Hidden Love is a Thai BL series, featuring a supernatural mystery with romance and comedy elements. The plot takes place in a haunted university dormitory, rocked by a tragic love...
Mermaid Sauna is a Taiwanese comedy about three coworkers who have swapped their bodies magically. The story features the boss of a gay bathhouse and his two young employees, all...
My Boy is a Thai BL series about a university romance with a slight twist. The main character is slightly more mature in age than the average university student, and he...
Siew Sum Noi is a Thai BL series about sports, music, and romance in northeastern Thailand. The two main characters meet in school, where they both play for the football...
YYY is a wacky Thai BL comedy, featuring an eclectic group of apartment residents with larger-than-life personalities. When a relatively normal tenant moves in, he gets entangled in the chaos...
You Never Eat Alone is an innovative Thai BL series that focuses on mental health. In this offbeat comedy, the lead character has a unique phobia of eating alone. Incapable...
Love Stage!! is a BL anime series about the celebrity world. The main character comes from a family of actors and musicians, but he has no interest in chasing fame. His...
Fish Upon the Sky is a Thai BL comedy series, offering a modern take at the story of the ugly duckling. The main character is a nerdy and lonely social...
Ossan's Love: Love or Dead is the movie sequel to the famous Japanese BL drama. This action comedy takes place a year after the original series. The protagonist is a...
Ossan's Love: In the Sky is the spin-off of the famous Japanese BL series. The workplace comedy takes place in an airline setting, focusing on the complicated love triangles between coworkers....
Ossan's Love Hong Kong is a 2021 remake of the popular Japanese BL drama. This is a hilarious workplace comedy featuring a love triangle between a boss and his two subordinates....
Ossan's Love Hong Kong is a remake of the popular Japanese BL series. This workplace comedy features an unexpected love triangle between a young real estate agent, his coworker, and their...