Golden Blood is a Thai BL series that focuses on the son of a mafia boss. With his life in imminent danger, the main character receives 24/7 security from a...
Cherry Magic is a Japanese BL drama about a workplace romance with a quirky twist. The protagonist is an ordinary office worker, who never had any sexual relationships during his...
Hometown's Embrace is a BL series that takes place in rural Thailand. The protagonist returns to his hometown after a personal tragedy, hoping to make a positive difference. Along with...
Be Loved in House is a Taiwanese BL series about the office romance between a boss and his employee. When the new boss arrives at the company, he immediately clashes...
Love Stage!! is a BL anime series about the celebrity world. The main character comes from a family of actors and musicians, but he has no interest in chasing fame. His...
Fish Upon the Sky is a Thai BL comedy series, offering a modern take at the story of the ugly duckling. The main character is a nerdy and lonely social...
Ossan's Love: Love or Dead is the movie sequel to the famous Japanese BL drama. This action comedy takes place a year after the original series. The protagonist is a...
Ossan's Love: In the Sky is the spin-off of the famous Japanese BL series. The workplace comedy takes place in an airline setting, focusing on the complicated love triangles between coworkers....
I Promised You the Moon is the sequel of the highly acclaimed Thai BL drama, I Told Sunset About You. This series takes place during the university years, as the...
Pornographer: Playback is a Japanese BL film and the final instalment in an ongoing trilogy. It is the movie sequel of The Novelist, continuing the story two years later with...
Love Stage!! is a Japanese BL movie about a famous actor who pursues his childhood crush from ten years ago. He's shocked to discover that his crush is actually another...
Second Chance is a Thai BL drama focused on a group of senior high school students. As they prepare for their final year before university, some characters take a chance to...