My New Boss Is Goofy is a Japanese anime series about an office employee and his mentor. The main character recently quit his job at a toxic workplace. His old employer...
After School is a Taiwanese coming-of-age movie about a cram school. The story has a significant LGBTQ+ focus. The main character and his best friend are teenage troublemakers. They play classroom...
Love on Lo is a Thai BL series about two guests at a beachside resort. The main characters check into a hotel near the end of the year. They must share...
Venus in the Sky is a Thai BL series about two university friends reuniting after a failed love confession. Three years ago, the main character was heartbroken when his college roommate...
One Room Angel is a Japanese fantasy series about a loner and his mysterious new roommate. The main character is a convenience store worker who feels disgruntled about his pitiful life....
Let's Eat Together, Aki and Haru is a Japanese BL movie about two roommates. The main characters are university students who rent a house and move in together. These best...
A Breeze of Love is a Korean BL series about two university students and their reunion. The main characters used to be friends until they parted ways on disagreeable terms. They meet...
My Personal Weatherman is a Japanese BL series about the steamy relationship between a meteorologist and his secret lover. The main character is a struggling manga artist who doesn't make money...
Sasaki and Miyano: Graduation is the movie sequel to the Japanese BL anime series. It continues the sweet love story of a high school couple who recently started dating. The main...
Minato's Laundromat 2 is the second season of the Japanese BL series. It continues the romance between a laundromat owner and his young lover. Although they started dating recently, the main...
Love Class 2 is a Korean BL series about three university couples. The first pair are classmates who reunite after years apart. The protagonist tries to figure out the reason behind...