The Titan's Bride is an 18+ BL anime about an ordinary student magically summoned into the land of the titans. Against his will, the human protagonist becomes the bride of a...
Peach of Time is a Korean BL drama with a mix of family melodrama and sweet romance. The main character is from Thailand and visits South Korea to meet up with...
In the Taiwanese movie Dear Ex, the gay main character is in mourning after his lover passed away. He spends time with his partner's vengeful ex-wife and rebellious teenage son,...
Dear Tenant is a critically acclaimed Taiwanese movie, featuring a gay protagonist, his adopted child, and their poignant family drama. The main character is a widower taking care of his partner's...
See You After Quarantine? is a Taiwanese BL drama that takes place during the COVID pandemic. The story is told through a series of video calls, in which the characters meet,...
The Yearbook is a Thai BL series about two childhood friends in their senior year of high school. The main characters have been best friends, classmates, and neighbours for many...
Golden Blood is a Thai BL series that focuses on the son of a mafia boss. With his life in imminent danger, the main character receives 24/7 security from a...
Mood Indigo is a Japanese BL drama about a struggling author, who begins to write pornographic novels at the urging of his friend. Although the main character is initially reluctant...