A Boss and a Babe is a Thai BL series about a CEO, his intern, and their scandalous office romance. The main character is a new hire at a video game company. This bubbly employee befriends his intimidating boss and helps him open up around others. Despite their growing attraction, the couple faces scrutiny for their inappropriate relationship. They must navigate the tricky professional boundaries of a workplace affair.
I feel conflicted about A Boss and a Babe. On the one hand, I enjoy the witty humour, boisterous energy, and handsome leads. On the other hand, I'm bothered by the couple's unprofessional misconduct around the office. The series constantly justifies their dubious behaviour, from disregarding boundaries to neglecting work responsibilities. I have trouble rooting for the sleazy boss or his unhealthy romance with the company intern.
A Boss and a Babe Summary
Series Info:
Thailand (2023)
Total Episodes:
12 episodes
Office romance
A Boss and a Babe is a spicy & romantic BL drama.

Cher is a new intern starting his first day at Phenomenal Gaming, a video game design company. His friend, Jack, is an employee who referred him to this job position. Cher's internship will last for one school semester. His responsibilities include helping the company CEO with various administrative errands, such as fetching coffee. The picky boss has a complex coffee order, which Cher finds troublesome to remember.
Cher is chatty, outgoing, and relentlessly energetic. He likes cracking jokes or acting silly. However, he also shows little decorum. Cher has a bad habit of entering rooms without knocking. On the first day of his internship, he accidentally interrupts a company meeting. Instead of being reprimanded, Cher chimes in and offers his two cents on the business pitch. As an eSports gamer, Cher is experienced in the gaming industry. He competes in gaming tournaments with his friends, Jack, Three, and Zo.
Gun is the CEO of Phenomenal Gaming. He used to run the business with his best friend Thyme, but they had a falling out. Gun is an intimidating figure around the office. He seems stern, stoic, and unsociable. His subordinates avoid him, keeping their distance whenever possible. However, Cher breaks protocol and acts chummy with his boss, imitating many conversations. Gun quickly becomes interested in the cheeky new intern with a larger-than-life personality.
Gun calls Cher to his office. Gun reveals he is a loyal follower of Cher's secret ASMR channel as they talk. His videos help him with insomnia. Then, Gun makes an unusual request. He wants to call Cher at night and receive a personalized ASMR session. Cher does what he is told. After work, they start chatting on the phone, discussing various topics about their lives. Gun enjoys these lengthy conversations, which improve his sleeping habits.
Gun and Cher continue chatting with each other. They become closer as a result. Other employees notice their bond and begin gossiping, especially since Gun is openly gay. Cher stands up for his boss, telling others to mind their business. Touched by his gesture, Gun and Cher grow even closer. They develop an attraction and share their first kiss. However, they must navigate their relationship carefully, balancing personal feelings with professional boundaries.
A Boss and a Babe Cast
Book Kasidet Plookphol (บุ๊ค กษิดิ์เดช ปลูกผล)

Cher is a new employee at a gaming company. As the intern, he helps the boss order coffee and does various administrative errands. Cher makes many friends due to his chatty disposition and bubbly personality. Outside work, Cher is a streamer and a professional gamer. He competes in tournaments with his friends, Jack, Three, and Zo. Cher's other nickname is Laem.
Book Kasidet Plookphol

Book Kasidet Plookphol (บุ๊ค กษิดิ์เดช ปลูกผล) is a Thai actor. He is born on October 25, 1996. His first BL project is a supporting role in the 2020 drama, Friend Forever. His first leading role is the 2022 series, Enchanté. Book stars in several 2023 Thai BL dramas, including A Boss and a Babe, Only Friends, and Our Skyy 2.
Force Jiratchapong Srisang (ฟอส จิรัชพงศ์ ศรีแสง)

Gun is the CEO of Peripheral Gaming. He started this game design company with his former best friend, but they fell out. Gun comes from a wealthy family and has plenty of money. He is a strict and intimidating figure around the office who barely socializes with his employees. However, he warms to the bubbly new intern, who encourages him to open up around others.
Force Jiratchapong Srisang

Force Jiratchapong Srisang (ฟอส จิรัชพงศ์ ศรีแสง) is a Thai actor. He is born on March 9, 1997. His first BL project is the 2022 series, Enchanté. Force stars in multiple 2023 Thai BL dramas, including A Boss and a Babe, Only Friends, and Our Skyy 2.
Fluke Pusit Dittapisit (ฟลุ๊ค ภูสิษฐ์ ดิษฐพิสิษฐ์)

Three is Cher's friend. They compete together in eSports gaming tournaments as a team. As the captain, Three takes their competitions seriously, but he suspects his teammates aren't contributing enough. Three and Zo are in a committed relationship. Their flirting is often hilariously over-the-top.
Fluke Pusit Dittapisit

Fluke Pusit Dittapisit (ฟลุ๊ค ภูสิษฐ์ ดิษฐพิสิษฐ์) is a Thai actor. He is born on August 8, 1997. His first BL project is the 2020 series, The Shipper. Fluke also had supporting roles in the 2022 dramas, Enchanté and The Warp Effect.
Ohm Thipakorn Thitathan (โอม ฐิภากร ฐิตะฐาน)

Zo is Cher's friend and eSports gaming teammate. They compete in tournaments together as a four-man team. Zo and Three are boyfriends who maintain a lovey-dovey relationship. Their friends like teasing them about their cheesy flirting, but Zo doesn't mind.
Ohm Thipakorn Thitathan

Ohm Thipakorn Thitathan (โอม ฐิภากร ฐิตะฐาน) is a Thai actor. He is born on March 21, 2002. His first BL project is the 2023 series, A Boss and a Babe. He also appears in the 2023 dramas, Our Skyy 2 and Last Twilight.
Supporting Cast

Mike Chinnarat Siriphongchawalit (ไมค์ ชินรัฐ สิริพงษ์ชวลิต)

Leo Saussay (เลโอ โซสเซย์)

Thor Thinnaphan Tantui (โต๋ ทินพันธ์ ตันตุ้ย)

Drake Sattabut Laedeke (เดรก สัตบุตร แลดิกี)

Java Bhobdhama Hansa (จาว่า พบธรรม หรรษา)

Lookjun Bhasidi Petchsutee (ลูกจัน ภาสิดี เพชรสุธี)

Namyard Yardpirun Poolun (น้ำหยาด หยาดพิรุณ ปู่หลุน)


Cher's mom

Cher's grandma

Gun's mom
Yangyi Benja Singkharawat (ยังยี้ เบญจา สิงขรวัฒน์)

Sood Yacht Patsit Permpoonsavat (สุดยอด พัฐสิฏ เพิ่มพูลสวัสดิ์)
Cast Highlights
- The leads (Book and Force) are the stars of the 2021 Thai BL series Enchante. They portray a romance between two childhood friends. They are also one of the couples in the 2023 drama Only Friends.
- Three's actor (Fluke) is the secondary couple in the 2022 series The Warp Effect. He is paired with Porsche's actor (Thor). However, the two performers never appear together in A Boss and a Babe.
- The actor who portrays Zo (Ohm) has a supporting role in the 2023 series Last Twilight.
- Jack's actor (Mike) is the secondary couple in the 2020 university comedy Tonhon Chonlatee.
- The actor who portrays Time (Drake) is the star of the 2018 series 'Cause You're My Boy. He also has supporting roles in 2gether (2020), A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021), and Bad Buddy (2021).
A Boss and a Babe Review
Drama Review Score: 7.5

I have mixed feelings about A Boss and a Babe, but let's start with the positives. This playful BL drama has an excellent sense of humour. The cheeky jokes, silly antics, and hilarious quips create a boisterous atmosphere. Among its many one-liners, my favourite is the protagonist's snarky response to his boyfriend, "You love me every time you do me." There are numerous instances where the sassy series displays its crackling wit. A Boss and a Babe is brimming with joy, mischief, and enthusiasm.
Another highlight is Cher's character. He's a charming lead who carries the series with his bright, vivacious personality. From his incessant chattiness to his biting sarcasm, Cher brings loads of quirkiness to A Boss and a Babe. He would be a super annoying friend or coworker in real life. However, his zany antics are entertaining in the realm of a fictional drama. The actor (Book) slightly overdoes his perkiness in several scenes, like he's putting on an unnatural act. Nonetheless, he carries the role well and adds a vital energetic spark to A Boss and a Babe.
The tacky office romance spoils my enjoyment of the series. The lecherous CEO uses business hours to make sexual advances toward an intern. They meet behind closed doors, where the couple flirts regularly. At one point, Cher spends a whole workday napping on the sofa. Their relationship is grossly inappropriate. As the boss, Gun should maintain boundaries with his subordinate. Their imbalanced power dynamics affect the employee's consent due to the fear of repercussions. Also, their canoodling compromises productivity, impartiality & workplace professionalism.
While Episode 8 addresses the unhealthy relationship, the series doesn't explore the topic responsibly and misses the point. It could promote a positive message if the characters corrected their behaviour, kept sensible boundaries, and showed discretion. Yet, Gun and Cher act wrongfully persecuted instead of reflecting on their misconduct. My distaste for the sordid romance overrides the actors' chemistry. Even though they cuddle and kiss frequently, I'm not fond of this couple. It may be an unpopular opinion, but I enjoy ForceBook more in Enchanté than A Boss and a Babe.
Another problem is that I hate Gun's character. I find him smug, sleazy, and shameless. He seems like the worst boss, constantly hitting on his assistant instead of doing actual work. Gun's employees fear confronting him about his office affair, like the emperor's new clothes. Furthermore, Gun is so incompetent that he can't run his company without Cher's input. Imagine working for a CEO who takes business advice from the intern he's screwing. With that said, the actor (Force) has a commanding screen presence. He's a strapping stud with a striking physique.
A Boss and a Babe has a long list of other issues. Some lousy subplots drop off without meaningful development. Three and Zo are an irrelevant secondary couple who doesn't receive enough focus. Also, the last-minute conflict near the end is unnecessary. Despite these complaints, the BL drama has an inexplicable charm. It succeeds in being cute, cheerful, and lighthearted. I would file the series under the category of spicy thrills and scandalous fun. A Boss and a Babe won't win awards for storytelling, acting, or anything else, but it's okay for a casual viewing experience.
Unprofessional story
A Boss and a Babe has a cheerful story with a zany protagonist and funny jokes. However, the office romance is highly unprofessional. The series depicts most workplace dynamics irresponsibly.
Inappropriate romance
Although the couple flirts and kisses frequently, I'm not fond of the tacky workplace romance. The sleazy boss initiates an inappropriate relationship with an intern, overstepping professional boundaries.
Energetic acting
There's room for improvement in the acting performances. However, I appreciate the cast's liveliness and enthusiasm. Everyone is high-energy and contributes to the vibrant atmosphere.
Happy ending
A Boss and a Babe has a happy ending as the leads reunite and reconcile. Cher no longer works under Gun, so their romance is less iffy. Also, Cher learns to gain independence and be Gun's equal.
Cheerful artistry
The series has a lively atmosphere, from the bright visuals to the quirky sound effects. There are also plenty of BL-friendly optics. Many scenes contain cuddling, kissing, and canoodling.
A Boss and a Babe is an energetic BL series with boisterous comedy and cheeky mischief. Yet, I'm troubled by the grossly inappropriate office romance between a sleazy boss and his subordinate.
A Boss and a Babe Episodes
Episode Guide

- Start Date March 3, 2023
- End Date May 19, 2023
- Episodes 12 episodes
- Episode Length 40 to 45 minutes
A Boss and a Babe has a total of 12 episodes. Each episode is around 40 to 45 minutes long. The last episode is around 45 minutes long. It is a short BL drama, and you can finish the entire series in under 9 hours. A Boss and a Babe started on March 3, 2023 and ended on May 19, 2023.
Our Skyy 2 dedicates two episodes to A Boss and a Babe, containing an epilogue to the story. They aired on May 24, 2023 and May 25, 2023.
Episode 1
Episode 1 Review

My first impression of A Boss and a Babe is it seems like a sleazy parody of an office romance. Placing a hand on your boss' thigh is a firable offence. For a moment, I thought Cher would lose his job on the first day of the internship. Then, I remember this is the fictional universe of BL, where characters can violate workplace decorum without real-world consequences. As Gun leans intimately into his employee, the boss also disregards boundaries. This romance is an HR nightmare!
Cher is really perky! He's a very different character from Book's last role in Enchante, showcasing another facet of his acting range. I find his personality funny and charming, especially when he gives snarky remarks to his boss. "Isn't talking to me more time-consuming than looking over my resume?" LOL. With that said, I only enjoy his cheeky antics in the capacity of a fictional drama. His perpetually chirpy behaviour is ~too much~ and would annoy the hell out of me in real life.
Episode 2
Episode 2 Review

A Boss and a Babe touches upon a compelling storyline about a gay boss facing discrimination from his employees. Yet, he hesitates to take disciplinary action. "Sometimes, it's better to keep quiet." Gun is insecure about his sexuality. From his chats with Cher, he isn't comfortable with this part of himself. Also, Gun feels vulnerable as the only openly gay man in a homophobic workplace. He doesn't want to draw attention to his sexual orientation. He prefers to stay quiet to avoid unnecessary judgment.
In addition, Gun may worry retaliation would make others perceive him as an oversensitive or ineffective leader. It's a common dilemma encountered by minority groups in authoritative positions. Gun wants to maintain an image of strength and confidence than being undermined by petty comments. It isn't the right approach. He should set an example and create a safe workspace by addressing these inappropriate remarks. Yet, I understand why Gun would be concerned and prefer to stay quiet. A Boss and a Babe does an excellent job at portraying a complex issue in the workspace.
Gun gives an insightful statement about the discrimination he faces: "Many people seem to understand at first until they start asking who's top and who's bottom. When we want to have kids, they ask who is the father and who is the mother. Honestly, I feel like a freak in society." Clap, clap, clap. I'm impressed with the depth of Gun's poignant monologue. He conveys how LGBTQ+ acceptance is still hindered by heteronormative expectations. He continues to feel marginalized by others and his own insecurities. This astute exchange is one of the highlights in ABAAB.
"What do you want me to do? Stare at her and say I never touch my employees' behind?" But that's precisely what Gun does later in the series. 🙈 Despite admiring Gun's monologue in this episode, the impact diminishes due to his workplace misconduct. Actions speak louder than words, and he gives credibility to those offensive remarks by engaging in inappropriate behaviour. Instead of rising above the homophobic comments, he commits the allegations they accuse him of making. A Boss and a Babe sends mixed messages by not practicing what it preaches.

My other favourite scene in this episode is a random moment. The leads are enjoying a meal in the apartment. Gun makes a pleasant conversation and asks Cher if he cooked the noodles. Instead of giving a straightforward answer, Cher decides to be as sarcastic as possible. "I cast a spell and here they are! Abracadabra, abracadabra!" I laughed. This exchange, among many others, highlights Cher's quirkiness. I love this character because he constantly says or does offbeat things, adding a lot of humour to the series.
Cher is so kind. He identifies a lonely guy at work and introduces Gun to new friends. He also gives reassuring remarks, helping Gun overcome his insecurities. I enjoy the friendship between them. With that said, I don't connect with their romance. A boss visiting his intern's apartment to make sexual advances is overstepping boundaries. Gun doesn't resist his impulses and shows an utter lack of restraint. Sadly, the kiss at the end of the episode doesn't do anything for me. Maybe the reason why Gun doesn't take action against workplace harassment is because he must report himself first. 🙈
Episode 3
Episode 3 Review

In this episode, Cher is late for work and about to be reprimanded by HR. Yet, Gun intervenes and rescues him from getting reported. Although a minor incident, it's troubling that Cher enjoys special privileges. Other employees may feel demoralized since they won't receive this preferential treatment. It's a small example of how Gun's inappropriate relationship sets ripples across numerous workplace issues. He has created an iffy office environment where the rules don't apply if you hook up with the boss.
I like the hometown visit in this episode, taking Gun and Cher away from the office setting. It's better to see them bond outside work, where they are (mostly) two equals without the boss and intern hierarchy. In addition, I like learning about Cher's upbringing. Unlike Gun, Cher is raised in humble surroundings, explaining his down-to-earth nature. Gun is out of his comfort zone in this rural environment. As a result, we see a different side to his character. He's clumsier, less in control, and more vulnerable. This episode effectively adds nuances to both protagonists' characterizations.
Episode 4
Episode 4 Review

Tian's storyline has similarities to Cher and Gun's workplace romance. Both address the harmful consequences of stigma. Whenever Cher visits his hometown, he faces public condemnation. Other residents gossip about him and his relationship with Tian, the pregnant teen who died. The scrutiny draws parallels to the stressful office environment with Gun. He feels mentally strained by others passing judgment about his sexuality and relationship with Cher.
Tian's storyline seems too heavy for a lighthearted BL drama like A Boss and a Babe. A pregnant teen's suicide due to her father's assault is extremely tragic. It clashes with the zany, cheerful vibe of this series. The story also handles the plot poorly, not giving it enough respect. It introduces intense trauma and doesn't follow up with the necessary depth or diligence. In addition, the bar fight is an awkward way to reveal this crucial information. Cher suddenly has drinks with a random nobody. The scene's only purpose is to drop the bombshell about Tian. The scenario feels clunky and contrived.
Episode 5
Episode 5 Review

"You might think I'm incompetent in the gaming industry…" LMAO. I have thought this about Gun since the series started. He seems ill-equipped to run a video game development company. This musclebro has no technical background, industry knowledge, or interest in gaming. Gun sounds out of his depth when he argues with Jack about horror games in the first episode. ABAAB portrays many details unrealistically, but the inept CEO is accurate. Like in real life, the least qualified executives run corporations. *lol*
Everything I've seen from Gun shows he's a terrible boss. Firstly, he uses business hours to flirt with a subordinate, creating an unprofessional workplace environment. Secondly, the CEO of a corporation takes business advice from the intern he's sleeping with. Does he have any credibility as a leader? And thirdly, look at the toxic workplace culture. All his employees fear communicating with him. They seem shocked when he sets up catering, indicating he hasn't done anything to boost workforce morale. I would HATE to work for a crappy boss like Gun.
That scene in the parking lot made me shudder. Gun traps Cher in the car, not letting him escape. This gesture alone is already very creepy. Furthermore, Gun taunts his subordinate, "People will know an intern and the company owner are alone together." This statement shows Gun will abuse his position of power to intimidate, manipulate, and coerce Cher. The CEO threatens the young employee's career & reputation, using the fear to reduce Cher's autonomy and control him. I have found Gun's past actions inappropriate, but this is one of the most egregious offences.

OMFG. I had a visceral reaction when Gun forced a kiss on Cher. Eww, this man is so slimy. The location also contributes to the terrible optics. Both characters are in a parking lot, confined inside a tiny car. There's no space for Cher to escape Gun's touchy-feely hands and invasive mouth. The unglamorous setting adds to the sordidness of their relationship. I don't feel any romance from this exchange. Instead, I feel gross and uncomfortable by the sleazy, predatory boss.
There have been many office BL series lately, but I noticed a disturbing trend. I just finished reviewing Love Mate, featuring another invasive protagonist who harasses his coworker. Earlier, I watched Bed Friend, where the lead faced sexual assault around his office multiple times. I have reached the point where my brain automatically associates predatory behaviour with workplace BL dramas. Maybe this irresponsible genre isn't ready to portray the delicate nuances of relationships in the professional realm. Let's go back to churning out generic school romances, please!
Let's change the topic to something else. *in Cher's voice* "Do you think they're duck eggs or chicken eggs?" I want to discuss the ~merchandise~ in this episode. Did anyone else feel cynical when Cher gifted a custom coffee cup to his boss? When I saw the design, I thought to myself, "GMM will sell the mug in their online store." Indeed, the A Boss and a Babe cup has become an actual product. To clarify, I don't have an issue with these commercial tie-ins. It was just the thought that crossed my mind because I'm so used to marketing trends in BL dramas lol.
Episode 6
Episode 6 Review

Three and Zo are adorable together. Unlike the leads, the secondary couple has a healthy, green-flag relationship. Three's love declarations seem so cheesy that they are funny. "Your hug can actually kill me, but I'm willing to die in your arms, Zo." That's a really cute line, hehe~ Also, I like how Zo soothes and supports his other half. After arguing with Jack, Three is in a foul mood. Zo uses sweet, gentle words to cheer up his boyfriend, demonstrating his emotional intelligence.
The problem with Three and Zo is their lack of focus and development. This secondary couple is irrelevant and doesn't have any meaningful plot. So much is missing from their love story, including how they met, why they fell in love, or when they became a couple. I know too little about these supporting characters. Three and Zo are the leads in another story, The Gamer and His Awkward Boy. However, I believe there are some unknown issues with adapting the spin-off into a drama, limiting the backstory material. That could be the reason why Three and Zo have so little content.
OMFG. My mouth dropped during Gun's chat with his former business partner Thyme. I know Thyme is in the wrong for stealing company assets. He used an old email to rip off the team's work. However, Gun's words are so smug and condescending that he comes across as the villain. "I have everything while you have nothing. You've tried so hard, but you've gained so little compared to me. That game you stole, it might help to make your life half as good as mine." Seeing this arrogant rich guy brag about his wealth and privilege is so damn off-putting. What a fucking prick!

Midway through the episode, Cher and Gun are alone in the bedroom. Cher disrobes Gun, unbuttoning his shirt one by one. I really like the seduction in that scene. I made myself comfortable in my chair, watching each moment with giddy anticipation. 😚 Afterwards, Gun struts away from the bedroom with his shirt open, thrusting his chiseled pecs at the camera. The actor looks soooo sexy~ This BL drama has a fitting name because Gun is both the boss and the babe.
Before they kiss, Gun asks Cher for his consent. However, their consent was compromised from the start of this inappropriate affair. They have an imbalanced power dynamic. As a subordinate, Cher is pressured to comply with Gun's advances due to repercussions. Gun trapped him in the car once, threatening to expose their relationship. He can do it again. Imagine if Cher rejected Gun tonight. There could be career consequences if he said no to the man who controls his job. Even if Gun asks for consent in this moment, their romance has an underlying issue of coercion.
Gun is irresponsible because he hasn't considered the consequences to Cher's professional reputation. Notice how Cher asks Gun to keep their relationship a secret. He fears the pushback if others discover the intern is sleeping with the boss. "Jack would make it a big deal." It's not just Jack. There are school authorities, future employers, and Cher's online fans. Gun should know better than to jeopardize this young man's career. Gun responds, "You're gonna have to pay me to keep my mouth shut." Yet again, he makes a troubling statement that subliminally pressures Cher.
Episode 7
Episode 7 Review

Gun promises Cher he won't appear in the gaming live stream. Afterwards, he deliberately walks into the frame, putting on a spectacle with his shirtless body. "I'll be waiting for you in bed, Cher," Gun states loudly enough for all the viewers to hear. LOL. His trolling is pitch-perfect. A Boss and a Babe maintains a charming playfulness throughout the series. This scene exemplifies its lighthearted mischief that responds well with fans.
"This is the behaviour of the man who claimed to love my sister!?" OMG, this twerp is annoying~ Part of me understands Thoop still mourns his loved one. His sense of betrayal stems from profound grief. However, his outrage seems over the top, considering Cher deserves to live and move on. Cher has also supported Thoop financially out of an ongoing commitment to Tian. He's clearly not heartless. With that said, I snicker inappropriately at Thoop's scathing one-liner. "Try the new taste all you want." This series can produce some hilariously fierce quips, hehe.
Episode 8
Episode 8 Review

"Can I slack off for a bit?" I'm sorry, but when has Cher done any work since starting this job? His internship involves buying coffee, seducing the CEO, and talking nonsense. The protagonists deserve each other because the worst boss matches with the worst employee. 🙈 Cher doesn't even pretend to act busy. In this episode, he waltzes into his boss' office to take an afternoon nap on the sofa. My expectations for him were low, but holy crap. Is this a legitimate workplace or a vacation resort!?
While other employees do their jobs, Cher and Gun flirt behind closed doors in the office. They also get sloppy and barely hide their affair from colleagues. Even Aoi, a staunch GunCher fan, acknowledges the couple's misconduct. "It feels quite improper at times." Yet, none of the employees dare to confront the sleazy boss. Jack only voices his concerns to Cher instead of Gun. Like the emperor's new clothes, everyone hesitates to speak up about their discomfort, fearing repercussions from the authorities. Gun has created a stifling work culture without transparency or accountability.
Poor Jack faces a tricky ethical dilemma. He struggles with personal and professional boundaries as Cher's friend, mentor, and coworker. Jack sees the positives in the romance, such as Cher's happiness. Yet, he observes harmful consequences, like office gossip, damaged reputations & a demoralized workforce. By speaking up, Jack risks jeopardizing his bond with Cher and may suffer retaliation from Gun. If Jack stays quiet, he's culpable in enabling an unprofessional workplace. Caught between loyalty and integrity, he must navigate a minefield of issues.
Cher is inconsiderate for putting Jack in this dubious position. Due to his pre-existing bond with Cher, others expect Jack to serve as their mediator. Can you tell your friend to stop!? Why haven't you spoken to him yet!? The allegations may escalate. Did you know about their affair all along!? Were you covering up for their misconduct!? In the long term, Cher will damage Jack's credibility and professional standing. Of course, Cher hasn't thought that deeply. He shows no discretion, drawing constant attention to himself. Watch me canoodle with the boss, everyone!

I'm Team Jack, by the way. Even if Cher's internship finishes in two weeks, he should still end the relationship with Gun. My bias is speaking, but I hate Gun and want Cher to break up with him forever. Yes, I realize the irony in my perspective. I'm watching a BL drama while rooting for the leads to end their romance. WTF. *lol* I don't think Gun is an evildoer with malicious intentions. He can be redeemed. Yet, he has behaved problematically enough that I don't support his character or this couple.
Despite scrutinizing all the inappropriate behaviour, I enjoy this episode of A Boss and a Babe. I appreciate the series for creating a complex workplace dynamic with many dimensions to analyze. Gun and Cher's scandalous romance provokes a strong reaction in me, which I prefer over sweet, mild-mannered fluff. I also like the overarching narrative themes. The subplots with Gun & Thyme's feud and Jack & Cher's conflict highlight the perils of mixing friendship with work. This story tackles challenging topics not found in most BL dramas, so I find the ideas refreshing and engaging.
Episode 9
Episode 9 Review

After being accused of an unprofessional relationship, Gun and Cher respond by making a spectacle in the office. As their colleagues watch, Gun drags Cher by his hand. They march into the restroom and make out. Afterwards, the couple spends their workday on the company rooftop, flirting instead of working. I'm flabbergasted. Rather than reflect on their misconduct, they continue engaging in affection and disregarding workplace boundaries. Their behaviour reinforces the perception of zero professionalism or accountability.
The leads cry about feeling persecuted. Oh no, they're judging us! 😢 But it's okay, the public outrage won't destroy our love! 😚 They're missing the point. Their colleagues feel troubled since Gun and Cher blur professional boundaries with personal feelings. The couple can't separate their relationship from their jobs, as shown by treating the CEO's office like a romantic getaway. Their love is disruptive, unproductive, and divisive to the workplace. Yet, Gun and Cher don't look at the bigger picture. They ignore the demoralized workforce and only focus on their desires.
A healthier solution is to show that Gun and Cher can be professional despite their romantic relationship. This episode offers the best opportunity for the couple to recognize their misconduct and correct their behaviour. They should prioritize their work responsibilities, show nonpreferential treatment, and maintain physical boundaries. By displaying workplace competence, Gun reassures the team he's a fair, sensible leader. My love life doesn't affect my job performance. Also, Gun would illustrate that he listens to employees and takes accountability for transgressions.

Another solution is to keep a low profile. Don't make it obvious that your relationship is getting in the way of your work. Cher draws attention to himself whenever he leaves his desk to spend hours inside the CEO's office. Their egregious unprofessionalism incites resentment among other employees. Be more cautious instead of making out openly around the office. If you want to screw the intern, at least have the decency to do it outside work hours. Your discretion makes everyone more comfortable.
The most common-sense approach is to simply stay away from each other. Cher's internship ends in two weeks. That's less than ten workdays at most. Gun and Cher should have the restraint to keep a respectful distance for such a short time. Consider it a tiny break. Once Cher's work placement finishes, you can pursue your romance without further complications. Cher is no longer an employee, removing many of the issues. Keep it in your pants for two weeks. It's the bare minimum that Gun and Cher need to do. Yet, they still remain glued to each other!
Besides seducing the intern, Gun behaves unprofessionally in other ways. He turns the corporate leak into an interrogation. The angry CEO gathers his team in a meeting room to lash out at them. Everyone looks intimidated, even though only one person is culpable. Instead of handling this sensitive matter privately, Gun creates a hostile work environment and talks down to his employees. Thyme was right about him. Gun shows no respect for others, treating them like corporate machines. Thyme may have lost his job, but at least he's free from this toxic friendship.
Episode 10
Episode 10 Review

OMG. The Tian storyline escalated from tragic to horrifying! I was unprepared for the revelation of what Tian's father did to her. How did the plot descend to such a sinister place? Just a few moments ago, I smiled sweetly at Three and Zo's innocent flirtations. Suddenly, the story drops this huge bombshell, making my heart freeze. The series handles the plot poorly, treating Tian's trauma as a scandal than a sensitive topic. Thoop's incarceration is another lousy subplot, adding needless drama.
Gun's mom coming between the couple is an annoying conflict. Instead of the breakup, I want Gun to step down from his job. That's way more epic. Either his mom replaces him as CEO, or he quits in protest. This storyline excites me, opening new possibilities for his character development. I want to see how Gun copes when he isn't the boss. Removing Gun from a leadership position also starts his redemption arc. Many of my issues with Gun relate to his unprofessionalism around employees. He'd be more tolerable as self-employed or working a job that doesn't involve management.
Episode 11
Episode 11 Review

"You love me every time you do me." LMAO. I'm dying at Cher's blunt honesty after sex. Call out those false proclamations of love! Despite finding this boss-intern romance problematic, I recognize the many scenes with cute banter, playful flirting, and saucy seduction. This series is packed with delightful BL content. The entertaining rapport between the boss and the babe is a selling point. Had I been more invested in the couple, I would respond positively to these relationship scenes.
Why does Cher break up with Gun only after his internship is over? It's supposed to be the reverse! Cher should've ended his relationship while working at the company and pursued the romance after leaving. After eleven episodes of discomfort over the sleazy office affair, I finally get to enjoy GunCher as a couple outside the workplace. Instead, they split up over the mom's ridiculous threats. Ugh, this BL series is so misguided and never gets it right. The rest of the episode is a drag, looping pointless drama until the couple's inevitable reconciliation in the finale.
Episode 12
Episode 12 Review

Contrary to expectations, Cher doesn't start dating Gun after his internship. Cher waits until he graduates from university and wins the gaming tournament. After these achievements, he asks to reunite with Gun, who accepts with an iconic kiss. Cher wants to be independent and successful before pursuing this romance. By focusing on self-improvement, Cher replaces his reputation as Gun's intern and becomes his equal partner. The babe is now a boss of his own, establishing himself as a capable individual.
Gun goes on a similar journey of character growth. He started the series as a sad, lonely gay man who feels insecure about his sexuality. With Cher's help, Gun overcomes these mental barriers. During the finale, he is proud enough to kiss his boyfriend before his employees, who gladly cheer him on. He also stands up to his mother and speaks up for his happiness. Best of all, Gun is surrounded by loyal friends. While dancing at the holiday party, Gun projects a demeanour of warmth, joy, and confidence. He is a transformed man, thriving on self-assurance.
Now that Gun and Cher are no longer colleagues, their romance doesn't offend me anymore. I can relax and enjoy their relationship scenes without feeling icky. My favourite exchange is when Gun joked about a marriage proposal. Cher retorts, "We should try dating first. We've been together for less than ten minutes." LOL. Although I find their breakup annoying, I like that Cher was mature enough to wait before dating Gun. Cher works hard to prove he is more than just a ditzy intern. He is determined to be Gun's equal partner, earning the respect of his naysayers.

I have mixed feelings about this drama. One of my conflicts stems from how much I loved ForceBook in their first series, Enchante. I adored the enchanting fairytale romance between the two childhood best friends. By comparison, I don't feel the same spark from them in A Boss and a Babe. I try to force myself to love Gun and Cher, but I cannot connect with them as a couple. All I see is a sleazy office affair, a predatory boss, and unprofessional workplace conduct as the starting point of their relationship.
It's hard to defend Enchante, which has many flaws. After the first few episodes, the plot loses its way and becomes an infuriating mess. I admit A Boss and a Babe is a better BL drama based on the overall quality and entertainment. Yet, Enchante shows moments of brilliance in its love story, resonating with me as a BL enthusiast. Several scenes capture Akk and Theo's longing for each other, highlighting the actors' chemistry. I became a ForceBook fan after watching that series. Sadly, I never experience this sensation from A Boss and a Babe. I may laugh at the jokes, but my heart isn't moved.
Enchante wasn't a well-received series. Fans gave a chilly reception and moved on. In contrast, A Boss and a Babe is more popular with a stronger buzz. Many fans adore GunCher's cheeky antics. I'm so happy the actors can finally enjoy the warmth and support they deserve in their careers. Yet, a part of me is dying on the inside over how this sleazy love story has become ForceBook's breakout roles. If only Enchante was better written, they'd be known as the leads of an enchanting fairytale romance. Instead, their BL careers are defined by a sordid office affair. 😞
A Boss and a Babe Information
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- Behind the Scenes A Boss and a Babe Behind the Scenes

GMMTV is a heavyweight in the BL world. It has produced numerous acclaimed dramas and launched many successful careers over the years. GMMTV is the leader in the Thai BL industry and possibly around the world. Some of its well-known works include SOTUS (2016), Theory of Love (2019), 2gether (2020), A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021), Bad Buddy (2021), and Last Twilight (2023), among many others.
New Siwaj Sawatmaneekul (ศิวัจน์ สวัสดิ์มณีกุล) is a Thai director. His first BL project is the 2016 series, Make It Right. He is also the director for Make It Right 2 (2017), Love by Chance (2018), Until We Meet Again (2019), and My Gear and My Gown (2020). In 2022, New directed Star in My Mind and its companion series Sky in Your Heart. Later that year, he also made My Only 12% and Between Us. Additionally, he directed A Boss and a Babe (2023) and Our Skyy 2 (2023).
I agree that they could have handled their workplace romance better, but I love Gun. Probably because I relate so much to him feeling left behind by the world way too much. Maybe his abandonment issues made him spoil Cher too much, I think, since he feared being left behind if he did something wrong. They didn't handle Guns abandonment issues well, or his relationship with his sexuality, or any of Chews issues either. It could have been so much better and that makes me wanna cry.
I had a lot of fun watching this series. From my perspective, it's fantasy, not a how-to on how to conduct one's professional life, so I did not mind the wackier aspects of the narrative. Another reason the office romance didn't bother me (although irl I would not recommend this) is that Cher did not aspire to that kind of career. It was a semester-long experience required to graduate, not a stepping stone in his career.
He stated that he'd decline a job at the company if offered, and was successful already as a gamer and YouTuber. In this way the power dynamic was much more balanced than a typical boss/intern relationship because Cher did not want to become employed by the company or participate in the field in that way. So as an adult he was free to live his life as he wished, including engaging with Gun's advances.
Another way to look at it is that Gun's relationship with Cher actually improved his professional performance and increased the value of the company because it made Gun more flexible and compassionate. For entertainment value I gave this series a B, but do not attempt this at home.
I’d go along with both your likes and dislikes. I thought it was dragged out far too long with very little actually happening, but I enjoyed it on the whole, and found Cher’s character – and Gun’s body – appealing. I wouldn’t watch it again though.
I have been waiting for your review the moment I started watching this series. I am so glad I'm not the only one who thought their office romance was inappropriate. It initially felt like the series wanted to address the consequences of their indiscreet office romance but then it somehow turned the discussion into how everybody was against their love.
Don't get me wrong, in spite of my reservations, I actually enjoyed this series. I just couldn't shake off the way the office romance was handled. Kudos to the actors for doing a good job especially Cher's actor (book) whose character managed to both annoy and entertain me at the same time.
I also had trouble with Gun as a CEO of a company. He seems sleazy, incompetent, and never seemed to address any of the company's issues. And the series had too many loose ends. First, they never explained how Thoop's drug arrest was handled. I assume Gun and his lawyer fixed it, or did Gun's mother fix it? Second, it seemed like the father was removed from the series after his big scene at the jail. Was he convicted of rape? Third, What happened to Thyme after he was fired? Did he just disappear. Finally, I thought the series dragged during the first 8 episodes. It didn't really pick up until Thoop got arrested.