The Titan's Bride is an 18+ BL anime about an ordinary student magically summoned into the land of the titans. Against his will, the human protagonist becomes the bride of a...
Dear Tenant is a critically acclaimed Taiwanese movie, featuring a gay protagonist, his adopted child, and their poignant family drama. The main character is a widower taking care of his partner's...
Location is a short Thai BL movie about a sweet and simple romance between two neighbours. The main character is a bubbly high school student who recently moved into a...
Our Memory is a short Taiwanese BL drama that follows an ordinary gay couple from the moment they get together. Each episode describes a different stage of their romance. Together,...
Cherry Magic is a Japanese BL drama about a workplace romance with a quirky twist. The protagonist is an ordinary office worker, who never had any sexual relationships during his...
YYY is a wacky Thai BL comedy, featuring an eclectic group of apartment residents with larger-than-life personalities. When a relatively normal tenant moves in, he gets entangled in the chaos...
Ingredients is a slice-of-life Thai BL series about food, music, and love. The two main characters live together, one of whom is an indie musician and the other is a...
You Never Eat Alone is an innovative Thai BL series that focuses on mental health. In this offbeat comedy, the lead character has a unique phobia of eating alone. Incapable...
Beneath the Shadow is a Japanese movie that explores the depth of loneliness. The main character is a single gay man leading a monotonous life, until he befriends a rebellious...
Sweet Munchies is a Korean drama featuring a restaurant chef, who pretends to be gay in order to land a lucrative TV hosting gig. As the show becomes popular, he...
Restart After Come Back Home is a Japanese BL movie that takes place in a small, sleepy rural town. After losing his job in the city, the main character returns...
Dangerous Drugs of Sex is a Japanese horror movie adapted from a BL manga. In this explicit 18+ film, the main character is abducted, tortured, and sexually assaulted by his...