My Beautiful Man is a Japanese BL drama about a student who falls in love with his bully. The protagonist is a social outcast in his new high school and becomes...
Love With Benefits is a Thai BL series about two bickering actors who cannot get along. The costars are instructed to live together in the same house to build their...
Dakaichi: I'm Being Harassed by the Sexiest Man of the Year is a BL anime about two high-profile celebrities and their secret romance. The main character is a talented actor...
HIStory 2: Right or Wrong is a Taiwanese BL drama that explores an unconventional university romance. The main character is a college student who falls in love with his professor....
In the Taiwanese movie Dear Ex, the gay main character is in mourning after his lover passed away. He spends time with his partner's vengeful ex-wife and rebellious teenage son,...
Call It What You Want 2 is the sequel of the Thai BL drama Call It What You Want, continuing where the original story left off. Season 2 explores the...
Our Memory is a short Taiwanese BL drama that follows an ordinary gay couple from the moment they get together. Each episode describes a different stage of their romance. Together,...
He She It is a short Thai BL horror series. The drama highlights a clandestine romance between the two main characters, one of whom is already committed to an existing...
Love Stage!! is a BL anime series about the celebrity world. The main character comes from a family of actors and musicians, but he has no interest in chasing fame. His...
I Promised You the Moon is the sequel of the highly acclaimed Thai BL drama, I Told Sunset About You. This series takes place during the university years, as the...
Love Stage!! is a Japanese BL movie about a famous actor who pursues his childhood crush from ten years ago. He's shocked to discover that his crush is actually another...
Lovely Writer is a Thai BL drama about a shy author who rises to fame when his romance novel gets adapted into a popular series. He is flustered by all...