Cherry Magic! The Movie is the film sequel to the Japanese BL series Cherry Magic. This movie continues after the events of the original story. The protagonist is happily in love,...
Cutie Pie 2 You is the sequel to the Thai BL series Cutie Pie. The short second season continues the original love story following the main character's graduation. The protagonist...
Work From Heart is a Thai BL comedy series about an office romance. The main character is a wealthy heir who begins an internship at his grandfather's company. He flirts with...
Till the World Ends is a Thai BL dystopian series about the final days before Earth's destruction. There have been news reports about the moon striking the world. Suddenly, the government...
Check Out is a Thai BL series about a raunchy office affair. The main character works for his ex-boyfriend, who dotes on him and wants to reconcile. However, the protagonist secretly...
My Tooth Your Love is a Taiwanese BL series about a dentist, his patient, and their romance. The main character suffers from a toothache, but he'd rather endure the pain...
Vice Versa is a Thai BL series about a love story in a parallel universe. After life-threatening encounters, the protagonists regain consciousness to discover they have been magically transported to another...
My Secret Love is a Thai BL series about the romance between a student council president and a troublemaking prankster. The main characters clash over causing mischief on campus. As the...
Cutie Pie is a Thai BL series about two childhood friends and their arranged marriage. For many years, the protagonist's grandfather wanted him to marry the son of a close family...
Plus & Minus is a Taiwanese BL series about the romance between two childhood friends. The main characters have been best friends for over twenty years. Now, they work as colleagues...
We're Both Grooms is a Japanese BL drama about a gay couple on their wedding day. Moments before the ceremony, the main character suddenly admits he hasn't come out to his...
Ossan's Love Hong Kongย is a remake of the popular Japanese BL series. This workplace comedy features an unexpected love triangle between a young real estate agent, his coworker, and their...