Country Boy 2 is the sequel of the Thai BL drama, continuing the teenage love story from the original series. The cheerful protagonist leaves the countryside to work in the city...
Moneyboys is a Taiwanese movie that explores the world of gay sex workers. Although filmed in the country of Taiwan, the story is supposed to take place in China. The...
A Distant Place is a Korean movie about a gay farmer and his quiet life in the countryside. He raises a young child with the small rural community supporting them....
Hometown's Embrace is a BL series that takes place in rural Thailand. The protagonist returns to his hometown after a personal tragedy, hoping to make a positive difference. Along with...
Country Boy is a short BL miniseries that takes place in rural Thailand. A small group of friends go on a trip by the countryside, staying with a mother-and-son duo...
Restart After Come Back Home is a Japanese BL movie that takes place in a small, sleepy rural town. After losing his job in the city, the main character returns...
His is a Japanese BL movie about two ex-boyfriends who reunite years later in a small rural town. One of them is a divorced father, who's currently in an intense...
A Tale of Thousand Stars is a Thai BL drama that explores what you would do with a precious second chance in life. After a death-defying experience, the main character makes...