I Promised You the Moon is the sequel of the highly acclaimed Thai BL drama, I Told Sunset About You. This series takes place during the university years, as the...
Love Stage!! is a Japanese BL movie about a famous actor who pursues his childhood crush from ten years ago. He's shocked to discover that his crush is actually another...
Lovely Writer is a Thai BL drama about a shy author who rises to fame when his romance novel gets adapted into a popular series. He is flustered by all...
Call It What You Want is a Thai BL drama that explores the sinister and scandalous side of the acting industry. When a new director joins the production of a...
I Told Sunset About You is a coming-of-age Thai BL drama about two childhood friends who turned into bitter rivals. They become close again during the university admission process, as...
To My Star is a Korean BL drama about a famous celebrity who goes into hiding after he's rocked by a public scandal. In his hideout, he gets acquainted with...