Be My Favorite is a Thai BL fantasy series about a time traveller returning to the past to fix his regrets. The main character is dissatisfied with his life after university...
The Warp Effect is a Thai comedy series with a BL subplot. The main character is an uncool high school student who causes drunken chaos at a party. After regaining consciousness,...
The Eclipse is a Thai BL series about an uprising at an all-boys school. As the president of the prefects club, the main character is used to following the rules. He...
Coffee Melody is a Thai BL series about a cute, flirty romance in a coffee shop. The main character is a songwriter going through a creative slump. After visiting a...
Cutie Pie is a Thai BL series about two childhood friends and their arranged marriage. For many years, the protagonist's grandfather wanted him to marry the son of a close family...
Not Me is a Thai BL action series. The protagonist assumes his twin's identity to investigate what happened to his hospitalized brother. Previously, his sibling was part of a mysterious group...
Also known as Twilight's Kiss, Suk Suk is a Hong Kong movie about a secret romance between two elderly gay men. Both characters are deeply closeted seniors who married, raised children,...
Papa and Daddy is a slice-of-life Taiwanese BL drama about a gay couple raising their son together. They lead a happy, ordinary life despite facing some gossip from other parents...
Grey Rainbow is a Thai series about two best friends who discover their romantic feelings for each other. This drama covers the coming out journey in extensive detail, with an...