Cherry Magic is a Japanese BL anime series about an office worker with mind-reading powers. The main character is an ordinary employee who has never dated anyone before. He feels insecure...
Playboyy is a Thai BL series about the investigation of a missing university student. The main characters have a friend who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. A year later, his brother arrives...
Pit Babe is a Thai BL series about a race car driver and his fanboy. The main character is famous for his talent and achievements in the racing circuit. He used...
Old Narcissus is a Japanese gay movie about a senior man who pays a young escort for pleasure and companionship. The main character is in his seventies and has a famous...
Minato's Laundromat 2 is the second season of the Japanese BL series. It continues the romance between a laundromat owner and his young lover. Although they started dating recently, the main...
Past-Senger is a Thai BL series about a time traveller trapped in the future. After passing his university entrance exams, the main character disrespects the sacred worship ceremony and calls it...
Moonlight Chicken is a Thai BL series about a restaurant owner's romance with his customer. The protagonist runs a local diner that sells chicken rice. On a fateful evening, he encounters...
Love Bill is a Vietnamese BL series about a runaway teenager and his older roommate. After clashing with his family, the rebellious protagonist deserts home with nowhere to go. An...
My Tooth Your Love is a Taiwanese BL series about a dentist, his patient, and their romance. The main character suffers from a toothache, but he'd rather endure the pain...
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us is a Thai BL series about trauma and family melodrama. The protagonist and his mom have depended on each other since his dad's untimely death....
More Than Words is a Japanese BL drama about three best friends in a love triangle over the years. The aromantic female protagonist befriends a popular classmate, even though she isn't...
Minato's Laundromat is a Japanese BL series about a high school student's unrequited love. The teen protagonist has a crush on the local laundromat owner, who is in his late twenties....