My School President is a Thai BL series about an enchanting teenage love story. The protagonist is an aspiring musician who forms a high school band with his friends. He clashes...
My Beautiful Man 2 is the sequel to the Japanese BL series My Beautiful Man. The main character's acting career has taken off in the second season, catapulting him to...
Hit Bite Love is a Thai BL series about three high school couples and their spicy romantic drama. The main character feels miserable about his secret relationship with a closeted gay...
The New Employee is a Korean BL series about a marketing intern, his boss, and their office romance. The main character begins an internship at an advertising company. He works...
Cutie Pie 2 You is the sequel to the Thai BL series Cutie Pie. The short second season continues the original love story following the main character's graduation. The protagonist...
Till the World Ends is a Thai BL dystopian series about the final days before Earth's destruction. There have been news reports about the moon striking the world. Suddenly, the government...
Oh! My Assistant is a Korean BL comedy series about a webtoon artist and his new employee. The protagonist draws for a living and recently hires a assistant to help with...
Ghost Host, Ghost House is a Thai supernatural BL series about a haunted residence. The main character has returned from overseas and moves in with his aunt's family. However, he...
Roommates of Poongduck 304 is a Korean BL series about an office worker, his boss, and their odd living arrangement. The main character is a marketing intern who lives by himself....
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us is a Thai BL series about trauma and family melodrama. The protagonist and his mom have depended on each other since his dad's untimely death....
I'm a Fool for You Season 2 is the second season of the Hong Kong BL series. This sequel continues the story of two high school friends who fell out after...
About Youth is a Taiwanese BL series about a teenage romance between two high school seniors. The main characters first meet on a rainy evening after experiencing emotional hardships. They reunite...