Baker Boys is a Thai remake of Antique Bakery. This series focuses on the quirky characters who work in a bakery, including a gay pastry chef. Each workday brings comical hijinks...
Innocent is a Taiwanese BL series about a man with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). His two distinctive personalities mask a repressed trauma from the past. When he begins a romance...
Antique is the Korean movie adaptation of the Antique Bakery manga. The film focuses on a pastry shop owner and an openly gay patisserie, who share a tricky relationship dynamic....
Antique Bakery is an anime series about a newly opened bakery shop. The protagonist hires a talented and openly gay pastry chef, despite sharing a troubled history together. They are...
Peach of Time is a Korean BL drama with a mix of family melodrama and sweet romance. The main character is from Thailand and visits South Korea to meet up with...
Light is a Taiwanese BL movie about a struggling protagonist caught in a perpetual cycle of abuse. He is routinely beaten by his violent stepfather and used by men who treat...
In the Taiwanese movie Dear Ex, the gay main character is in mourning after his lover passed away. He spends time with his partner's vengeful ex-wife and rebellious teenage son,...
Dear Tenant is a critically acclaimed Taiwanese movie, featuring a gay protagonist, his adopted child, and their poignant family drama. The main character is a widower taking care of his partner's...
Hidden Love is a Thai BL series, featuring a supernatural mystery with romance and comedy elements. The plot takes place in a haunted university dormitory, rocked by a tragic love...
Red Balloon is a Taiwanese BL drama featuring a poignantly told high school love story. After his emotional divorce, the main character reminisces about his first crush from years ago....
Given is a Japanese BL drama adapted from a manga, focusing on a group of musicians in a band. When the main characters meet in school, they form a connection...
The Yearbook is a Thai BL series about two childhood friends in their senior year of high school. The main characters have been best friends, classmates, and neighbours for many...