His is a Japanese BL movie about two ex-boyfriends who reunite years later in a small rural town. One of them is a divorced father, who's currently in an intense...
His: I Didn't Think I Would Fall In Love is a Japanese BL series focusing on adolescent love. This short, leisurely drama features four teenagers in a beachside community, as...
Life~Love on the Line is a Japanese BL drama adapted from a manga. The two main characters are high school students, who first meet each other under quirky circumstances when walking...
HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count is about the turbulent romance between a high school student and his bully. Although the two characters begin the series with lots of hostility,...
I Told Sunset About You is a coming-of-age Thai BL drama about two childhood friends who turned into bitter rivals. They become close again during the university admission process, as...
The Cupid Coach is a fantasy BL drama made in Thailand. It focuses on a mythical god that arrives in the human world to fulfill a romantic wish. The problem...
Fighting Mr. 2nd is the sequel of the Taiwanese BL drama, No. 1 For You, continuing a few years after where the first season ended. All the characters are now...
A Tale of Thousand Stars is a Thai BL drama that explores what you would do with a precious second chance in life. After a death-defying experience, the main character makes...
A Man Who Defies the World of BL is a hilarious Japanese BL comedy series about a university student and his aversion to falling in love. The main character lives...
Tonhon Chonlatee is a Thai BL drama about the brotherly love and affection between two childhood friends. One of them is staunchly straight, while the other has been pining after...
You Make Me Dance is a Korean BL drama about a student dancer. He forms an unlikely romance with his loan shark. Yes, you read that right. He falls in...