My Beautiful Man is a Japanese BL drama about a student who falls in love with his bully. The protagonist is a social outcast in his new high school and becomes...
Loveless Society is a Thai BL series about a workplace love triangle. The main character is employed at an advertising agency with his friends. When they work on a big company...
En of Love: This Is Love Story is a Thai BL series about a campus romance based on love at first sight. The main character sees his love interest at a...
En of Love: Love Mechanics focuses on a romance between two engineering students. In this Thai BL series, the heartbroken protagonist was recently rejected after confessing his love. He is comforted...
En of Love: TOSSARA is a Thai BL series about a university romance. The main character is a popular med student, who aggressively pursues an engineering student until he agrees to...
Love With Benefits is a Thai BL series about two bickering actors who cannot get along. The costars are instructed to live together in the same house to build their...
Hyperventilation is an 18+ Korean BL anime series with six short episodes. The protagonist used to be a social outcast in high school due to his lung condition, causing him...
Adapted from a Korean novel, Semantic Error is a slice-of-life BL anime series with four short episodes. The main characters are two university students working on a video game project...
Bite Me is a Thai BL series about a gentle romance that takes place in a restaurant. The main character's culinary talent is noticed by a famous restauranteur, who offers him...
Love Area is a Thai BL series about a budding romance between two restaurant employees. The protagonist and his love interest meet during a robbery, causing them to dislike each...
Innocent is a Taiwanese BL series about a man with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). His two distinctive personalities mask a repressed trauma from the past. When he begins a romance...
I Go To School Not By Bus is a Hong Kong BL movie about a high school romance. An artistic student and his athletic classmate begin a sweet friendship that...