Tadaima, Okaeri is a Japanese BL omegaverse anime series about a family raising a child in a suburban neighbourhood. The main characters are happily married and proud parents to an...
Monster is a Japanese movie about a fifth-grade student and his troubles at school. The main character is a child who lives with his single mother. Lately, she has noticed unusual...
Our Skyy 2 is an anthology series that continues the love stories of eight famous Thai BL dramas. In each short sequel, the characters adjust to everyday life after the endings...
Buddy Daddies is a Japanese anime series about two professional assassins who must raise a kid together. During a shootout, the protagonists killed a four-year-old girl's father, leaving her parentless. They...
Physical Therapy is a Thai BL series about the romance between a doctor and his patient. After a recent injury, the main character is admitted to a healthcare facility, where he...
Papa Datte, Shitai is an 18+ BL anime about a single father and his young housekeeper. The main character is a divorced dad busy with a full-time job and raising his...
A Distant Place is a Korean movie about a gay farmer and his quiet life in the countryside. He raises a young child with the small rural community supporting them....
HIStory 2: Right or Wrong is a Taiwanese BL drama that explores an unconventional university romance. The main character is a college student who falls in love with his professor....
Also known as Twilight's Kiss, Suk Suk is a Hong Kong movie about a secret romance between two elderly gay men. Both characters are deeply closeted seniors who married, raised children,...
In the Taiwanese movie Dear Ex, the gay main character is in mourning after his lover passed away. He spends time with his partner's vengeful ex-wife and rebellious teenage son,...
Dear Tenant is a critically acclaimed Taiwanese movie, featuring a gay protagonist, his adopted child, and their poignant family drama. The main character is a widower taking care of his partner's...
Papa and Daddy is a slice-of-life Taiwanese BL drama about a gay couple raising their son together. They lead a happy, ordinary life despite facing some gossip from other parents...