Tinted With You is a historical BL series from South Korea. The protagonist is a high school student who gets magically transported to the feudal period. Confused by his surroundings, he...
My Beautiful Man is a Japanese BL drama about a student who falls in love with his bully. The protagonist is a social outcast in his new high school and becomes...
Hyperventilation is an 18+ Korean BL anime series with six short episodes. The protagonist used to be a social outcast in high school due to his lung condition, causing him...
The Titan's Bride is an 18+ BL anime about an ordinary student magically summoned into the land of the titans. Against his will, the human protagonist becomes the bride of a...
Reincarnated Into Demon King Evelogia's World is an 18+ BL anime adaptation, also known as Everything for Demon King Evelogia. In this nine-episode series, a young man is transported into a...
Adapted from a Korean novel, Semantic Error is a slice-of-life BL anime series with four short episodes. The main characters are two university students working on a video game project...
Innocent is a Taiwanese BL series about a man with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). His two distinctive personalities mask a repressed trauma from the past. When he begins a romance...
The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name is a Hong Kong BL slice-of-life drama about two university roommates. This short six-episode series chronicles the relationship between the main characters, from...
My Sweet Dear is a Korean BL drama about a restaurant romance. The main character is a talented gourmet chef who clashes with a confident newcomer in the kitchen. After spending...
The Tasty Florida is a Korean BL series about a love story in a restaurant. The protagonist becomes a frequent customer at a popular rooftop restaurant, run by a handsome chef...
See You After Quarantine? is a Taiwanese BL drama that takes place during the COVID pandemic. The story is told through a series of video calls, in which the characters meet,...
Mermaid Sauna is a Taiwanese comedy about three coworkers who have swapped their bodies magically. The story features the boss of a gay bathhouse and his two young employees, all...