I Will Knock You is a quirky Thai BL comedy series about a teenage gangster and his tutor. The protagonist accidentally offends an intimidating gang leader. To his dismay, they...
Moonlight Chicken is a Thai BL series about a restaurant owner's romance with his customer. The protagonist runs a local diner that sells chicken rice. On a fateful evening, he encounters...
My School President is a Thai BL series about an enchanting teenage love story. The protagonist is an aspiring musician who forms a high school band with his friends. He clashes...
609 Bedtime Story is a Thai BL fantasy series about a murder mystery involving two parallel universes. One night, the main character is magically transported to an alternate world. In this...
Hit Bite Love is a Thai BL series about three high school couples and their spicy romantic drama. The main character feels miserable about his secret relationship with a closeted gay...
My Roommate is a Thai BL series about six young singles living together. The main character inherits his mother's house after she passes away. However, he discovers she has rented the...
Candy Color Paradox is a Japanese BL series about two tabloid journalists. The protagonist is an investigative reporter for a magazine. One day, his boss assigns him to collaborate with...
Individual Circumstances is a Korean BL series about an author working on his romance novel. A struggling director gets in touch with him, hoping to adapt his work into a...
Original Sin is a Korean BL short movie about a love affair between two church members. The protagonist is a devout believer who attends religious gatherings with other parishioners. One...
Cutie Pie 2 You is the sequel to the Thai BL series Cutie Pie. The short second season continues the original love story following the main character's graduation. The protagonist...
Work From Heart is a Thai BL comedy series about an office romance. The main character is a wealthy heir who begins an internship at his grandfather's company. He flirts with...
Love Bill is a Vietnamese BL series about a runaway teenager and his older roommate. After clashing with his family, the rebellious protagonist deserts home with nowhere to go. An...