Our Skyy 2 is an anthology series that continues the love stories of eight famous Thai BL dramas. In each short sequel, the characters adjust to everyday life after the endings...
The Warp Effect is a Thai comedy series with a BL subplot. The main character is an uncool high school student who causes drunken chaos at a party. After regaining consciousness,...
La Cuisine is a Thai BL series about two university students bonding over cute lunch dates. The main character is a campus heartthrob and a notoriously picky eater. He befriends a...
Future is a Thai BL series about a romance between a dental student and an engineering student. The main character has been unlucky in love until he meets a young, plucky...
The Eighth Sense is a Korean BL series about the emotional relationship between two university students. The main character has moved away from a small town to study in a big...
Bed Friend is a Thai BL series about two office coworkers who become friends with benefits. The protagonist works at an agency and clashes with his cocky coworker. During a company...
Unintentional Love Story is a Korean BL series about a recently fired office employee who gets a fresh start during a vacation. After losing his job, the main character travels to...
The End of the World With You is a Japanese BL series about two ex-lovers reuniting before the apocalypse. In ten days, a meteor will strike the earth and decimate humanity....
Ai Long Nhai is a lighthearted Thai BL series about two university friends and their campus romance. The protagonist used to be a playboy until he transferred to a new school....
Never Let Me Go is a Thai BL series about a wealthy teenager and his bodyguard. The protagonist is a hotel heir in his final year of high school. After...
HIStory 5: Love in the Future is a Taiwanese BL series about a time traveller and his romance. One night, the protagonist is magically transported years into the future. While settling...