Mr. Cinderella 2 is the sequel to the Vietnamese BL series, continuing the romance between a doctor and a reformed gangster. The second season begins years later after the leads...
My Goofy Deskmate is a Vietnamese slice-of-life high school BL series. The main character has a close rapport with his best friend. They spend all their time together and know each...
Stupid Genius is a Vietnamese BL comedy about a group of high school students with poor academic grades. The main character and his friends consistently get the worst test scores in...
Stormy Honeymoon is the sequel to the Vietnamese BL series The Star Always Follows You. This short special episode continues the original story, following the couple as they return to...
Oh My God is a Vietnamese BL series about a countryside romance. When the protagonist visits his grandmother in a rural town, he gets into an accident and clashes with...
The Star Always Follows You is a Vietnamese BL series about a teenager who moves to the countryside. Due to his poor grades, the protagonist's mother brings her son to live...
Love Bill is a Vietnamese BL series about a runaway teenager and his older roommate. After clashing with his family, the rebellious protagonist deserts home with nowhere to go. An...
Fools is a Vietnamese BL series about three teenagers and the emotional drama on their high school graduation day. These best friends realize it's their last time together before parting ways...
Beef, Cupcakes and Him is a Vietnamese BL movie about a chef and his childhood acquaintance. The main character was employed at a restaurant until he suddenly lost his job. Subsequently,...
The Promise is a Vietnamese BL series about two stepbrothers and their budding romance. The feisty teenage protagonist has a rocky relationship with his older stepsibling. After getting into trouble at...
Want to See You is a Vietnamese BL series about a blind protagonist. After an accident, the main character loses his vision and requires long-term assistance. He hires a caretaker to...
Mr. Cinderella is a Vietnamese BL series about the unlikely romance between a doctor and a gangster. The leads come from different walks of life, but they meet over an incident...