Boy Scouts is a short Thai BL series about the various misadventures in a scout camp. The main character is shy and physically fragile, so he gets teased by the other...
Sasaki and Miyano is a BL anime series about the tender love story between two high school students. The main character is a BL fanatic who befriends an upperclassman, introducing...
Semantic Error is a Korean BL series about two feuding university students. A serious programmer and a rebellious artist clash over a school project. Their animosity keeps escalating to new extremes,...
Bad Buddy is a Thai BL series about two university students with an intense rivalry. The main characters are neighbours whose families have feuded for many decades. Their friends from the...
Journey to the Shore is a Korean BL movie about two high school students in a secret romance. The couple goes on a trip to a distant beachside town, far away...
Color Rush 2 is the sequel of the Korean BL series Color Rush. The second season continues the story of a colourblind protagonist, seeking the whereabouts of his missing loved...
My Beautiful Man is a Japanese BL drama about a student who falls in love with his bully. The protagonist is a social outcast in his new high school and becomes...
HIStory 2: Right or Wrong is a Taiwanese BL drama that explores an unconventional university romance. The main character is a college student who falls in love with his professor....
Sweet Boy is a Thai BL movie about a high school student entangled in scandalous campus drama. The main character excels academically, but he is inexperienced with romance and slowly navigates...
Hidden Love is a Thai BL series, featuring a supernatural mystery with romance and comedy elements. The plot takes place in a haunted university dormitory, rocked by a tragic love...
Red Balloon is a Taiwanese BL drama featuring a poignantly told high school love story. After his emotional divorce, the main character reminisces about his first crush from years ago....
Siew Sum Noi is a Thai BL series about sports, music, and romance in northeastern Thailand. The two main characters meet in school, where they both play for the football...