Unknown is a Taiwanese BL series about two orphans who grow up together. The main character comes from an abusive home. After losing his mother, he must look after his...
Sing My Crush is a Korean BL series about a young aspiring musician with romantic feelings for his mentor. After a crucial audition, the main character gathers the courage to...
Love Tractor is a Korean BL series about a law school student who relocates to the countryside. The main character defies his strict father and disregards his promising career prospects. He...
My School President is a Thai BL series about an enchanting teenage love story. The protagonist is an aspiring musician who forms a high school band with his friends. He clashes...
The Promise is a Vietnamese BL series about two stepbrothers and their budding romance. The feisty teenage protagonist has a rocky relationship with his older stepsibling. After getting into trouble at...
About Youth is a Taiwanese BL series about a teenage romance between two high school seniors. The main characters first meet on a rainy evening after experiencing emotional hardships. They reunite...
Bad Buddy is a Thai BL series about two university students with an intense rivalry. The main characters are neighbours whose families have feuded for many decades. Their friends from the...
As If You Whisper is a Korean BL movie about an aspiring singer at the start of his career. Just when he struggles to gain traction in the music industry,...
Red Balloon is a Taiwanese BL drama featuring a poignantly told high school love story. After his emotional divorce, the main character reminisces about his first crush from years ago....
Siew Sum Noi is a Thai BL series about sports, music, and romance in northeastern Thailand. The two main characters meet in school, where they both play for the football...
If you're looking for a sweet and sensitive high school love story, The Best Story is a short series that you can finish in under two hours. In this Thai...
Sweet Munchies is a Korean drama featuring a restaurant chef, who pretends to be gay in order to land a lucrative TV hosting gig. As the show becomes popular, he...