The What Did You Eat Yesterday movie is the sequel to the Japanese BL drama. This slice-of-life story focuses on a middle-aged gay couple who live together. The film begins with the...
Plus & Minus is a Taiwanese BL series about the romance between two childhood friends. The main characters have been best friends for over twenty years. Now, they work as colleagues...
Made in 2009, Just Friends? is a Korean short movie about a young gay couple. The main character visits his boyfriend, who currently serves in the military. Despite their loving relationship, the...
Love Stage is a Thai BL series adapted from a Japanese manga. The protagonist comes from a celebrity family, but he has no desire to be famous. He hates the spotlight...
Something in My Room is a Thai supernatural BL series about a haunted house. The main character and his mom move into a new property, unaware there is a cheeky ghost...
The Tuxedo is a Thai BL series about a talented tailor, his wealthy client, and their love story. The two characters don't get along initially over their family feud and...
We're Both Grooms is a Japanese BL drama about a gay couple on their wedding day. Moments before the ceremony, the main character suddenly admits he hasn't come out to his...
Cherry Blossoms After Winter is a Korean BL series about two childhood friends throughout their time in high school and university. The main character is an orphan living with a...
Blueming is a Korean BL series about two film school students with a rocky relationship. The protagonist has a terrible first impression of his popular classmate, who seems to belittle everything...
Moneyboys is a Taiwanese movie that explores the world of gay sex workers. Although filmed in the country of Taiwan, the story is supposed to take place in China. The...
Komorebi is a Taiwanese BL movie about a gay son on the verge of coming out to his mother. The main character has gotten married to his childhood sweetheart recently. While...
Bad Buddy is a Thai BL series about two university students with an intense rivalry. The main characters are neighbours whose families have feuded for many decades. Their friends from the...