Some famous Japanese BL dramas include Ossan's Love, Cherry Magic, and My Beautiful Man.

Japan is well-known for popularizing Boys Love anime and manga, but many Japanese BL dramas are also worthy of recognition. While this country is certainly no stranger to the genre, it is only in recent years Japanese BL series gained mainstream attention. This is all thanks to the breakout success of Ossan's Love, a wacky comedy that captured the world by storm. Since then, Japan has continued producing innovative works with international acclaim, such as Cherry Magic.

Japanese BL dramas are quite unique. They often feature hilarious humour with exaggerated reactions and outlandish scenarios. Yet, these Japanese BL series balance their boisterous comedy perfectly with meaningful plots and sentimental plots. A popular trend in this country is that famous BL mangas have been converted into live-action dramas. These adaptations are always an exciting experience, like watching your favourite fiction come to life.

Occasionally, Japanese BL dramas feature mature characters and deal with more serious themes. This is a refreshing change if you're looking for a different type of BL series other than the typical school romances. Of course, Japan also produces a fair number of BL series in high schools and university campuses, just in case you're a fan of that trope. The variety is a trademark strength of Japanese BL dramas.

You'll enjoy the many BL dramas in Japan if you like:

  • Inventive storylines that think outside the box
  • Varied and diverse romances
  • Sophisticated comedy balanced with serious drama

BL Watcher has prepared a list of Japanese BL dramas and series from Japan made over the years! Read the reviews of each drama for information about the plot, the cast, and the episodes.

List of BL Dramas in Japan

2024 BL

2023 BL

2022 BL

2021 BL

2020 BL

2019 BL

2018 BL

Japanese BL Dramas in 2024


Although I Love You and You

Although I Love You and You is a Japanese BL drama released in 2024.

Although I Love You and You is a Japanese BL series about a small restaurant owner and an office worker. After his last breakup, the main character only focuses on running his shop instead of dating again. He develops a secret crush on a new customer who enjoys his cooking. As they befriend each other, their budding relationship has romantic potential. However, the protagonist's ex-boyfriend returns and complicates these feelings.

From the relaxing story to the positive messages, Although I Love You and You is a sweet and harmless romantic comedy. The lead couple didn't interest me at the start. The attraction seems forced, the interactions feel awkward, and the actors lack chemistry. The series wastes time on the secret crush and love triangle instead of developing the relationship. While the main characters eventually grew on me, I still prefer the rival as the love interest.

  • Romance
  • Cute & sweet
  • 8 episodes
  • 4 hours

At 25:00 in Akasaka

At 25:00 in Akasaka is a Japanese BL drama released in 2024.

At 25:00 in Akasaka is a Japanese BL series about two actors starring in a romantic drama. The main character has landed the first major role in his career. He is intimidated by his costar, a handsome heartthrob with a large fan base. Both leads also know each other from university, further complicating their on-set relationship. They must navigate their secret feelings while struggling to differentiate between acting and reality.

In the beginning, At 25:00 in Akasaka shows enough promise to keep me invested. This moody love story captures my interest with its powerful soundtrack and artsy cinematography, creating rich atmospheric vibes. The leads also deliver sincere performances. However, the series is too much of a slow burn and becomes quite dull. Between the boring rivals and the frustrating plots, the last few episodes lose my attention.

  • Romance
  • Mature & interesting
  • 10 episodes
  • 4 hours

Cosmetic Playlover

Cosmetic Playlover is a Japanese BL drama released in 2024.

Cosmetic Playlover is a Japanese BL series about two beauty advisors at a make-up boutique. The main character is hardworking and passionate about his job. He tries to inspire his junior coworker, a talented beautician with an attitude problem. The pair develops a close relationship while working together, helping each other improve. However, their career growth takes them in different directions.

Much of the charm in Cosmetic Playlover comes from the charismatic lead actor. From his glowing smile to his teary-eyed expression, he brings depth and authenticity to a versatile performance. He also shares smooth chemistry with his costar, particularly when they kiss. However, the bland storylines are unexciting. The romance also upsets me due to the love interest's possessiveness and manipulative behaviour.

  • Romance
  • Cute & sweet
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

Happy of the End

Happy of the End is a Japanese BL drama released in 2024.

Happy of the End is a Japanese crime BL series about two men whose lives become intertwined after a failed one-night stand. After getting dumped by his wealthy lover, the main character visits a gay bar for a hookup. He meets an interested suitor who wants to have sex, but their encounter takes a shocking turn. Instead of separating, they continue to live together afterwards. Both learn about each other's traumatic pasts.

I admire Happy of the End for tackling bold themes. With violent exchanges and gruesome moments, this BL series is grittier than the norm. Both leads have suffered trauma, so I feel sorry for them and want the couple to prevail. However, I can't get over the laughably lousy writing. From the jarring dialogue to the outrageous events, the chaotic story feels disjointed and delirious. It feels like an awkward attempt at an edgy drama.

  • Crime drama
  • Dark & toxic
  • 8 episodes
  • 4 hours

I Hear the Sunspot

I Hear the Sunspot is a Japanese BL drama released in 2024.

I Hear the Sunspot is a Japanese BL series about a university student with severe hearing loss. The main character feels self-conscious about his condition and struggles to adjust to school life. Surprisingly, he meets a cheerful student who perceives him beyond his hearing impairment. His new friend offers to help him come out of his shell. As their bond deepens, the protagonists develop secret feelings for each other.

The meaningful storylines in I Hear the Sunspot capture the experiences of living with a hearing impairment. It explores the emotional themes with kindness and thoughtfulness. Thanks to the charm and sincerity of the two lead actors, both protagonists are lovable. Their natural rapport makes me want to champion them as a couple. Sadly, the series squanders the romantic potential and delivers a weak relationship arc.

  • School romance
  • Nice & heartwarming
  • 12 episodes
  • 5 hours

Living With Him

Living With Him is a Japanese BL drama released in 2024.

Living With Him is a Japanese BL series about two childhood friends who become university roommates. As suggested by their families, the main characters move into the same apartment to save rent. After drifting apart over the years, living together brings them closer together. The protagonist enjoys their close bond. However, he picks up subtle signs that his companion may have a secret crush on him.

I'm charmed by Living With Him, a sweet and sincere BL drama that wins me over with its wholesomeness. From sentimental messages to positive affirmations, the heartwarming story is bursting with positivity. My favourite romantic trope involves seeing friends turn into lovers, and this series captures the emotional journey beautifully. I adore both main characters, who have endearing personalities and share the coziest rapport.

  • School romance
  • Nice & heartwarming
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

Love Is Better the Second Time Around

Love Is Better the Second Time Around is a Japanese BL drama released in 2024.

Love Is Better the Second Time Around is a Japanese BL series about a former couple who reunites years later and rekindles their romance. The main character is surprised to meet his high school sweetheart during a work assignment. The protagonists used to be in love and wanted to elope together, but they haven't kept in touch since their breakup. As they navigate their professional boundaries, both struggle with lingering feelings for each other.

I enjoyed watching Love Is Better the Second Time Around. The storylines explore mature themes, as the protagonists cope with past regrets and emotional baggage. Yet, this quirky series doesn't take itself too seriously. It amuses me with cheeky humour and snappy banter. One of the charismatic leads is oozing with seduction, so he makes the romantic scenes fun. However, the last two episodes feel rushed, diminishing my overall enthusiasm.

  • Romance
  • Spicy & romantic
  • 6 episodes
  • 2 hours

My Strawberry Film

My Strawberry Film is a Japanese BL drama released in 2024.

My Strawberry Film is a Japanese high school BL series about a group of friends and their secret unrequited feelings. One day, the trio discovers old footage of a mysterious teenage girl. They are enchanted by her beauty and begin investigating her identity. As their search deepens, the protagonists must confront their hidden desires toward each other. Soon, the blurred line between friendship and romance complicates everyone's relationships.

Between the thin plot and the shallow characterizations, My Strawberry Film fails to deliver a captivating story. The series begins with a barely intriguing premise, which becomes even less interesting as it progresses. It tries to introduce love triangles and unrequited love, but these bland high school relationships go nowhere. BL fans won't be satisfied with the romances that never take off. I'm also underwhelmed by the cast and their inexperienced acting abilities.

  • School romance
  • Sad & emotional
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

Ossan's Love Returns

Ossan's Love Returns is a Japanese BL drama released in 2024.

Ossan's Love Returns is the sequel to the famous Japanese BL comedy series. The story follows two real estate agents and their love life. After moving in together, the main characters hire a housekeeping service. They are surprised to employ their former boss, who has switched careers. The protagonists are also suspicious of their mysterious neighbours. The paranoia grows into hilariously over-the-top shenanigans.

The Ossan's Love sequel brings the same exhilarating joy as the original drama. Each episode contains funny punchlines, zany scenarios, and comical misunderstandings. The cast performs enthusiastically and captures the quirkiness of their characters. Despite the silly humour, the story addresses mature topics about marriage and aging. It explores the couple's relationship drama, highlighting the rough patches and the romantic moments.

  • Romantic comedy
  • Happy & funny
  • 9 episodes
  • 7 hours

Perfect Propose

Perfect Propose is a Japanese BL drama released in 2024.

Perfect Propose is a Japanese BL series about two childhood friends who start living together. As kids, they once joked about marrying each other. The pair lost contact during their youth, but they reunited years later. Both move into an apartment to cohabitate. The main character feels burned out from his stressful office job, causing a poor work-life balance. His roommate encourages him to switch to a healthier routine.

From work-life balance to toxic office culture, Perfect Propose explores fascinating topics. I appreciate the series for delving into the lead's emotional and psychological struggles. I sympathize with his experiences. Yet, the gloomy storylines become monotonous, repeating similar messages episode after episode. The workplace plot also takes up too much focus, overshadowing the romance. The couple doesn't spend enough time bonding.

  • Romance
  • Sad & emotional
  • 6 episodes
  • 3 hours

Takara's Treasure

Takara's Treasure is a Japanese BL drama released in 2024.

Takara's Treasure is a Japanese BL series about the romance between a university freshman and the senior he idolizes. Years ago, the main character met a kind stranger and shared a special moment with him. Although their exchange was brief, the protagonist carried fond memories of that night. Now that they attend the same school, the protagonist wants them to be friends. However, he discovers their personalities may be quite different.

With gentle plots and wholesome characters, Takara's Treasure delivers a cozy BL drama. Each episode contains charming exchanges, precious moments, and thoughtful story arcs. A relaxing atmosphere flows throughout the series, putting the viewers at ease. However, the slow-burn romance takes time to develop and may test your patience. Also, the couple lacks sparks. Many relationship scenes feel tepid and don't excite me.

  • Romance
  • Nice & heartwarming
  • 10 episodes
  • 4 hours

Japanese BL Dramas in 2023


I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama

I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama is a Japanese BL series about two actors. The main character is a former child star who secures a role in a gay romantic drama. His costar is a beloved celebrity with many fans. After meeting for the first time, the protagonist feels insecure about their different levels of fame. He also worries about not getting along with his partner. Thankfully, their relationship improves once they start collaborating.

The story in I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama begins comedically. The playfulness comes from parodying the inner workings of a BL series, gently poking fun at familiar tropes. Over time, the plot reveals meaningful themes beneath its cheerful humour. It explores the characters' thoughts, backstories, and insecurities with respectable acting performances. The romance also unfolds compellingly and produces exciting moments.

  • Romantic comedy
  • Happy & funny
  • 3 episodes
  • 3 hours

I Cannot Reach You

If It's With You is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

I Cannot Reach You is a Japanese high school BL series about two childhood best friends. The main character is secretly infatuated with his companion. However, he fears confessing his feelings may jeopardize their bond. The protagonist is tormented by unrequited love, especially when his crush hangs out with another girl. As their relationship reaches a breaking point, they must confront their complicated emotions and hidden desires.

Childhood friends falling in love is my favourite trope, which I Cannot Reach You depicts vividly. This series captures the intense experience of unrequited love, from secret desires to conflicting emotions. However, I grew frustrated with the characters, who are indecisive or have erratic mood swings. The story drags out the angsty relationship drama and disrupts the romance from progressing. The plot takes one step forward and two steps back.

  • School romance
  • Sad & emotional
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

If It's With You

If It's With You is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

If It's With You is a sweet Japanese BL series about two high school students in a coastal town. After moving into his new home, the main character befriends a kind teenager who works at a family restaurant. They develop a cozy bond while hanging out at school and around the neighbourhood. The protagonist realizes he has developed romantic feelings for his friend. However, he doesn't believe his one-sided love is reciprocated.

I adore the cozy, down-to-earth romance in If It's With You. This heartwarming BL series captures the intimate journey of falling in love. The beautifully written story features gentle interactions, thoughtful introspection, and profound emotional sensitivity. You'll want to root for the teen protagonists, who both have kind and sincere personalities. The dreamy visuals, elegant soundtrack, and genuine performances add to this drama's appeal.

  • School romance
  • Nice & heartwarming
  • 5 episodes
  • 2 hours

Jack o' Frost (2023)

Jack o' Frost is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

Jack o' Frost is a Japanese BL series about a protagonist who gets amnesia after his recent breakup. The main character injures himself and loses his short-term memory. His ex-boyfriend commits to taking care of him. However, he hides their former relationship and pretends they are only roommates. The couple spends time together in a shared apartment, rediscovering what they once loved about each other.

An intimate tale of romance and redemption, Jack o' Frost is a mature BL series with sophisticated themes. It examines a couple's bittersweet relationship drama, from their domestic bliss to their devastating breakup. The dignified story conveys delicate emotions, thoughtful introspection, and poignant recollections. The talented actors bring tenderness to their roles, portraying their fragile characters with heartfelt sensitivity.

  • Romance
  • Deep & mature
  • 6 episodes
  • 3 hours

Me, My Husband & My Husband's Boyfriend (2023)

Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend is a Japanese BL series about a picture-perfect marriage falling apart. The female lead character enjoys blissful matrimony with her sweet, sensitive husband. However, she feels discontent about their passionless sex life. The protagonist doesn't know her husband is secretly dating a younger man. Discovering their affair shatters her views on love, intimacy, and happiness.

With a title like Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend, this BL series is destined for sordid melodrama. Occasionally, I'm entertained by the juicy scandals and outlandish plot twists. However, the dreary storyline loses my interest after a while. I don't care about the main characters or their joyless relationship scenes. I struggle to understand why they are together and what they love about each other.

  • Drama
  • Spicy & romantic
  • 8 episodes
  • 4 hours

Minato's Laundromat (2023)

Minato's Laundromat 2 is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

Minato's Laundromat 2 is the second season of the Japanese BL series. It continues the romance between a laundromat owner and his young lover. Although they started dating recently, the main character still struggles with their age difference. He feels self-conscious about physical and emotional intimacy. His boyfriend wants to close their distance by moving in together. The couple's living arrangement fuels their flirtation and frustration.

Unlike the first season, I'm more receptive to the romance in Minato's Laundromat 2. The lighthearted and tongue-in-cheek interactions highlight the couple's easygoing rapport. Both actors embody their roles comfortably with genuine performances. However, this series favours schmaltzy exchanges and silly fluff instead of exploring mature relationship drama. The story takes a nosedive with a ridiculously dumb plot in the last few episodes.

  • Romance
  • Cute & sweet
  • 12 episodes
  • 5 hours

Mr. Sahara & Toki-kun (2023)

Mr. Sahara & Toki-kun is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

Mr. Sahara & Toki-kun is a Japanese BL series about a high school teacher and a delinquent student. The main character used to be an unruly troublemaker who skips classes and starts fights. A new teacher inspires him to take his studies seriously again. They spend meaningful time together, engaging in sincere discussions. The protagonist learns to be more mature. He also develops a secret crush on his mentor and struggles with his feelings. 

Everything about Mr. Sahara & Toki-kun irks me. Firstly, a romance between a teacher and his teenage student is a red flag. The story glosses over the age gap without addressing the problematic power dynamics. Secondly, the relationship scenes are shallow and vapid. I still don't understand why the characters are attracted to each other. And thirdly, none of the plots are compelling. The writing is juvenile and lacks sophistication.

  • School romance
  • Nice & heartwarming
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

My Beautiful Man 2 (2023)

My Beautiful Man 2 is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

My Beautiful Man 2 is the sequel to the Japanese BL series My Beautiful Man. The main character's acting career has taken off in the second season, catapulting him to celebrity fame. However, he becomes concerned about the secret romance with his ordinary boyfriend. As his career grows, both protagonists realize their lifestyles and ambitions may not be on the same wavelength.

The My Beautiful Man sequel is an excellent follow-up that explores the complex characters and their fascinating dynamics. In the original, I had reservations about the toxic romance. The sequel fleshes out the couple and makes me more receptive to their unconventional relationship. This well-written BL drama includes offbeat humour, emotional confrontations, and surprisingly sweet moments.

  • Romance
  • Spicy & romantic
  • 4 episodes
  • 90 mins

My Personal Weatherman (2023)

My Personal Weatherman is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

My Personal Weatherman is a Japanese BL series about the steamy relationship between a meteorologist and his secret lover. The main character is a struggling manga artist who doesn't make money from his career. His roommate is a famous weather reporter who offers to cover all the living expenses. However, his financial support comes with an obligation. The protagonist must do the house chores, obey his benefactor, and fulfill him sexually. 

I enjoyed the smutty exchanges in My Personal Weatherman. This racy BL drama showcases juicy physical affection, from intimate touches to passionate kisses. The couple's powerful chemistry carries the series, making a memorable impression. Yet, the dysfunctional love story reveals little meaningful development. I'm also uncomfortable with the toxic relationship perpetuating coercion, possessiveness, and lopsided power dynamics.

  • Romance
  • Dark & toxic
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

Naked Dining (2023)

Naked Dining is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

Naked Dining is a Japanese BL series about two men and their culinary adventures. The main character visits his grandmother's countryside home after she passes away. He meets her young protégé, who teaches him many recipes. They enjoy making tasty delicacies from different countries. Despite their friendship, the protagonist hides an unusual habit from his acquaintance. He is a secret nudist who enjoys eating meals in the buff.

Although Naked Dining has an eccentric premise, the novelty runs out quickly. It settles into a cozy, middle-of-the-road BL drama with minimal emphasis on nudity. Some storylines have compelling messages, especially when highlighting different cuisine or cultures from around the world. Yet, other plots are cliched and forgettable. The uninspiring romance takes too long to develop and suffers from many needless obstacles.

  • Romance
  • Nice & gentle
  • 12 episodes
  • 5 hours

One Room Angel (2023)

One Room Angel is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

One Room Angel is a Japanese fantasy BL series about a loner and his mysterious new roommate. The main character is a convenience store worker who feels disgruntled about his pitiful life. After surviving a near-death encounter, he returns home to find a guardian angel waiting for him. The protagonist is confused by his celestial companion, who has quirky habits and gives snarky advice. Over time, they form an unexpected connection.

Although classified as BL, One Room Angel contains little romance. Don't expect a typical love story. Instead, this highly imaginative series has a fascinating plot with unconventional ideas. Many comedic moments showcase the quirky characters, entertaining dialogue, and a sardonic wit. In addition, there's plenty of emotional drama. Both leads go on complex journeys, exploring poignant backstories and philosophical themes.

  • Fantasy
  • Mature & interesting
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

Our Dining Table (2023)

Our Dining Table is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

Our Dining Table is a Japanese BL series about a shy protagonist who bonds with a heartwarming family. The main character lives by himself and leads a lonely life. One day, he befriends a cheerful child and his older brother. The siblings welcome him into their home, where they enjoy meals together every weekend. Thanks to their companionship, he learns to open his heart, conquer his insecurities, and overcome his past trauma.

From cozy chats to sensitive protagonists, Our Dining Table is a wholesome BL drama filled with warmth and sentimentality. Each episode contains positive messages about building self-esteem or strengthening interpersonal relationships. The delicate love story melts your heart with sweetness, happiness, and hopefulness. Also, the adorable child actor is like a beam of sunshine, carrying the series with boundless enthusiasm.

  • Romance
  • Cute & sweet
  • 10 episodes
  • 4 hours

Polyethylene Terephthalate (2023)

Polyethylene Terephthalate is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

Polyethylene Terephthalate is a Japanese BL series about a couple who started dating and living together. The main characters began their relationship after university graduation. Initially, their romance went through a blissful period. However, various conflicts and irreconcilable differences drove them apart over the years. As their second anniversary approaches, the protagonists must determine whether they still love each other.

Unlike many BL dramas, Polyethylene Terephthalate examines how a couple falls out of love. The narrative is a slow burn, developing quietly and delicately. For those with enough patience, the story takes you on an emotionally intimate journey. However, the series lacks polish in some aspects of its low-budget production. From audio issues to awkward camera angles, the viewing experience isn't always comfortable.

  • Romance
  • Nice & gentle
  • 3 episodes
  • 1 hour

Shimbashi Koi Story 3 (2023)

Shimbashi Koi Story 3 is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

Shimbashi Koi Story 3 is the third season of the Japanese BL series. This sequel continues the story of a couple who met at a bear bar. The main character maintains a long-distance relationship with his boyfriend, who has moved overseas for work. He grows worried when communication suddenly ceases. During the absence, the protagonist befriends a new patron at the bar. Feelings become complicated, especially after his missing lover returns.

The final installment of the Shimbashi Koi Story trilogy takes a dramatic turn. Compared to the past two seasons, this series has a more nuanced narrative with intricate emotions. The sad relationship drama includes plenty of poignant exchanges and heartbreaking turmoil. However, the series lacks romantic content besides the annoying love triangles. The leads also behave unsympathetically to the extent that I root against them.

  • Romance
  • Sad & emotional
  • 4 episodes
  • 2 hours

The End of the World With You (2023)

The End of the World With You is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

The End of the World With You is a Japanese BL series about two ex-lovers reuniting before the apocalypse. In ten days, a meteor will strike the earth and decimate humanity. The protagonist is surprised to reunite with his university boyfriend, who once broke his heart. The world's impending destruction forces them to team up together. They go on a whimsical journey of redemption and reconciliation.

With a highly creative concept, The End of the World With You wins many points for a colourful imagination. It offers a quirky, unique take on an epic apocalyptic love story. The unpredictable events, eccentric characters, and gritty relationship drama create a memorable BL series. Although some parts are rushed, I enjoy the heightened emotions and poignant themes of resurrecting hope in a hopeless world.

  • Fantasy
  • Deep & mature
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

Tokyo in April is… (2023)

Tokyo in April is... is a Japanese BL drama released in 2023.

Tokyo in April is… is a Japanese BL series about two office coworkers who used to be best friends in high school. The main character begins a new corporate job. Surprisingly, he encounters an old classmate who works at the same company. They haven't seen each other for a decade. The colleagues have an amicable reunion and hang out around the workplace. Beneath their pleasantries, they share a rocky history that goes unaddressed.

If I judge Tokyo in April is… based on the beginning, it is enjoyable. This office romance transforms into a nostalgic tale of love and woe. At one point, the series finds its sweet spot with cozy relationship scenes, campy melodrama, and entertaining sexcapades. However, the story becomes too theatrical. It presents iffy plot twists and doesn't handle triggering topics delicately. Those last few episodes are like watching a derailed trainwreck.

  • Office romance
  • Dark & toxic
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

Japanese BL Dramas in 2022


A Man Who Defies the World of BL 2 (2022)

A Man Who Defies the World of BL 2 is a Japanese BL drama released in 2022.

A Man Who Defies the World of BL 2 is the second season of the Japanese BL comedy. This sequel continues the story of the reluctant protagonist in a universe dominated by gay couples. Although he becomes more open-minded, a shocking setback makes the main character feel jaded about love.

The second installment of A Man Who Defies the World of BL exudes the same humourous vibe as the original. Maybe the sequel is slightly less funny, but it compensates with more sentimentality and romance. There aren't many dramatic changes from the first season. Expect many similarities in the zany comedy, exaggerated reactions, and over-the-top scenarios.

  • Comedy
  • Happy & funny
  • 3 episodes
  • 2 hours

Candy Color Paradox

Candy Color Paradox is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

Candy Color Paradox is a Japanese BL series about two tabloid journalists. The protagonist is an investigative reporter for a magazine. One day, his boss assigns him to collaborate with a coworker on a new case. These colleagues don't get along due to their different personalities. Yet, they make a compatible team while uncovering the truth behind each story. As their relationship improves, the former adversaries develop an unlikely bond.

I thoroughly enjoy Candy Color Paradox, a fun and vibrant BL drama that carries a touch of quirkiness. Investigative journalism is a unique topic, allowing the series to delve into juicy plots with exciting scenarios. The leads also have a saucy relationship dynamic, an enthusiastic rapport, and an abundance of sexual tension. Each episode entertains me, even if a few storylines may be too sensationalist and preposterous.

  • Office romance
  • Spicy & romantic
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

Double (2022)

Double is a Japanese BL drama released in 2022.

Double is a Japanese drama about two friends with an unusually codependent relationship. They have been aspiring actors and next-door neighbours for many years, bonding over their love for theatre performances. The main character is his friend's mentor and sees tremendous talent in him. Their rapport changes when one of their careers picks up traction, leaving the other with complicated emotions.

No, Double isn't a full-fledged BL drama. There's a shred of intimacy, but it doesn't have enough romantic content to be your main reason for watching. However, the characters share a complex dynamic that will make you speculate and analyze their fascinating relationship. While some parts of the story are slow, the narrative offers many thoughtful and introspective moments, backed by excellent performances.

  • Non-BL drama
  • Deep & mature
  • 10 episodes
  • 4 hours

Eternal Yesterday (2022)

Eternal Yesterday is a Japanese BL drama released in 2022.

Eternal Yesterday is a Japanese BL series about two high school students who experience a heartbreaking tragedy. The protagonist used to be a loner until his cheerful classmate befriends him. Despite their opposite personalities, they form a close bond and cultivate a secret attraction. On an ordinary morning, they are walking to school. A devastating event suddenly occurs, changing their lives forever.

Every aspect of Eternal Yesterday is masterful, from the sensitive romance to the emotive acting. The beautifully poignant story uses a creative way to express profound messages about grief. The haunting tale of love and woe makes me want to cry after each powerful episode. I champion this sentimental and sophisticated series, which has outclassed most of the other dramas in the BL genre.

  • School romance
  • Sad & emotional
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

Fudanshi Bartender (2022)

Fundashi Bartender is a Japanese BL drama released in 2022.

Fudanshi Bartender is a Japanese BL slice-of-life comedy. The main character may look like a suave bartender on the outside, but he hides his secret obsession with BL. The protagonist constantly daydreams about his male coworkers and customers in outlandish scenarios. Cursed with an overactive imagination, he can misconstrue even the most innocuous moment and turn it into a romantic connection.

Those who love silly comedies may respond well to the offbeat humour in Fudanshi Bartender. It parodies BL tropes cheekily with outrageous scenarios, wacky characters, and over-the-top fantasies. This quirky series suffers because it doesn't have an ongoing story, lacks substantial romances, and hammers the same joke repeatedly. Nonetheless, I admire this drama's relentless enthusiasm and commitment to eccentricity.

  • Comedy
  • Happy & funny
  • 2 episodes
  • 45 mins

I Just Want to See You (2022)

I Just Want to See You is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

I Just Want to See You is a Japanese BL series about a calm, gentle high school romance. The main characters are two childhood best friends about to enter their senior year, facing uncertainty over their futures. They have maintained a platonic relationship all these years. However, this dynamic will soon change in their final summer of adolescence together.

If you enjoy laidback love stories, I Just Want to See You will certainly be appealing. This relaxing BL drama portrays the delicate coming-of-age journeys of two teenage boys. I like the first two episodes, where the charming leads convey a sweet, soft, and simple romance. However, the second half starts drifting aimlessly and almost feels too snoozy.

  • School romance
  • Nice & gentle
  • 4 episodes
  • 80 mins

Kabe Koji (2022)

Kabe Koji is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

Kabe Koji is a Japanese BL comedy series about a doujinshi artist. The protagonist is famous for drawing an adult manga with steamy characters. Surprisingly, one of his biggest fans is a celebrity idol from an up-and-coming boy band. The two leads used to know each other in high school. An unlikely bond forms as they reconnect, leading to hilarious hijinks, warm camaraderie, and emotional journeys.

I like Kabe Koji more as a story than a romance. This funny BL series showcases cheeky jokes, naughty innuendos, and a perpetually enthusiastic vibe. Beneath the boisterous comedy, the narrative explores thoughtful themes about pursuing your passion and overcoming personal demons. Unfortunately, the couple's relationship lacks persuasion. The romantic attraction doesn't feel fully developed.

  • Comedy
  • Happy & funny
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

Kei x Yaku (2022)

Kei x Yaku is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

Kei x Yaku: Dangerous Buddy is a Japanese BL crime drama. The main character is a police detective investigating the mysterious shooting of his senior colleague three years ago. He meets a young yakuza leader, also looking for answers. This unlikely pair teams up and works together, uncovering the truth behind an enormous political conspiracy.

Although the two lead actors are charming, Kei x Yaku suffers from a convoluted plot not written particularly well. The BL content is also disappointingly minimal and resembles more of a bromance. Still, this mystery thriller can be compelling to watch, entertaining the viewers with fun twists and turns.

  • Crime drama
  • Wild & intense
  • 10 episodes
  • 7 hours

Minato's Laundromat (2022)

Minato's Laundromat is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

Minato's Laundromat is a Japanese BL series about a high school student's unrequited love. The teen protagonist has a crush on the local laundromat owner, who is in his late twenties. Yet, the older man feels uncomfortable about their age gap and turns down the relationship. Despite the rejection, the characters continue to spend time together as they struggle with their repressed feelings.

This cozy, delicate BL drama has an intimate vibe. It explores the intricacies of attraction with thoughtful writing and gentle humour. However, the age difference in Minato's Laundromat is impossible to overlook. The adult lead is ten years older than his teenage love interest, creating a dubious dynamic in the romance. Although the series navigates their connection compellingly, many interactions seem irritating and inappropriate.

  • Romance
  • Nice & gentle
  • 12 episodes
  • 5 hours

More Than Words (2022)

More Than Words is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

More Than Words is a Japanese drama about three best friends in a love triangle over the years. The aromantic female protagonist befriends a popular classmate, even though she isn't interested in dating him. Later, they welcome a gay coworker to their social circle. The trio gets along splendidly, forming a close bond from high school to adulthood. Yet, their relationship reaches an emotional turning point that threatens to drive them apart.

Supported by subtle writing and brilliant acting, More Than Words unleashes powerful emotions with its sensitive relationship drama. This sophisticated story is masterful at navigating the blurry lines between friendship, romance, and family. Although not a conventional BL series, it features gay characters and highlights their thoughtful experiences. Each protagonist goes through a nuanced journey that explores sentimental themes.

  • Drama
  • Deep & mature
  • 10 episodes
  • 6 hours

Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss (2022)

Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss is a quirky Japanese BL drama. The main character believes he has been jinxed throughout his life. Everywhere the protagonist goes, he encounters accidents, disruptions, and a persistent streak of bad luck. However, his situation improves after meeting a popular university student with inherently good fortune. As they start a romantic relationship, their destinies become intertwined.

I adore the two lead actors in Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss. They have a natural likability, a delightful rapport, and charming good looks. Unfortunately, I'm not fond of everything else about this BL drama, from the ludicrous story to the juvenile romance. I'm also annoyed by the neurotic main character, whose inner thoughts are constantly imposed on us.

  • School romance
  • Happy & funny
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

Old Fashion Cupcake (2022)

Old Fashion Cupcake is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

Old Fashion Cupcake is a Japanese BL series about a delightful office romance. The main character is a single business employee in his late thirties, who lacks ambition and fails to enjoy life beyond his job. A young colleague befriends the protagonist and encourages him to try new experiences outside his comfort zone. They start by visiting various dessert parlours, constantly standing out as the only male customers in shops packed with women.

An instant classic, Old Fashion Cupcake is a charming BL drama with a sweet yet sexy romance. This sophisticated story offers thoughtful insights into aging and gender norms, presenting the themes in a suave package. The brisk narrative is propelled by sharp writing, handsome leads, and charismatic performances. Also, the couple's exhilarating romantic encounter will leave fans gasping in ecstasy.

  • Office romance
  • Cute & sweet
  • 5 episodes
  • 2 hours

Senpai, This Can't Be Love! (2022)

Senpai, This Can't Be Love is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

Senpai, This Can't Be Love! is a Japanese BL series about a cute and quirky workplace romance. The protagonist is a shy new employee at a 3D design agency. He has a secret crush on an older colleague, who mentors him in the office. As the two leads flirt coyly, they must navigate their unspoken feelings for each other.

I adore Senpai, This Can't Be Love! The bubbly romantic comedy conveys a playful office flirtation with a lighthearted vibe. Also, the entertaining story and funny characters make me laugh enthusiastically. Some moments are genuinely hilarious, appealing to my immature sense of humour. This silly BL drama endears me with its charming interactions, cheeky humour, and cheerful tone.

  • Office romance
  • Cute & sweet
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

Shimbashi Koi Story (2022)

Shimbashi Koi Story is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

Shimbashi Koi Story is a Japanese BL series about two customers falling in love at a gay bar. The main character is a shy and lonely bachelor in his late thirties. He frequents a bear bar with his best friend. One evening, they meet a newcomer who mingles with them. The protagonist is attracted to his new acquaintance. However, he struggles to open up and make the first move.

The bear-friendly cast in Shimbashi Koi Story is one of its most significant selling points. The actors are more mature and have a different body type than the usual leads in BL dramas. However, they give stiff and amateurish performances. I'm also bored by the generic plot, bland characters, and dry romance. This unimaginative series lacks excitement and loses my interest.

  • Romance
  • Nice & gentle
  • 4 episodes
  • 1 hour

Shimbashi Koi Story 2 (2022)

Shimbashi Koi Story 2 is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

Shimbashi Koi Story Season 2 is the sequel to the Japanese BL series Shimbashi Koi Story. The second season continues the couple's love story after two years have passed. Both main characters are still happily in love. However, their blissful relationship faces various unexpected obstacles. A new rival, a manipulative ex-boyfriend, and communication troubles threaten to tear apart the romance.

The Shimbashi Koi Story sequel is worse than its first season. The plots are still generic and uninspired. Likewise, the bland protagonists continue to share little chemistry and give amateurish performances. I'm also annoyed by the addition of two shameless rivals who bring obnoxious love triangles. The story seems more preoccupied with relationship drama than highlighting romantic encounters between the leads.

  • Romance
  • Nice & gentle
  • 4 episodes
  • 1 hour

Takara-kun & Amagi-kun (2022)

Takara-kun and Amagi-kun is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

Takara-kun and Amagi-kun is a Japanese BL series about two high school students who recently started dating. The main characters belong to different social circles. One is a part of the popular kids, while the other just hangs out with his ordinary friends. They must hide this unlikely relationship from classmates while navigating their feelings for one another.

It took me a while to warm up to Takara-kun & Amagi-kun. The eccentric plots, moody characters, and aimless slice-of-life drama put me off initially. After some time, I looked past the issues and got used to the quirky high school love story. This cute BL series explores delicate relationship drama with sweet moments and sensitive messages.

  • School romance
  • Nice & gentle
  • 8 episodes
  • 3 hours

The 8.2 Second Rule (2022)

The 8.2 Second Rule is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

The 8.2 Second Rule is a Japanese BL series about a high school student and his ongoing pursuit of love. The teenage protagonist is a hopeless romantic who wants to find a boyfriend. He believes in the superstition that two people can fall in love if they maintain eye contact for 8.2 seconds. In each episode, the main character meets with various classmates to test if the theory comes true.

Light and insubstantial, The 8.2 Second Rule doesn't make a big splash in this genre. Every episode follows a rigid storytelling formula that offers little surprises or BL content. The handsome young cast is a selling point, but a few pretty faces can't compensate for a superficial plot. It's hard to get excited about this mild-mannered and saccharine series.

  • School romance
  • Nice & gentle
  • 5 episodes
  • 50 mins

Two Office Workers Who Are Too Poisonous for One's Eyes

Two Office Workers Who Are Too Poisonous for One's Eyes is a Japanese drama released in 2022.

Two Office Workers Who Are Too Poisonous for One's Eyes is a Japanese comedy series. The female protagonist has an overactive imagination and fantasizes about her male coworkers in BL scenarios. After befriending another like-minded employee, they exchange funny commentary about their observations. They speculate whether their two office colleagues are romantically intimate.

I often laughed while watching Two Office Workers Who Are Too Poisonous for One's Eyes. This zany comedy thrives on goofy jokes, exaggerated reactions, and over-the-top scenarios. The female lead is brilliant, and her boundless enthusiasm propels the funny antics. However, the romantic content is frustrating bait. The series only teases borderline fantasies instead of delivering actual BL content.

  • Non-BL comedy
  • Happy & funny
  • 25 episodes
  • 2 hours

We're Both Grooms (2022)

We're Both Grooms is a Japanese BL series released in 2022.

We're Both Grooms is a Japanese BL drama about a gay couple on their wedding day. Moments before the ceremony, the main character suddenly admits he hasn't come out to his parents, family, or coworkers. His fiancé is shocked by the revelation, but the couple tries to tie the knot anyway. Their nuptials descend into arguments, tears, and chaos as various guests disrupt the festivities.

There is a cute, quirky coming-out story in We're Both Grooms. This one-hour TV special has a sentimental tone with a positive message. However, it suffers from a shaky plot, iffy acting, and a lightweight BL romance. Overall, the drama is fine, but it doesn't rise above average quality.

  • Comedy
  • Happy & funny
  • 1 episode
  • 50 mins

Japanese BL Dramas in 2021


A Man Who Defies the World of BL (2021)

A Man Who Defies the World of BL is a Japanese BL drama released in 2021.

As soon as you start watching A Man Who Defies the World of BL, you’ll know this Japanese BL drama was adapted from a manga. Its influence is very obvious in the feel and flow of the series. This drama takes place in a fictional universe where everyone is happily gay, except for the main character who tries to resist the BL tropes around him.

A Man Who Defies the World of BL is a very peculiar drama with an unusual sense of humour, heavily catering to hardcore fans of the Boys Love genre. Told in an anthology format, each mini episode has a self-contained story that gently makes fun of the BL phenomenon.

  • Comedy
  • Happy & funny
  • 4 episodes
  • 2 hours

Given (2021)

Given is a Japanese BL drama released in 2021.

Given is a Japanese BL drama adapted from a manga, focusing on a group of musicians in a band. When the main characters meet in school, they form a connection over their shared interest in guitars. However, one of them is harbouring an emotional wound, which can only be healed through music and love.

Although I tried to keep an open mind about the Given series, it seriously underwhelmed me. Maybe I'm too biased due to my attachment to the anime, but this uninspired remake lacks heart and soul. Instead of watching the live action drama, I would strongly recommend the Given anime for a much stronger reiteration of the story.

  • Drama
  • Deep & mature
  • 6 episodes
  • 3 hours

My Beautiful Man (2021)

My Beautiful Man is a Japanese BL drama released in 2021.

My Beautiful Man is a Japanese BL drama about a student who falls in love with his bully. The protagonist is a social outcast in his new high school and becomes a lackey for the popular kids. Despite his awful treatment, he develops a hopeless crush on one of his handsome classmates.

I'm not fond of the unlikeable characters or their abusive relationship in My Beautiful Man. The series features a volatile romance propelled by a twisted dynamic. Nonetheless, I like how the story deviates from the conventional BL drama, intriguing me with its dark and sinister undertones.

  • School romance
  • Dark & toxic
  • 6 episodes
  • 2 hours

My Love Mix-Up (2021)

My Love Mix-Up (also known as Kieta Hatsukoi) is a Japanese BL drama released in 2021.

My Love Mix-Up is a Japanese BL comedy adapted from a manga. In this high school romance, the teenage protagonist is infatuated with a female student, but discovers she likes another guy instead. When her secret becomes exposed, the main character protects her identity by pretending he's the one with the crush. This fake love confession surprises his male classmate, who seriously contemplates whether he can reciprocate the feelings.

Also known as Kieta Hatsukoi or Vanishing My First Love, My Love Mix-Up is an excellent coming-of-age comedy. Many BL fans will enjoy the hilarious story and heartwarming romance, packed with boundless charm, laughter, and delightfulness. Each episode is effortlessly funny, but still conveys a sentimental message about love, friendship, and adolescence.

  • School romance
  • Happy & funny
  • 10 episodes
  • 4 hours

Japanese BL Dramas in 2020


Cherry Magic (2020)

Cherry Magic is a Japanese BL drama released in 2020.

Cherry Magic is a Japanese BL drama about a workplace romance with a quirky twist. The protagonist is an ordinary office worker, who never had any sexual relationships during his twenties. He suddenly develops a magical power on his 30th birthday, allowing him to read other people's minds every time they touch. This newfound ability completely transforms his life and comes with many exciting surprises.

If you are looking for a sweet and lighthearted romantic comedy, Cherry Magic is one of the best series in the genre. Featuring a charismatic couple, you will be smiling from episode to episode as their feel-good romance develops. This fun BL drama is powered by charm, humour, positivity, and lots of wonderful imagination.

  • Office romance
  • Cute & sweet
  • 12 episodes
  • 4 hours

Life~Love on the Line (2020)

Life~Love on the Line is a Japanese BL drama released in 2020.

Life~Love on the Line is a Japanese BL drama adapted from a manga. The two main characters are high school students, who first meet each other under quirky circumstances when walking home from school. This series chronicles the next few decades of their relationship, as they transition to university, the workplace, and the responsibilities of adult life.

Although Life~Love on the Line has an offbeat start, it slowly develops into a sweet and sensitive drama with plenty of poignant moments. The romance is depicted intimately, taking us through the emotional ups and downs of a gay couple.

  • Romance
  • Deep & mature
  • 4 episodes
  • 2 hours

Japanese BL Dramas in 2019


His: I Didn't Think I Would Fall in Love (2019)

His: I Didn't Think I Would Fall in Love is a Japanese BL drama released in 2019.

His: I Didn't Think I Would Fall In Love is a Japanese BL series focusing on adolescent love. This short, leisurely drama features four teenagers in a beachside community, as they navigate their romantic feelings for each other. The two male leads are starting to come to terms with their sexuality, albeit in a clumsy and uncertain manner.

Up until the last episode, the narrative in His: I Didn’t Think I Would Fall in Love doesn't go deep enough to resonate emotionally, playing it too safe with the storylines. Even though it takes too long to reach the climax, there’s still an innocent and wholesome love story depicted in this series.

  • Teen romance
  • Nice & gentle
  • 5 episodes
  • 2 hours

Mood Indigo (2019)

Mood Indigo is a Japanese BL drama released in 2019.

Mood Indigo is a Japanese BL drama about a struggling author, who begins to write pornographic novels at the urging of his friend. Although the main character is initially reluctant to work in this industry, he slowly learns to adapt the eroticism into his writing. As he delves deeper into this salacious genre, the relationship with his editor also becomes increasingly sensual.

As the second instalment in a trilogy, Mood Indigo is the prequel of The Novelist, taking place years before its predecessor. It explores sexual topics in a clever, provocative way, pushing the boundaries more than your average BL series. This atmospheric drama balances its risqué subject matter with some surprisingly poignant moments, delivering a powerful storyline that is rich with emotions.

  • Romance
  • Sexy & steamy
  • 6 episodes
  • 3 hours

Ossan's Love: In the Sky (2019)

Ossan's Love: In the Sky is a Japanese BL drama released in 2019.

Ossan's Love: In the Sky is the spin-off of the famous Japanese BL series. The workplace comedy takes place in an airline setting, focusing on the complicated love triangles between coworkers. The main character is a happy-go-lucky flight attendant who becomes coveted by all his colleagues. While the drama features the same lead actors as its predecessor, it is not a continuation of the first season. It's a new story with different characters.

Unlike the charming first season, Ossan's Love: In the Sky struggles to tell a satisfying love story. Despite the likable characters and strong acting performances, the quality of this BL drama is wildly inconsistent. The lacklustre narrative suffers from too many love triangles that feel exhausting to watch. There's an excessive focus on rejections, heartbreak, and secret yearning. The series is missing the charm and humour of the original drama.

  • Comedy
  • Happy & funny
  • 8 episodes
  • 4 hours

What Did You Eat Yesterday? (2019)

What Did You Eat Yesterday? is a Japanese BL drama released in 2019.

What Did You Eat Yesterday is a Japanese BL slice-of-life comedy. The story depicts the sweet and frequently funny day-to-day routine of an ordinary gay couple. Both main characters are in their 40s and live together as boyfriends. They love cooking and always make time to enjoy homemade dinners. However, their relationship is a secret, so only their close acquaintances know they are dating. 

Despite the simple premise, What Did You Eat Yesterday is one of the best slice-of-life BL dramas in the genre. The story has plenty of charm, comedy, and heartwarming messages that will make you appreciate your loved ones. The humour is hilarious, portrayed brilliantly by two veteran actors. Every episode is entertaining, endearing, and emotionally profound.

  • Comedy
  • Happy & funny
  • 12 episodes
  • 6 hours

Japanese BL Dramas in 2018


Ossan's Love (2018)

Ossan's Love is a Japanese BL drama released in 2018.

Ossan's Love is a Japanese BL comedy series about an office love triangle. The main character is a real estate agent in his thirties. One day, he discovers his significantly older boss has romantic feelings for him. The manager confesses his love, divorces his wife, and openly pursues him. Simultaneously, another coworker professes his secret crush. The protagonist is overwhelmed by his suitors and doesn't know how to navigate these relationships.

With hilarious jokes packed into each episode, Ossan's Love is a delightfully zany workplace comedy. The silly humour, eccentric characters & comically outlandish scenarios will make you laugh. The energetic leads have immersed themselves in their roles. While the story seems over the top, it explores surprisingly mature themes. This famous Japanese BL series has gained mainstream recognition, even among viewers who don't watch the genre.

  • Comedy
  • Happy & funny
  • 7 episodes
  • 5 hours

The Novelist (2018)

The Novelist is a Japanese BL drama released in 2018.

Also known as Pornographer, The Novelist is a Japanese BL drama adapted from a yaoi manga. The story focuses on a university student who begins to work for an erratic author, transcribing his pornographic novels onto paper. The more they spend time together, the more sensual and passionate their relationship becomes.

The Novelist is the first instalment in a trilogy, taking place years after the events of its prequel Mood Indigo. This bold and cheeky BL drama explores the topic of erotica unapologetically. Some of the scenes are provocative and can even get pretty raunchy.

  • Romance
  • Sexy & steamy
  • 6 episodes
  • 3 hours
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