The Heartbeat is a Macanese BL series about two actors in a web drama. The main characters are content creators for a digital media production company. Their boss, who wants to...
The Warp Effect is a Thai comedy series with a BL subplot. The main character is an uncool high school student who causes drunken chaos at a party. After regaining consciousness,...
Fahlanruk is a Thai BL series about two university students who become friends with benefits. Both protagonists are campus playboys, gaining an infamous reputation for their commitment issues. They meet at...
My Beautiful Man 2 is the sequel to the Japanese BL series My Beautiful Man. The main character's acting career has taken off in the second season, catapulting him to...
Check Out is a Thai BL series about a raunchy office affair. The main character works for his ex-boyfriend, who dotes on him and wants to reconcile. However, the protagonist secretly...
BOYS is a Hong Kong BL series about two young actors in a theatre play. The main character has unrequited feelings for his costar. Yet, his crush only sees them...
Vice Versa is a Thai BL series about a love story in a parallel universe. After life-threatening encounters, the protagonists regain consciousness to discover they have been magically transported to another...
21 Days Theory is a Thai BL series about a high school romance that develops over three weeks. The main character meets a cheeky older student who challenges him to an...
Double is a Japanese drama about two friends with an unusually codependent relationship. They have been aspiring actors and next-door neighbours for many years, bonding over their love for theatre performances....
To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories is the second season of the Korean BL series, To My Star. This sequel continues the romance between a famous actor and an ordinary...
That's My Candy is a Thai fantasy BL series about a couple facing relationship troubles. The main character is a hardworking nurse with a busy schedule, often neglecting his boyfriend. The...
Love Stage is a Thai BL series adapted from a Japanese manga. The protagonist comes from a celebrity family, but he has no desire to be famous. He hates the spotlight...