Baker Boysย is a Thai remake of Antique Bakery. This series focuses on the quirky characters who work in a bakery, including a gay pastry chef. Each workday brings comical hijinks...
Antique is the Korean movie adaptation of the Antique Bakery manga. The film focuses on a pastry shop owner and an openly gay patisserie, who share a tricky relationship dynamic....
Peach of Time is a Korean BL drama with a mix of family melodrama and sweet romance. The main character is from Thailand and visits South Korea to meet up with...
Hidden Love is a Thai BL series, featuring a supernatural mystery with romance and comedy elements. The plot takes place in a haunted university dormitory, rocked by a tragic love...
The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window is a supernatural horror movie adapted from a Japanese BL manga. The protagonist can see ghosts and spirits, even though he isn't comfortable interacting with...
Color Rush is a Korean BL drama with a colourblind protagonist. When the main character meets his soulmate, he magically regains the colours in his vision. However, this miraculous ability only...