Hidden Love is a Thai BL series, featuring a supernatural mystery with romance and comedy elements. The plot takes place in a haunted university dormitory, rocked by a tragic love...
HIStory: Stay Away From Me is a Taiwanese BL drama about two stepbrothers who become roommates. The main character is shocked to discover his new stepbrother is a famous celebrity who...
Fish Upon the Sky is a Thai BL comedy series, offering a modern take at the story of the ugly duckling. The main character is a nerdy and lonely social...
Ossan's Love Hong Kong is a remake of the popular Japanese BL series. This workplace comedy features an unexpected love triangle between a young real estate agent, his coworker, and their...
Sweet Munchies is a Korean drama featuring a restaurant chef, who pretends to be gay in order to land a lucrative TV hosting gig. As the show becomes popular, he...
HIStory 4: Close to You is a Taiwanese BL drama about three friends who live together and work at the same company. One of the characters pretends to be interested...
The Cupid Coach is a fantasy BL drama made in Thailand. It focuses on a mythical god that arrives in the human world to fulfill a romantic wish. The problem...
Tonhon Chonlatee is a Thai BL drama about the brotherly love and affection between two childhood friends. One of them is staunchly straight, while the other has been pining after...
Mr. Heart is a Korean BL drama about a university athlete who competes in marathons. This upbeat love story begins when he's introduced to a cute guy who motivates him...
Ossan's Love is a Japanese BL comedy series about an office love triangle. The main character is a real estate agent in his thirties. One day, he discovers his significantly older...
What Did You Eat Yesterday is a Japanese BL slice-of-life comedy. The story depicts the sweet and frequently funny day-to-day routine of an ordinary gay couple. Both main characters are in...