Table Manner is a Korean BL short movie about two exes reuniting in a restaurant. The protagonist celebrates his birthday by enjoying dinner with his new lover. However, he stumbles...
Step for You is a short Korean BL movie about a simple university romance. The lead is a student journalist who works for the school newsletter. His assignment is to report...
Someone Else's BL Cartoon is a Korean BL anime about a high school romance. The story focuses on a straight-laced student who befriends a delinquent in his class. They develop an...
Some More is a Korean BL movie about a gentle countryside romance. A traveller from the city accidentally ends up on a farm, where he befriends a soft-spoken resident. This...
My Pistachio is a short Korean BL movie about an aspiring actor and a student director. The main character recently joined his school's drama club, but he clashes with one...
Dakaichi: I'm Being Harassed by the Sexiest Man of the Year is a BL anime about two high-profile celebrities and their secret romance. The main character is a talented actor...
HIStory 2: Right or Wrong is a Taiwanese BL drama that explores an unconventional university romance. The main character is a college student who falls in love with his professor....
In the Taiwanese movie Dear Ex, the gay main character is in mourning after his lover passed away. He spends time with his partner's vengeful ex-wife and rebellious teenage son,...
Mermaid Sauna is a Taiwanese comedy about three coworkers who have swapped their bodies magically. The story features the boss of a gay bathhouse and his two young employees, all...
Also known as Pornographer, The Novelist is a Japanese BL drama adapted from a yaoi manga. The story focuses on a university student who begins to work for an erratic...
Out of all the BL dramas in the HIStory franchise, HIStory 2: Crossing the Line is probably my personal favourite. This is an energetic and upbeat Taiwanese BL drama involving...
Ossan's Love is a Japanese BL comedy series about an office love triangle. The main character is a real estate agent in his thirties. One day, he discovers his significantly older...