Neko ni Naritai Tamagawa-kun is a short Japanese BL anime about two men who meet at a cat café. The main character often feels stressed over his job at a...
Ossan's Love Returns is the sequel to the famous Japanese BL comedy series. The story follows two real estate agents and their love life. After moving in together, the main...
Cherry Magic Thailand is the Thai remake of the famous Japanese BL series. The main character is a single office worker with low self-esteem. Suddenly, he gains the power to read...
Beside You is a Thai fantasy BL series about two boyfriends and their cat. The main character lives with his partner and enjoys domestic bliss. They raise a pampered pet, which...
My New Boss Is Goofy is a Japanese anime series about an office employee and his mentor. The main character recently quit his job at a toxic workplace. His old employer...
Venus in the Sky is a Thai BL series about two university friends reuniting after a failed love confession. Three years ago, the main character was heartbroken when his college roommate...
If It's With You is a sweet Japanese BL series about two high school students in a coastal town. After moving into his new home, the main character befriends a...
My Goofy Deskmate is a Vietnamese slice-of-life high school BL series. The main character has a close rapport with his best friend. They spend all their time together and know each...
La Pluie is a Thai BL series about two protagonists who can communicate telepathically in the rain. The main character has a rare condition that causes a temporary loss of his...
The Promise is a Thai BL series about two childhood friends separated for a decade. After university, the main character was shocked and confused when his best friend suddenly relocated overseas....
Made on the Rooftop is a Korean movie about a gay couple going through a breakup. After a recent argument, the main character moves out of his boyfriend's apartment. He...
Oh My God is a Vietnamese BL series about a countryside romance. When the protagonist visits his grandmother in a rural town, he gets into an accident and clashes with...