Remember Me is a Thai BL series about a group of childhood friends. The main characters have known each other since they were young. Recently, they welcomed a new member to...
Tin Tem Jai is a Thai BL series about two childhood best friends living together in their cozy hometown. The main characters are roommates who have maintained a brotherly bond since...
La Cuisine is a Thai BL series about two university students bonding over cute lunch dates. The main character is a campus heartthrob and a notoriously picky eater. He befriends a...
Future is a Thai BL series about a romance between a dental student and an engineering student. The main character has been unlucky in love until he meets a young, plucky...
Bed Friend is a Thai BL series about two office coworkers who become friends with benefits. The protagonist works at an agency and clashes with his cocky coworker. During a company...
A Shoulder to Cry On is a Korean BL series about two high school students who go from enemies to friends. The main character is the star of the archery club....
Ai Long Nhai is a lighthearted Thai BL series about two university friends and their campus romance. The protagonist used to be a playboy until he transferred to a new school....
Never Let Me Go is a Thai BL series about a wealthy teenager and his bodyguard. The protagonist is a hotel heir in his final year of high school. After...
Oh My God is a Vietnamese BL series about a countryside romance. When the protagonist visits his grandmother in a rural town, he gets into an accident and clashes with...
HIStory 5: Love in the Future is a Taiwanese BL series about a time traveller and his romance. One night, the protagonist is magically transported years into the future. While settling...
I Will Knock You is a quirky Thai BL comedy series about a teenage gangster and his tutor. The protagonist accidentally offends an intimidating gang leader. To his dismay, they...
Moonlight Chicken is a Thai BL series about a restaurant owner's romance with his customer. The protagonist runs a local diner that sells chicken rice. On a fateful evening, he encounters...