Love Area Part 2 is the sequel of the Thai BL drama Love Area. This eight-episode series continues the turbulent relationship between two restaurant employees. As the leads navigate their...
Journey to the Shore is a Korean BL movie about two high school students in a secret romance. The couple goes on a trip to a distant beachside town, far away...
The Moment is a Thai BL series that occurs in a vacation resort. The main character is taking an extended break to overcome his recent heartbreak. After getting drunk one night,...
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese is a Japanese BL movie based on a manga. The main character is an unfaithful married man cheating on his wife. When his detective friend...
Given Movie is the first movie sequel to the Japanese BL series. It follows an amateur rock band, their creative pursuits, and their romantic drama. The main character is the...
Ossan's Love is a Japanese BL comedy series about an office love triangle. The main character is a real estate agent in his thirties. One day, he discovers his significantly older...