Sasaki and Miyano is a BL anime series about the tender love story between two high school students. The main character is a BL fanatic who befriends an upperclassman, introducing...
First Love Again is a Korean fantasy BL series about a reincarnated man searching for his long-lost love. The protagonist is a famous author who carries the memories from his two...
Semantic Error is a Korean BL series about two feuding university students. A serious programmer and a rebellious artist clash over a school project. Their animosity keeps escalating to new extremes,...
Secret Spectacles is a short Korean gay movie about a pair of magical glasses. The main character's new specs gives him the extraordinary vision to see through clothes. He uses...
Gen Y is a Thai BL series about the cheeky flirtation between two university students. Even though their personalities couldn't be more different, the lovestruck protagonist becomes smitten with his polar...
The Titan's Bride is an 18+ BL anime about an ordinary student magically summoned into the land of the titans. Against his will, the human protagonist becomes the bride of a...
Dakaichi: I'm Being Harassed by the Sexiest Man of the Year is a BL anime about two high-profile celebrities and their secret romance. The main character is a talented actor...
Peach of Time is a Korean BL drama with a mix of family melodrama and sweet romance. The main character is from Thailand and visits South Korea to meet up with...
Top Secret Together is a Thai BL series about five different couples at various points in their courtship. There are two workplace love stories, two school campus romances, and one...
The Yearbook is a Thai BL series about two childhood friends in their senior year of high school. The main characters have been best friends, classmates, and neighbours for many...
Siew Sum Noi is a Thai BL series about sports, music, and romance in northeastern Thailand. The two main characters meet in school, where they both play for the football...
If you're looking for a sweet and sensitive high school love story, The Best Story is a short series that you can finish in under two hours. In this Thai...