The Time of Fever is a Korean BL series about two teenagers in a coastal town. After his father's death, the main character and his mother return to their hometown...
Twilight Out of Focus is a Japanese BL anime series about a high school film club. The main character recruits his roommate to star in a short movie. They must...
Y Journey: Stay Like a Local is a Thai BL anthology series with six short stories. Each episode focuses on a couple's adventure at a picturesque location. Some destinations include sandy...
I Feel You Linger in the Air is a Thai historical BL series with a fantasy twist. After an accident, the main character regains consciousness and finds himself stuck in the...
Colorful Melody is a Thai BL series about a musician and a painter. The main character arrives in the countryside and teaches music to schoolchildren. He befriends the art teacher, forming...
Mignon is an 18+ Korean BL anime series about a cage fighter and his intense relationship with a doctor. The main character is an up-and-rising boxer who participates in arena...
Big Dragon is a spicy Thai BL series about two enemies feuding over a sex tape. The main character clashes with his university rival as they compete for a female classmate's...
On Cloud Nine is a Thai fantasy BL series. The story begins with the main character meeting a mysterious stranger in the wilderness. This suspicious wanderer seems oddly intimate, following the...
DNA Says I Love You is a unique Taiwanese BL series with a groundbreaking concept. However, the story begins ordinarily as a boy-meets-boy romance. The main character befriends a mysterious stranger,...
Fairy Ranmaru is a fantasy anime series with homoerotic undertones. The story focuses on five fairies from a fallen kingdom. They descend to the human world, using magical superpowers to...
The Moment Since is the sequel of The Moment. This Thai BL series follows a newly dating couple during their beachside vacation. While the characters look forward to spending private time...
A Distant Place is a Korean movie about a gay farmer and his quiet life in the countryside. He raises a young child with the small rural community supporting them....