My Personal Trainer is a silly and campy Korean BL comedy. In this short movie, the main character and his friends begin a gym membership. The protagonist meets his beefy personal...
Table Manner is a Korean BL short movie about two exes reuniting in a restaurant. The protagonist celebrates his birthday by enjoying dinner with his new lover. However, he stumbles...
Tilted Summer is a short Korean BL movie about a couple on their anniversary trip. When their vacation plans go awry, they must spend an uncomfortable evening at a hostel instead....
Step for You is a short Korean BL movie about a simple university romance. The lead is a student journalist who works for the school newsletter. His assignment is to report...
Love Stage is a Thai BL series adapted from a Japanese manga. The protagonist comes from a celebrity family, but he has no desire to be famous. He hates the spotlight...
Someone Else's BL Cartoon is a Korean BL anime about a high school romance. The story focuses on a straight-laced student who befriends a delinquent in his class. They develop an...
Something in My Room is a Thai supernatural BL series about a haunted house. The main character and his mom move into a new property, unaware there is a cheeky ghost...
The Tuxedo is a Thai BL series about a talented tailor, his wealthy client, and their love story. The two characters don't get along initially over their family feud and...
We're Both Grooms is a Japanese BL drama about a gay couple on their wedding day. Moments before the ceremony, the main character suddenly admits he hasn't come out to his...
Not Me is a Thai BL action series. The protagonist assumes his twin's identity to investigate what happened to his hospitalized brother. Previously, his sibling was part of a mysterious group...
You're My Sky is a Thai BL sports drama. The main character is a motivated university student who wants to revive his school's ailing basketball team. He encourages his childhood friend...