Ossan's Love: Love or Dead is the movie sequel to the famous Japanese BL drama. This action comedy takes place a year after the original series. The protagonist is a...
Ossan's Love: In the Sky is the spin-off of the famous Japanese BL series. The workplace comedy takes place in an airline setting, focusing on the complicated love triangles between coworkers....
Ossan's Love Hong Kong is a remake of the popular Japanese BL series. This workplace comedy features an unexpected love triangle between a young real estate agent, his coworker, and their...
I Promised You the Moon is the sequel of the highly acclaimed Thai BL drama, I Told Sunset About You. This series takes place during the university years, as the...
The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese is a Japanese BL movie based on a manga. The main character is an unfaithful married man cheating on his wife. When his detective friend...
Historical BL dramas are very rare, and the unique setting in Nobleman Ryu's Wedding is a major selling point for this innovative Korean series. The story begins on the day...
I Told Sunset About You is a coming-of-age Thai BL drama about two childhood friends who turned into bitter rivals. They become close again during the university admission process, as...
The Cupid Coach is a fantasy BL drama made in Thailand. It focuses on a mythical god that arrives in the human world to fulfill a romantic wish. The problem...
Craving You is a Taiwanese BL drama about the love story of a bakery owner and a famous musician. Their relationship seems cute and lighthearted at the beginning. However, it...
No. 1 For You is a Taiwanese BL drama about two ambitious university students. They constantly challenge each other in sports and school. As these rivals compete for the #1 title...
Where Your Eyes Linger is a Korean BL drama about a wealthy student and his devoted live-in bodyguard. Their close adolescent friendship intensifies over time, complicated by a love triangle...
Given Movie is the first movie sequel to the Japanese BL series. It follows an amateur rock band, their creative pursuits, and their romantic drama. The main character is the...