Innocent is a Taiwanese BL series about a man with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). His two distinctive personalities mask a repressed trauma from the past. When he begins a romance...
Dakaichi: I'm Being Harassed by the Sexiest Man of the Year is a BL anime about two high-profile celebrities and their secret romance. The main character is a talented actor...
The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name is a Hong Kong BL slice-of-life drama about two university roommates. This short six-episode series chronicles the relationship between the main characters, from...
My Sweet Dear is a Korean BL drama about a restaurant romance. The main character is a talented gourmet chef who clashes with a confident newcomer in the kitchen. After spending...
HIStory 2: Right or Wrong is a Taiwanese BL drama that explores an unconventional university romance. The main character is a college student who falls in love with his professor....
The Tasty Florida is a Korean BL series about a love story in a restaurant. The protagonist becomes a frequent customer at a popular rooftop restaurant, run by a handsome chef...
As If You Whisper is a Korean BL movie about an aspiring singer at the start of his career. Just when he struggles to gain traction in the music industry,...
Light is a Taiwanese BL movie about a struggling protagonist caught in a perpetual cycle of abuse. He is routinely beaten by his violent stepfather and used by men who treat...
See You After Quarantine? is a Taiwanese BL drama that takes place during the COVID pandemic. The story is told through a series of video calls, in which the characters meet,...
Hidden Love is a Thai BL series, featuring a supernatural mystery with romance and comedy elements. The plot takes place in a haunted university dormitory, rocked by a tragic love...
Mermaid Sauna is a Taiwanese comedy about three coworkers who have swapped their bodies magically. The story features the boss of a gay bathhouse and his two young employees, all...
HIStory: Stay Away From Me is a Taiwanese BL drama about two stepbrothers who become roommates. The main character is shocked to discover his new stepbrother is a famous celebrity who...