Actors High! is a Japanese comedy series about two actors reluctant to star in a BL drama. The main character is a producer tasked with preparing the cast before filming...
Make a Wish is a Thai fantasy BL series about a doctor who sees ghosts. Since birth, the main character can communicate with undead spirits. He feels troubled by his power,...
Pit Babe is a Thai BL series about a race car driver and his fanboy. The main character is famous for his talent and achievements in the racing circuit. He used...
After Sundown is a Thai supernatural horror BL movie in a historical setting. The main character grew up in the countryside. One day, a wealthy family acquaintance offers him a...
Shadow is a Thai supernatural series about a mysterious all-boys school. One of the leads is openly gay. The main character is a new transfer student who experiences strange nightmares....
Stay by My Side is a Taiwanese BL series about two university roommates who don't get along. The main character used to live alone until a new student moves into his...
Low Frequency is a Thai supernatural BL series about a celebrity who enters a coma and becomes a wandering spirit. The main character is a famous actor involved in a...
Mignon is an 18+ Korean BL anime series about a cage fighter and his intense relationship with a doctor. The main character is an up-and-rising boxer who participates in arena...
Marry My Dead Body is a Taiwanese movie about a homophobic cop, a gay ghost, and their relationship. The main character is a police detective prejudiced against the LGBTQ+ community. One...
My Blessing is a Thai fantasy BL series about a human protagonist who connects with a spirit. After making a love wish, the main character can suddenly communicate with a divine...
Magic of Zero is a Thai anthology series about three lighthearted love stories with a fantasy twist. The third episode, "Zero Supporter", showcases a BL couple. It features the leads from...
Eternal Yesterday is a Japanese BL series about two high school students who experience a heartbreaking tragedy. The protagonist used to be a loner until his cheerful classmate befriends him. Despite...