Minato's Laundromat is a Japanese BL series about a high school student's unrequited love. The teen protagonist has a crush on the local laundromat owner, who is in his late twenties....
Dakaichi: Spain Arc is the movie sequel of the Japanese BL anime series, Dakaichi. This film continues the volatile love story between two famous actors. The protagonist travels to Spain to...
Rainbow Lagoon is a Thai BL series about two love rivals who turn into romantic companions. The main characters competed against each other over the same girlfriend, but she dumped them...
The What Did You Eat Yesterday movie is the sequel to the Japanese BL drama. This slice-of-life story focuses on a middle-aged gay couple who live together. The film begins with the...
The 8.2 Second Rule is a Japanese BL series about a high school student and his ongoing pursuit of love. The teenage protagonist is a hopeless romantic who wants to find...
I Just Want to See You is a Japanese BL series about a calm, gentle high school romance. The main characters are two childhood best friends about to enter their senior...
Physical Therapy is a Thai BL series about the romance between a doctor and his patient. After a recent injury, the main character is admitted to a healthcare facility, where he...
Love Advisor is a Thai BL short movie about a fortune teller. The thirty-minute film showcases a lengthy conversation between two friends, who meet for a tea-reading session. What begins as...
Step for You is a short Korean BL movie about a simple university romance. The lead is a student journalist who works for the school newsletter. His assignment is to report...
Country Boy 2 is the sequel of the Thai BL drama, continuing the teenage love story from the original series. The cheerful protagonist leaves the countryside to work in the city...
Blueming is a Korean BL series about two film school students with a rocky relationship. The protagonist has a terrible first impression of his popular classmate, who seems to belittle everything...
Sasaki and Miyano is a BL anime series about the tender love story between two high school students. The main character is a BL fanatic who befriends an upperclassman, introducing...