Kei x Yaku: Dangerous Buddy is a Japanese BL crime drama. The main character is a police detective investigating the mysterious shooting of his senior colleague three years ago. He meets...
Fairy Ranmaru is a fantasy anime series with homoerotic undertones. The story focuses on five fairies from a fallen kingdom. They descend to the human world, using magical superpowers to...
Malila: The Farewell Flower is a Thai movie about two former lovers who reunite in a rural village. Both men have experienced devastating tragedies that changed their lives dramatically. After...
Kissable Lips is a Korean BL drama about vampires. The main character is a dying vampire who suffers from deteriorating health. According to urban legend, his only way to stay alive...
Color Rush 2 is the sequel of the Korean BL series Color Rush. The second season continues the story of a colourblind protagonist, seeking the whereabouts of his missing loved...
The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window is a paranormal horror anime series with subtle BL undertones. The main characters use their supernatural abilities to exorcise ghosts and cursed spirits in the...
Baker Boys is a Thai remake of Antique Bakery. This series focuses on the quirky characters who work in a bakery, including a gay pastry chef. Each workday brings comical hijinks...
Innocent is a Taiwanese BL series about a man with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). His two distinctive personalities mask a repressed trauma from the past. When he begins a romance...
Antique is the Korean movie adaptation of the Antique Bakery manga. The film focuses on a pastry shop owner and an openly gay patisserie, who share a tricky relationship dynamic....
Antique Bakery is an anime series about a newly opened bakery shop. The protagonist hires a talented and openly gay pastry chef, despite sharing a troubled history together. They are...
Peach of Time is a Korean BL drama with a mix of family melodrama and sweet romance. The main character is from Thailand and visits South Korea to meet up with...
Light is a Taiwanese BL movie about a struggling protagonist caught in a perpetual cycle of abuse. He is routinely beaten by his violent stepfather and used by men who treat...