Bed Friend is a Thai BL series about two office coworkers who become friends with benefits. The protagonist works at an agency and clashes with his cocky coworker. During a company...
Hit Bite Love is a Thai BL series about three high school couples and their spicy romantic drama. The main character feels miserable about his secret relationship with a closeted gay...
Work From Heart is a Thai BL comedy series about an office romance. The main character is a wealthy heir who begins an internship at his grandfather's company. He flirts with...
Love Bill is a Vietnamese BL series about a runaway teenager and his older roommate. After clashing with his family, the rebellious protagonist deserts home with nowhere to go. An...
Check Out is a Thai BL series about a raunchy office affair. The main character works for his ex-boyfriend, who dotes on him and wants to reconcile. However, the protagonist secretly...
Big Dragon is a spicy Thai BL series about two enemies feuding over a sex tape. The main character clashes with his university rival as they compete for a female classmate's...
Hard Love Mission is a Thai BL series about an actor, a reporter, and their budding romance. The main character is a journalist who wants to secure a celebrity interview. Yet,...
Want to See You is a Vietnamese BL series about a blind protagonist. After an accident, the main character loses his vision and requires long-term assistance. He hires a caretaker to...
Mori no Kuma-san, Toumin-chuu is a Japanese 18+ BL anime series with humanoid animals. The protagonist is a gentle bear who finds an orphaned baby dog and adopts him in his...
Unforgotten Night is a Thai BL series about a passionate romance after a one-night stand. The heartbroken protagonist wants to get over his ex-boyfriend and hooks up with a random...
Minato's Laundromat is a Japanese BL series about a high school student's unrequited love. The teen protagonist has a crush on the local laundromat owner, who is in his late twenties....
Secret Crush on You is a Thai BL series about a school misfit and his infatuation with the campus jock. The lead has an obsessive crush on a popular university student....