The Moment Since is the sequel of The Moment. This Thai BL series follows a newly dating couple during their beachside vacation. While the characters look forward to spending private time...
The Moment is a Thai BL series that occurs in a vacation resort. The main character is taking an extended break to overcome his recent heartbreak. After getting drunk one night,...
Behind Cut is a Korean BL series that focuses on an aspiring fashion designer. As the protagonist tries to break into the competitive industry, he searches for the perfect model to...
Gen Y is a Thai BL series about the cheeky flirtation between two university students. Even though their personalities couldn't be more different, the lovestruck protagonist becomes smitten with his polar...
Tinted With You is a historical BL series from South Korea. The protagonist is a high school student who gets magically transported to the feudal period. Confused by his surroundings, he...
A Distant Place is a Korean movie about a gay farmer and his quiet life in the countryside. He raises a young child with the small rural community supporting them....
My Mate Match is a lighthearted Thai BL series about three strangers who move into the same house. The protagonist posts an ad to find a roommate, but he accidentally...
The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window is a paranormal horror anime series with subtle BL undertones. The main characters use their supernatural abilities to exorcise ghosts and cursed spirits in the...
Baker Boys is a Thai remake of Antique Bakery. This series focuses on the quirky characters who work in a bakery, including a gay pastry chef. Each workday brings comical hijinks...
My Beautiful Man is a Japanese BL drama about a student who falls in love with his bully. The protagonist is a social outcast in his new high school and becomes...
Loveless Society is a Thai BL series about a workplace love triangle. The main character is employed at an advertising agency with his friends. When they work on a big company...
En of Love: This Is Love Story is a Thai BL series about a campus romance based on love at first sight. The main character sees his love interest at a...