Actors High! is a Japanese comedy series about two actors reluctant to star in a BL drama. The main character is a producer tasked with preparing the cast before filming...
My Damn Business is a Korean office BL series about two employees at a struggling company. During a staff layoff, the main character is the only employee who can keep...
Living With Him is a Japanese BL series about two childhood friends who become university roommates. As suggested by their families, the main characters move into the same apartment to...
I Cannot Reach You is a Japanese high school BL series about two childhood best friends. The main character is secretly infatuated with his companion. However, he fears confessing his feelings...
Sasaki and Miyano: Graduation is the movie sequel to the Japanese BL anime series. It continues the sweet love story of a high school couple who recently started dating. The main...
La Cuisine is a Thai BL series about two university students bonding over cute lunch dates. The main character is a campus heartthrob and a notoriously picky eater. He befriends a...
Two Office Workers Who Are Too Poisonous for One's Eyes is a Japanese comedy series. The female protagonist has an overactive imagination and fantasizes about her male coworkers in BL...
Hard Love Mission is a Thai BL series about an actor, a reporter, and their budding romance. The main character is a journalist who wants to secure a celebrity interview. Yet,...
DNA Says I Love You is a unique Taiwanese BL series with a groundbreaking concept. However, the story begins ordinarily as a boy-meets-boy romance. The main character befriends a mysterious stranger,...
Physical Therapy is a Thai BL series about the romance between a doctor and his patient. After a recent injury, the main character is admitted to a healthcare facility, where he...
Love Class is a Korean BL series about the romance between two university students. The leads attend the same class, paired together for a group project. Initially, the main character has...