Twilight Out of Focus is a Japanese BL anime series about a high school film club. The main character recruits his roommate to star in a short movie. They must...
Takara's Treasure is a Japanese BL series about the romance between a university freshman and the senior he idolizes. Years ago, the main character met a kind stranger and shared...
Cherry Magic is a Japanese BL anime series about an office worker with mind-reading powers. The main character is an ordinary employee who has never dated anyone before. He feels insecure...
Cherry Magic Thailand is the Thai remake of the famous Japanese BL series. The main character is a single office worker with low self-esteem. Suddenly, he gains the power to read...
Sasaki and Miyano: Graduation is the movie sequel to the Japanese BL anime series. It continues the sweet love story of a high school couple who recently started dating. The main...
Stupid Genius is a Vietnamese BL comedy about a group of high school students with poor academic grades. The main character and his friends consistently get the worst test scores in...
The Heartbeat is a Macanese BL series about two actors in a web drama. The main characters are content creators for a digital media production company. Their boss, who wants to...
My Colleague at BL Shop Might Be the Meant-to-Be is a Hong Kong BL series about a bookstore. A bubbly new employee starts working at a bookshop specializing in BL manga....
Fahlanruk is a Thai BL series about two university students who become friends with benefits. Both protagonists are campus playboys, gaining an infamous reputation for their commitment issues. They meet at...
Two Office Workers Who Are Too Poisonous for One's Eyes is a Japanese comedy series. The female protagonist has an overactive imagination and fantasizes about her male coworkers in BL...
BL Metamorphosis is a Japanese movie about the sweet, cozy friendship between an elderly woman and a teenage girl. The main character is a bookstore clerk who befriends a senior customer...