A Man Who Defies the World of BL 2 is the second season of the Japanese BL comedy. This sequel continues the story of the reluctant protagonist in a universe...
First Love Again is a Korean fantasy BL series about a reincarnated man searching for his long-lost love. The protagonist is a famous author who carries the memories from his two...
Oh! Boarding House is a quirky Korean BL comedy series. The goofy protagonist is a landlord who lives with the other eccentric characters in a boarding house. When a handsome tenant...
Fairy Ranmaru is a fantasy anime series with homoerotic undertones. The story focuses on five fairies from a fallen kingdom. They descend to the human world, using magical superpowers to...
Love Area Part 2 is the sequel of the Thai BL drama Love Area. This eight-episode series continues the turbulent relationship between two restaurant employees. As the leads navigate their...
Semantic Error is a Korean BL series about two feuding university students. A serious programmer and a rebellious artist clash over a school project. Their animosity keeps escalating to new extremes,...
Komorebi is a Taiwanese BL movie about a gay son on the verge of coming out to his mother. The main character has gotten married to his childhood sweetheart recently. While...
Paint with Love is a Thai BL series about an uptight business professional and a free-spirited artist. The main characters meet during a job assignment, clashing over their personality differences....
Malila: The Farewell Flower is a Thai movie about two former lovers who reunite in a rural village. Both men have experienced devastating tragedies that changed their lives dramatically. After...
Spring Like a Lover is a Japanese movie about three gay men and their intertwining love lives. The main characters are going through a rough patch in their relationship. After an...
Papa Datte, Shitai is an 18+ BL anime about a single father and his young housekeeper. The main character is a divorced dad busy with a full-time job and raising his...
Kissable Lips is a Korean BL drama about vampires. The main character is a dying vampire who suffers from deteriorating health. According to urban legend, his only way to stay alive...