My Pistachio is a short Korean BL movie about an aspiring actor and a student director. The main character recently joined his school's drama club, but he clashes with one...
Secret Spectacles is a short Korean gay movie about a pair of magical glasses. The main character's new specs gives him the extraordinary vision to see through clothes. He uses...
Journey to the Shore is a Korean BL movie about two high school students in a secret romance. The couple goes on a trip to a distant beachside town, far away...
Secret Roommate is a short Korean BL movie about a gay couple who live together. Their living arrangement is interrupted when the lead character's younger brother makes a sudden arrival....
A Distant Place is a Korean movie about a gay farmer and his quiet life in the countryside. He raises a young child with the small rural community supporting them....
I Go To School Not By Bus is a Hong Kong BL movie about a high school romance. An artistic student and his athletic classmate begin a sweet friendship that...
As If You Whisper is a Korean BL movie about an aspiring singer at the start of his career. Just when he struggles to gain traction in the music industry,...
Sweet Curse is a short Korean BL horror movie. A bewitching spell is placed upon the gay protagonist, who becomes terrorized by a ghost. Every night, he is haunted by bizarre...
Light is a Taiwanese BL movie about a struggling protagonist caught in a perpetual cycle of abuse. He is routinely beaten by his violent stepfather and used by men who treat...
The Immeasurable is a BL short movie from Taiwan that you can finish in around 20 minutes. In this passionate whirlwind romance, the two main characters meet, hook up, and quickly...
Yes, No, or Maybe Half? is a BL anime movie based on a Japanese light novel. The main character is a TV presenter who maintains a poised persona in public,...