Chains of Heart is a Thai BL series about a grieving protagonist and his missing boyfriend. A few years ago, the couple was involved in a life-threatening encounter with a...
Our Skyy 2 is an anthology series that continues the love stories of eight famous Thai BL dramas. In each short sequel, the characters adjust to everyday life after the endings...
The Promise is a Thai BL series about two childhood friends separated for a decade. After university, the main character was shocked and confused when his best friend suddenly relocated overseas....
Past-Senger is a Thai BL series about a time traveller trapped in the future. After passing his university entrance exams, the main character disrespects the sacred worship ceremony and calls it...
Buddy Daddies is a Japanese anime series about two professional assassins who must raise a kid together. During a shootout, the protagonists killed a four-year-old girl's father, leaving her parentless. They...
The Warp Effect is a Thai comedy series with a BL subplot. The main character is an uncool high school student who causes drunken chaos at a party. After regaining consciousness,...
Remember Me is a Thai BL series about a group of childhood friends. The main characters have known each other since they were young. Recently, they welcomed a new member to...
Tin Tem Jai is a Thai BL series about two childhood best friends living together in their cozy hometown. The main characters are roommates who have maintained a brotherly bond since...
La Cuisine is a Thai BL series about two university students bonding over cute lunch dates. The main character is a campus heartthrob and a notoriously picky eater. He befriends a...
Destiny Seeker is a Thai BL series about two feisty university rivals. The main characters attend a prestigious engineering school, which requires all students to live on campus. Both protagonists are...
Future is a Thai BL series about a romance between a dental student and an engineering student. The main character has been unlucky in love until he meets a young, plucky...