaew relied on a magical power to provide for her child. While her wish stemmed from selflessness, there's an element of greed. Instead of feeling grateful for her circumstances, Kaew asked for "a better life." She desired privilege and luxury in her son's upbringing, which cost her dearly. Pie may have lived more comfortably than before, but he grew up lacking a relationship with his mom. She became a stranger to him.

The coffee shop's rules state each customer has a quota and only gets one wish. Despite improving her son's life, Kaew doesn't want to sacrifice their relationship. As the adage goes, she wants to have her cake and eat it too. Kaew gives up her freedom, takes over the store, and confines herself for many years to earn another magical power. Her second wish is to reunite with her son. Pie represents Kaew's gluttony. Instead of being satisfied after her first wish, her desires continue to grow. Her heart still feels unfulfilled.
Pie wants to see his mom again. Years later, he returns from the United States, seeking to reconnect with her. His search leads him to the coffee shop, where he appears as a customer. Kaew, now Kanda, is upset to encounter her son. Typically, this store is only visible to those suffering. If Pie arrives, he may be discontent with his life, which goes against the conditions of her first wish. That's why she acts hostile and urges him to leave. "You shouldn't be here!" Kanda only wants to reunite with him outside the cursed store. She hopes to be his mother, not his wicked fairy godmother.
Let's take away the element of magic and reassess the tragic situation. A single mother sends her son to live with his dad overseas since he's financially better off. She harbours the guilt and agony for many years. This coffee shop is a metaphor for Kanda's self-imposed exile. Despite Pie's attempts to contact her, Kanda feels unworthy of his love and pushes him away. She associates herself with the misery in his childhood. The finale has an emotional climax where Kanda stops feeling haunted by the past. Kanda has forgiven herself and is ready to be Pie's mom again.
The Luminous Solution Ending Explained
Sad ending

The Luminous Solution has a sad ending where Thana and Patis break up in the last episode. Thana gives a tearful apology for cheating on his boyfriend. "Let's forget about the past and start over." However, Patis can't forgive him. After their breakup, the couple meets again at the car dealership. Ironically, they chat inside the vehicle Patis planned to buy his ex. It's a painful reminder of where their relationship issues started. Thana had sought comfort in another man after he felt insecure about Patis' wealth and success.
Thana insists they can be happy again if Patis forgets his memories. They go to the coffee shop, hoping for a magical solution. However, the cafe owner cannot grant any more wishes. Each customer is only allowed one request. Patis, also known as Ryou, already used his power to ask Thana (aka. Mai) to fall in love with him. The couple is unable to erase the past and must face the consequences. Patis rejects his ex once more, claiming reconciliation is impossible. He may or may not change his mind in the future. However, they need time apart for introspection.
The last scene shows Thana becoming the new cafe manager. Kanda finally leaves the store and reunites with her estranged son. As the coffee shop owner, he's confined here for an indefinite amount of time. Whenever his tenure finishes, he'll earn a second wish. Although it may take years for this to happen, Thana is committed to running the shop and gaining a magical power. In the last scene, Patis arrives as a customer without memories. The series offers a hopeful glimpse of the couple's fresh start, hinting at the possibility of redemption and reunion.
Ending explained

Thana has wronged his boyfriend tremendously. No amount of apologizing can make up for Thana's lying and cheating. I commend The Luminous Solution for sticking to a sad ending. Instead of living happily ever after, this fairy tale is no romantic fantasy. Patis can't forget his memories, doesn't forgive his scumbag partner, and won't force a reconciliation. He also doesn't settle for Naphat as a rebound. Having a wilfully single protagonist is a gutsy conclusion for a BL drama.
Despite his wrongdoings, the story highlights Thana's commitment to change. Becoming the new coffee shop owner is symbolic of his penance. This store is a form of self-imposed exile. Thana cuts ties with Time and isolates in solitude. Thana seems remorseful and dedicates himself to a life without romantic relationships. He'll wait patiently for an indefinite time until Patis can forgive him. The prospect of a "second wish" is like hoping for a second chance to correct your past mistakes. Reconciliation may not happen any time soon, but Thana wants to make amends.
The Luminous Solution includes the past and present versions of the couple. We see Mai and Ryou fall in love, marking the start of their teen romance. Ryou uses his powers to wish away Mai's self-loathing, freeing him from his insecurities. The series wants to highlight how much the leads overcame to be together. It reiterates the strength of their relationship, giving viewers hope that Patis and Thana can rebuild their bond. Forgiveness doesn't happen right now, but time heals emotional wounds. If Thana shows enough devotion, his sincerity may move Patis one day.
The Luminous Solution Episodes
Episode Guide

- Start Date May 27, 2023
- End Date July 1, 2023
- Episodes 6 episodes
- Episode Length 60 to 80 minutes
The Luminous Solution has a total of 6 episodes. Each episode is around 60 to 80 minutes long. The last episode is around 80 minutes long. It is a long BL drama, and you can finish the entire series in around 7 hours. The Luminous Solution started on May 27, 2023 and ended on on July 1, 2023.
There are two versions of The Luminous Solution. The cut version is available on YouTube, but it is a condensed version of the narrative. The uncut version has significantly longer episodes and contains the entire story, including a more comprehensive ending. I recommend watching the uncut version to understand The Luminous Solution better.
Episode Reviews
Episode 1
The café owner is CAMP~ 💅🏻 The first episode leaves me intrigued. I assume the characters in both storylines will eventually make wishes to resolve their issues, leading to unfortunate circumstances.
Episode 2
Thana's wet dream is so gratuitous and unnecessary to the plot. LOL. I'm glad the teens have reconciled because the bullying was getting out of hand. Hmm, where's the story headed?
Episode 3
I hate Thana. His sleazy behaviour is unacceptable, and I dislike how his aggression turns into an erotic moment. All the storylines are slow, aimless, and make me uncomfortable.
Episode 4
The storylines feel disjointed, like they don't tie together. Thana & Patis have such a dysfunctional relationship for a BL drama. The teens are okay, but their scenes are average at best.
Episode 5
OMG. Not Patis catching his boyfriend getting head in the fire exit! This soap opera melodrama is SO messy lmao. Screw Thana. The poop emoji describes him aptly. Their relationship is beyond saving.
Episode 6
I really liked Dena until this episode and wished she wasn't evil. 😢 The plot twists are unexpected and interesting! Although confusing and incoherent, the ending adds a lot of complexity to this series.
The Luminous Solution Information
- Gagaoolala The Luminous Solution Gagaoolala
- Instagram The Luminous Solution Instagram
- MyDramaList The Luminous Solution MyDramaList
- Twitter The Luminous Solution Twitter
- YouTube The Luminous Solution YouTube
- YouTube The Luminous Solution Uncut Episodes
- Behind the Scenes The Luminous Solution Behind the Scenes
PTG Entertainment

PTG Entertainment is a Thai BL studio. Its portfolio includes the 2023 drama The Luminous Solution. This drama is the studio's first project in a collaboration with Yubaba Studio.

Jane Kitt Botta (เจน กิตติ์ บทศรี) is a Thai director. He has worked on various BL dramas, including SOTUS S (2017), Our Skyy (2018), Oxygen (2020), and Nitiman (2021). He also directed The Luminous Solution (2023) and My Universe (2023).