Unintentional Love Story is a Korean BL series about a recently fired office employee who gets a fresh start during a vacation. After losing his job, the main character travels to...
The End of the World With You is a Japanese BL series about two ex-lovers reuniting before the apocalypse. In ten days, a meteor will strike the earth and decimate humanity....
Ai Long Nhai is a lighthearted Thai BL series about two university friends and their campus romance. The protagonist used to be a playboy until he transferred to a new school....
Never Let Me Go is a Thai BL series about a wealthy teenager and his bodyguard. The protagonist is a hotel heir in his final year of high school. After...
HIStory 5: Love in the Future is a Taiwanese BL series about a time traveller and his romance. One night, the protagonist is magically transported years into the future. While settling...
The New Employee is a Korean BL series about a marketing intern, his boss, and their office romance. The main character begins an internship at an advertising company. He works...
Cutie Pie 2 You is the sequel to the Thai BL series Cutie Pie. The short second season continues the original love story following the main character's graduation. The protagonist...
Work From Heart is a Thai BL comedy series about an office romance. The main character is a wealthy heir who begins an internship at his grandfather's company. He flirts with...
Love Bill is a Vietnamese BL series about a runaway teenager and his older roommate. After clashing with his family, the rebellious protagonist deserts home with nowhere to go. An...
Check Out is a Thai BL series about a raunchy office affair. The main character works for his ex-boyfriend, who dotes on him and wants to reconcile. However, the protagonist secretly...
My Tooth Your Love is a Taiwanese BL series about a dentist, his patient, and their romance. The main character suffers from a toothache, but he'd rather endure the pain...
Cupid's Last Wish is a Thai BL series about two siblings who swap bodies. After an accident, the protagonist switches identities with his sister, who has fallen into a coma....