The New Employee is a Korean BL series about a marketing intern, his boss, and their office romance. The main character begins an internship at an advertising company. He works...
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner is a Korean BL series about an office romance with a fantasy twist. The protagonist is supposed to start his dream job. Unexpectedly, he transfers...
Choco Milk Shake is a Korean fantasy BL series about a pet owner whose animals transform into humanoid companions. The main character owns a dog and a cat. One day, they...
Roommates of Poongduck 304 is a Korean BL series about an office worker, his boss, and their odd living arrangement. The main character is a marketing intern who lives by himself....
Beef, Cupcakes and Him is a Vietnamese BL movie about a chef and his childhood acquaintance. The main character was employed at a restaurant until he suddenly lost his job. Subsequently,...
Senpai, This Can't Be Love! is a Japanese BL series about a cute and quirky workplace romance. The protagonist is a shy new employee at a 3D design agency. He has...
Old Fashion Cupcake is a Japanese BL series about a delightful office romance. The main character is a single business employee in his late thirties, who lacks ambition and fails to...
Meow Ears Up is a Thai BL series about the love story between a human and a humanoid cat. The lonely protagonist adopts a stray cat, only to discover this magical...
What Zabb Man! is a Thai BL series about a hotel restaurant. The protagonist is a talented cook from a working-class background. He gets recruited for a lucrative head chef job...
Ocean Likes Me is a Korean BL series about a restaurant by the beach. The main character relocates to a seaside community by himself and wants to open his own udon...
Paint with Love is a Thai BL series about an uptight business professional and a free-spirited artist. The main characters meet during a job assignment, clashing over their personality differences....
The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window is a paranormal horror anime series with subtle BL undertones. The main characters use their supernatural abilities to exorcise ghosts and cursed spirits in the...