Have you contacted BL Watcher recently? Below, you may find my corresponding responses, compiled in one convenient place. Scroll down to see if I've replied back. The most recent remarks will be listed first, and you will find older entries as you scroll down the list. Each response comes with a random character avatar, just to make the page look prettier! All the pictures are picked whimsically and have no special meaning.
This page will be routinely updated with new comments. Unfortunately, I like to mull over my answers for a long time, so it may take a while before you hear back from me. Sorry about the wait, but thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please note your original comment won't be published. I want to preserve discretion, so only your name and the date are displayed. My replies will not make sense or have context unless you're the original author. If you have a new question, simply contact me instead of searching for a possible answer on this page. I don't mind replying to the same questions more than once!
Not all replies will be published here. Based on the context of your message, I may decide to e-mail you the answer instead. It depends on whether I find it more appropriate to reply in public or private.
Finally, thank you for contacting me on BL Watcher. Even if I don't get back to you right away, just know that I read every comment. I appreciate you taking the time to communicate with me.
2023 Replies
- January 2023
- February 2023
- March 2023
- April 2023
- May 2023
- June 2023
- July 2023
- August 2023
- September 2023
- October 2023
- November 2023
- December 2023
2022 Replies
The replies are divided by year! Read the 2022 replies from BL Watcher.
December 2023 Responses
December 1, 2023

Ahhhh, sorry! Laws of Attraction was one of the dramas that excited me before its release. I actually started watching the first episode before getting interrupted midway by real-life issues. When I returned a few days later, I kinda forgot about this series. I started watching something else instead. 😓
Sorry about the boring story, haha. Sometimes, the most irrelevant distractions can throw me off schedule. That's what happened here. Thanks to your comment, this series is on my radar again. I'm going to restart the drama and hopefully write a review soon-ish. Thank you for waiting with eager anticipation!
December 5, 2023

Hi Servane! I'm so sorry about the delayed response. Your message was wrongly caught up in the spam filter, but I finally rescued it.
I'm glad you enjoyed using the Thai BL list! Yes, I hope to include more BL dramas from other countries, including China and the Philippines. I've heard great things about Stay With Me. Your recommendation only increases my hype, so I definitely want to review it one day.
December 14, 2023

LMAO. Now that you mentioned it, I remember having a tiny startled reaction to Ming Han's comment in that scene. Mao Mao just finished delivering a poignant speech, only for his partner to give this response. Are you sure you want to use that analogy?
But yes, typical Ming Han. That was one of the many moments in Marry My Dead Body where Ming Han proved he was a ~romantic~ soul lol.
December 20, 2023

Hi Patrick. Thank you for your ongoing support. I'm so glad you stuck around after finding my website. It's awesome that you've observed some of the progress take place. Running BL Watcher has been an exciting journey. I love seeing this tiny little blog expand over the years. Sometimes, I still can't believe its growth. The website is about to celebrate its third anniversary. I feel like a proud parent, haha.
I remember your comment vividly because of the timing. The message arrived while I was in the middle of working on the I Feel You Linger in the Air review. The write-up was in progress at that exact moment. I was like, "Oh my god, what a funny coincidence." If only you'd check my website a day later, you'll find this review has been posted. (Sorry about the delay, by the way.)
That's an interesting question! I don't have a system about choosing which BL dramas to watch. In retrospect, I should be more strategic with my selections. There are some series that deserve higher priority. A few popular titles are highly requested by readers. Yet, I still pick randomly without logic. My justification is that I like being whimsical. Not following commitments makes reviewing BL feel less like an errand and more like a hobby. The freedom to watch anything I want sustains my enthusiasm.
With that said, I am influenced by several factors. Firstly, I look at the series length. Sometimes, I get burned out if I watch too many long BL dramas in succession. I Feel You Linger in the Air clashed with Only Friends, which aired around the same time. After finishing OF, I wanted to watch something shorter without too much time investment. I was busy during November, further reducing my flexibility. I couldn't commit to another massive series. That's one of the reasons I delayed IFYLITA until my availability increased in December.
Secondly, I rely on reader recommendations. As readers hype up their favourite dramas, they intrigue me. Their power of persuasion can influence me to reshuffle my viewing queue and prioritize some series over others. I don't follow every recommendation, but feedback plays a factor.
Thirdly, I'm guided by curiosity. As a BL fan, I want to enjoy the best dramas. If something is buzzworthy, it will attract my attention too. However, I don't feel the need to jump on the bandwagon for every popular franchise. I don't care about chasing trends or having glaring omissions in my Best Of lists. Sometimes, I wanna watch overlooked hidden gems instead of mainstream juggernauts. Indie works deserve my attention just as much as the famous titles. Call it The Defiance of BL Watcher.
And fourthly, it depends on my mood. Am I happy, sad, energized, or tired? Do I need a pick-me-up from lighthearted fluff? Or is it time to explore a profound story? My psychology also dictates what I will watch next.
December 25, 2023

Thank you for the recommendation! Yeah, I definitely plan on watching City Boy Log after it finishes. I didn't know about this series until recently, but I *love* the idea behind it. I'm excited by all the hype!
I do have a few questions about the series. How many episodes will it have? (MDL says 20.) When is it going to end? The release schedule has been irregular. The uncertainty makes me not know when I'll start watching and reviewing the series. Nonetheless, it's on my radar. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
November 2023 Responses
November 1, 2023

I'm not too familiar with Chinese BL dramas. I haven't watched them in a while, especially after the government imposed the strict censorship policies. Due to my inexperience, I'm probably not the best person to ask for recommendations.
With that said, I have received feedback from my other readers. The one drama that has caught my attention is Stay with Me, which received a positive reception among fans. I'm interested in checking it out, and you may too. Other recommendations include The Untamed and Word of Honor. Although they aren't explicitly BL, I assume there are heavily coded bromances. I haven't watched them, but they seem pretty popular.
November 2, 2023

Thank you for being a fan. I really appreciate your support, which gives me the motivation to continue writing more reviews.
I completely understand your perspective. We're two different individuals, so I don't expect our views to align on everything. My method of evaluating BL dramas differs from yours. Of course, there will be times when we have different opinions. You may not agree with some of my judgments, but that's okay. I don't consider it an offence.
In fact, you're very polite in your explanation. Thank you for talking to me respectfully, even if we disagree. A few readers leave hostile comments when I express a different opinion than the norm. Compared to them, your tone is far more pleasant. I appreciate your friendliness.
Writing reviews can be fun! It doesn't have to be for public consumption. Write for yourself only. Try recording your thoughts quickly after finishing each drama. Just type a few sentences about what you liked or disliked. In the future, you can look back on your text and remember how you felt at the time. They're like tiny time capsules of your thoughts.
Yes, it's true. I haven't watched some BL dramas yet, which explains their absence from the website. However, I have finished reviewing A Shoulder to Cry On a while ago. Feel free to check out the review if you like.
Thanks again for your support!
November 3, 2023

Yes, I like BL dramas too! You can probably tell by my obsession. I dedicated an entire website to it, haha.
Thanks for your comment. Let's continue enjoying many BL dramas!
November 5, 2023

Yes, I have finished watching and reviewing those two series. Thank you for bringing them to my attention!
I really liked the story in One Room Angel. It's quirky, creative, and clever. The messages are also poignant and meaningful. I had a lot of fun watching this drama. However, the biggest drawback is the lack of BL content. The leads don't have a romantic relationship. The only BL-related storyline results in tragedy. It doesn't pass some critical metrics for me as a BL watcher. Still, I'm glad I watched it from a non-BL perspective.
I know Kiseki: Dear to Me is popular with BL fans. I can understand its appeal, for sure. However, I just didn't enjoy the story that much. Every scenario left me perplexed. 😓 With that said, the steamy romantic encounters are easily the series highlights! Both couples do a wonderful job of injecting passion in their exchanges. They are fierce!
As for Wuju Bakery, I haven't been following the recent developments. I don't know why they rescheduled the series or what is causing the production delay. Hopefully, everything works out and we'll see the series in 2024. I'm excited about this one! I like Jeff Satur and want to see him in more BL dramas.
November 5, 2023

Hmm, I don't know if I'm the best person to ask. The availability of anime series differs for everyone, especially depending on your geographic region. Some streaming platforms include anime series in their libraries, but they may not be accessible in your country.
This question may be best asked elsewhere. Check out some anime communities. These fans can point you in the right direction.
November 6, 2023

Sorry, I haven't watched Stay with Me yet. That's why you can't find the review on BL Watcher. There's a long list of unfinished BL dramas in my viewing queue. I'm trying to complete them, one by one. It takes a while to work through the list.
I primarily focus on BL dramas from four countries: Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, and South Korea. Sometimes, I do a few series from Vietnam. I want to include more countries to the viewing rotation, but it also increases the amount of series that I need to watch. Nonetheless, I want to write about everything eventually. This BL watcher finishes dramas slowly, so I ask for your patience.
November 7, 2023

Hi Susie! Thanks for bringing the series to my attention. It took me a while to watch I Feel You Linger in the Air, but the review is finally up!
Like you, I enjoyed this series so much. Every detail is done majestically, from the sophisticated story to the beautiful production. Calling it a work of art is an apt description. If there's going to be a Season 2, I'd be excited to see the sequel.
Best regards! ❤️
November 7, 2023

Nope, I'm still around! I'm doing okay. Thanks for checking in.
I stopped updating a few pages during November, like the calendar and the new BL list. I just needed to take a break from the administrative workload. If you check them regularly, that's why it seems like there are no updates.
However, I still spent November productively. I posted many reviews during the first week of the month – four in total. I just shifted my energy toward watching and writing BL instead of refreshing the lists. Since December, I've resumed the other tasks. You'll see a regularly updated BL Watcher once more. Sorry for any inconvenience caused!
November 11, 2023

Thanks for the request.
Yes, I plan on reviewing Until We Meet Again one day. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to writing about the older BL dramas. It has caused me to miss out on a few gems. However, I plan on doing a write-up for this series. I don't know when, but it's in the cards.
November 14, 2023

Thank you for this awesome comment! Your encouragement was just the pick-me-up I needed for today. I feel more motivated to write reviews.
You're actually the first reader to mention the BL Schedule since its introduction. I wasn't sure how others responded to it, so I'm glad someone finds it useful. Personally, I like referencing the calendar when deciding what to watch next. I can just click on a few links and find everything in one place. I also don't have to worry about spoilers since it's controlled by me.
Sorry that I didn't refresh the calendar in November. The administrative workload became overwhelming. Updating the information occupied too much time. It reached a point where the work became stressful. I needed a break and reassess how to make the tasks more efficient.
The calendar has returned since December. I simplified the format as much as possible. Now, updating the information is quick and manageable. I hope you still find the information useful!
Thanks for your support. You're a rockstar! 😎
November 18, 2023

No, unfortunately not. I haven't watched Love in the Air yet. After the first two episodes, I put the series on indefinite hiatus.
Many readers have requested this review. I recognize its popularity among fans. I'll try to increase the urgency. Once I resume the series and finish it, expect a review soon. Sorry for the wait!
November 18, 2023

Thank you for your appreciation! The web design and customizations are DIY. I spent a lot of time adjusting how every visual element looks. When the website first started, the layout looked very basic. Over time, I made adjustments here and there. Its appearance evolved to the format you see today.
As I add each design element, I try to think from the user's perspective. What navigation features will be useful? How can they browse the information more conveniently? I'm glad you enjoy the organization and aesthetic. This feedback makes me happy! It's good to know a user responds positively to my design choices. That's what I intended to do.
Honestly, I still see much room for improvement. Maybe I'm viewing my own website with a critical eye, but I know some pages don't run that smoothly. I think about possible changes for weeks before feeling inspired and implementing them. Improving the web design is an ongoing project. I hope it continues to remain efficient and user-friendly.
November 20, 2023

Yes, Cutie Pie has polarizing opinions. There have been both positive and negative responses. I treat it as a fun guilty pleasure. Indeed, my review says a lot about me. That's because I wrote it. I take ownership over my judgment, even if you may disagree.
Imagine if I reviewed KinnPorsche and gave it a lower score than Cutie Pie? You never know~ 😱
November 25, 2023

Thank you for this massive compliment. I'm overjoyed to hear from an avid reader who enjoys my reviews. Knowing that someone feels engaged with my writing is an excellent source of motivation. I feel better already.
I'm really glad you like the analysis. Sometimes, I dive deeply into a story and think about various themes. There are moments that confuse me initially. I challenge myself to think more, connect the dots, and come up with interpretations. Maybe I get some explanations right, or I misjudge other situations. Either way, I have shared my thoughts. Readers like you can compare notes and reach your own conclusions.
It means a lot to me that my reviews aren't simply dismissed. I like when readers chime in, share their views, or provide nice feedback. This form of validation removes my self-doubt as a writer. I'm not always confident about my writing. Hearing your encouragement makes me feel comforted and reassured. I can continue sharing my opinions in a safe, supportive environment.
Thank you again for your lovely boost of confidence.
November 29, 2023

Hi, Virgina! I appreciate your friendly comment. Thank you for taking the time to encourage me.
Oh, I love that you discovered my website through a referral. I rarely promote BL Watcher, so it's nice knowing I still benefit from word-of-mouth endorsements. Please thank Jordan for the support as well!
October 2023 Responses
October 3, 2023

No, I haven't watched either series yet. Hidden Agenda is something I plan on watching soon. I avoided almost all spoilers, so I have no idea what to expect. I don't even know the plot besides the trailer that I vaguely remember from last year. I'm curious to see how it will turn out.
I also haven't watched the Korean remake of Why R U either. This one may have lower priority since I'm not that excited about it. But I still plan on reviewing it one day.
Thank you for leaving your comment! 🖤
October 5, 2023

In the short term, there won't be a section for Chinese BL dramas. The reason is that I haven't watched or reviewed that many series. If I created a page, it will look very empty lol.
In the future, maybe? I need to find time in my schedule to watch these lengthy Chinese BL (or BL-adjacent) dramas. If I have enough reviews under my belt, I'll feel more comfortable to create a section for it. The ones you mentioned – Word of Honor, The Untamed, and Stay with Me – have great reputations. I'm curious and want to check them out.
October 8, 2023

Ahhh, thank you for taking the time out of your day to leave this nice message! A simple compliment lifts my spirits and gives me incredible motivation.
I'm so glad these reviews are a hit with you. Thank you for being one of my readers! 😊
October 13, 2023

Thank you for the feedback!
In the future, I want to have different options. On one page, I'll have all the series listed by grades. On another page, I'll have all the series listed alphabetically. That way, you can pick whichever system based on your preference.
October 17, 2023

Hi Christian. Thank you for your support. It's great to know that you like reading my reviews. I'm always happy to shine the spotlight on good BL dramas!
Sadly, I haven't reviewed any BL dramas from the Philippines yet. I'm a total newbie with almost zero knowledge of the Filipino BL landscape. The one gay drama I watched was from a long time ago. It's called My Husband's Lover. I can't remember anything about it now, but I watched the whole thing. Every episode of the "my husband is gay" melodrama! Since then, I haven't ventured into another series.
I really want to start including the Philippines into my viewing rotation. I meant to do it this year, but there have been soooo many BL dramas to watch. I couldn't even finish all the 2023 series from four countries. By adding more series to watch, I worry about falling behind further.
However, I remain interested in watching Filipino BLs. I want to watch the good series, the bad ones, and the underrated entries. I hope to become a fan and enjoy the full experience. You provided me with some interesting recommendations: Like in the Movies, Gameboys, Hello Stranger, and 2 Cool 2 Be 4gotten. I'll reference this list again when I'm ready to get started.
And you're right. One of my motivations is to increase the visibility of Filipino BLs. It's the same reason why I started watching and reviewing Vietnamese BL series. I'd like to bring attention to these dramas so that more viewers can enjoy them. With enough attention, the BL industry can hopefully thrive in every country.
October 17, 2023

Thank you for bringing these two upcoming BL dramas to my attention. I updated the New BL Series page to include them.
I'm secretly looking forward to Deep Night. Based on the pilot, I know the sex scenes are gonna be SPICY. 🌶️🌶️🌶️ I don't know if I'm watching this one for the plot, but maybe it'll surprise me lol.
I remember one of the leads from The Last Time. He starred in My Boy, a poorly received drama. However, I'd like to see him with a different partner and a better script. Maybe this one can be a pleasant surprise too.
October 19, 2023

Thank you for your message! I can understand what you wrote perfectly. You're great at communicating in English. 😊
Wow, your story is so inspiring! I'm in awe of your dedication. I never imagined my writing could help someone else in this way. When I started BL Watcher, my only goal was to write reviews. However, you have made this experience more meaningful for me. I'm so happy the reviews can motivate you to study English. I love making these language lessons fun for you. That's one of the highest compliments I can receive as a writer.
Here's a fun fact. English is actually not my first language. No, I'm not a native speaker. After moving to another country, I must learn to write, speak, and listen in a second language. These lessons weren't easy. There are so many rules with grammar, syntax, and vocabulary, which differ from my mother tongue. From my struggles, I know how challenging it is to communicate in a foreign language. I have so much respect for you and anyone who is multilingual. Self-study requires incredible effort.
Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I'm honoured to be a positive influence in your English lessons. That is so satisfying. 🥹 Lately, I'm trying to avoid slang and simplify the vocabulary in the reviews. I want my writing to be more accessible for readers who aren't fluent in English. Hopefully, this helps when you read and translate the text.
Lastly, I want to return all your kind wishes. I hope you are having a wonderful time. Please take care! 💞
October 22, 2023

Hi Miri, thanks for leaving your comment. Tell your friend I said hi as well! I'm glad you have found my website and enjoyed the reviews.
To answer your question, I have finished reviewing I Feel You Linger in the Air. It's one of my favourite BL dramas of the year. I adore the story so much. However, I haven't watched To Sir, With Love yet. It remains on my list of to-watch series, but I plan on writing a review for it.
Please have an excellent day! 🙂
October 23, 2023

Thank you for the positive sentiments! I'm delighted to know my reviews have been helpful. Beyond recommending dramas, I love that they have prompted reflection and critical analysis. Writing these reviews have also encouraged me to look at these dramas more deeply. I don't just forget about them upon completion. Instead, I contemplate about the themes and meanings. It has increased my appreciation for many series.
As with any reviews, I don't expect readers to agree with everything. We all have diverse opinions on how to evaluate BL. I also have quirky tastes, haha. However, I love that we can disagree on some review scores graciously. Not everyone shows the same courtesy when I write something negative about a drama they like. So, thank you for respecting what I have to say. Your thoughtfulness means a lot to me.
October 23, 2023

Wow, thank you for the compliment! I'm so glad my reviews have responded positively with you. Yes, that's one of the primary reasons why I started writing about BL dramas. I don't have a good memory. I tend to forget what I finished watching a few days later. Fortunately, doing these reviews have created a time capsule of my thoughts. I love being able to go back and revisit my feelings. It's almost as therapeutic as keeping a diary.
I don't know if I have useful writing tips, but I'll try.
Firstly, timing is important. Writing reviews is easier when the show is still fresh on my mind. Right after we finish an episode or a series, that's when our thoughts and feelings are most vivid. Use that window of opportunity for inspiration and jot down some quick notes. They don't have to be fully articulate. Revisit the notes later and organize those scrambled thoughts. Procrastination also makes writing reviews harder. The longer I stall, the more my memory fails me. My motivation is highest when I work on the reviews quickly.
Secondly, the first question I ask myself is: "Did I like the drama or not?" If the answer is yes, the next question is: "What did I like about it?" Then, I'll start jotting down the positive aspects that stood out to me. For some excellent dramas, I have many things that I enjoyed. There's sufficient material to fill an entire review. For others, I can only list a few details.
If I can't find enough positive things to say, I start thinking about the negatives. "What did I not like about it?" That creates a balanced review with both pros and cons. I use this method with my disliked dramas too. First, I think about the negatives. Then, I try to see if there are positives (sometimes, there are none!)
And thirdly, find a comfortable review length. Your text doesn't have to be super long. If there are only two paragraphs, so be it. If you feel like that doesn't cover everything you want to say, add more content. As you write more reviews, you may settle on a length that works best for your style. For me, five to six paragraphs is the magic number. That's enough to capture everything I want to say, but the number may be different for you.
I don't know how helpful my advice is. Hopefully, some of these ideas can inspire you. Good luck!
October 24, 2023

Thank you for sending your love! Your support makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. 🥰 I'm happy that you describe the website's aesthetic as cute. The colour pink puts me in a better mood.
Crunchyroll and a few other platforms have large collections of anime series, including some BL. The newer titles should be there. But yeah, they don't have everything. It's hard to track down some of the older entries. They aren't available anywhere. Maybe other anime fans can help. ☹️
October 27, 2023

Yeah, Semantic Error is great! It's hard to find something as equally enjoyable, but let me throw out a few recommendations.
If you haven't already, check out Our Dating Sim. Although their stories aren't the same, both series contain similar qualities. They're enjoyable romcoms with exciting climaxes. Many fans loved ODS, and I have a feeling that you may too.
I would also recommend Cherry Magic, Light On Me, Sing My Crush, and Roommates of Poongduck 304. Once again, these dramas aren't the same as Semantic Error. However, they are lighthearted love stories that are well-received among fans. You may enjoy them too.
October 29, 2023

Thank you for the recommendation. Although it hasn't been reviewed yet, I have watched Night Flight in the past. One day, I'll revisit the movie and do a write-up on it.
It's a memorable movie for sure. Initially, I didn't respond well to the story since it's so tragic and overwrought. Over time, it has grown on me. Unlike many movies, Night Flight has remained on my mind, indicating its emotional impact. My favourite part is when the two leads get to enjoy their time together. I cherish that moment of happiness because the rest of the movie is so dark.
October 30, 2023

Unfortunately, I haven't finished watching Love in the Air yet. I put it on pause after the first two episodes. Since then, other dramas have taken precedence. I need to find time to resume and finish the rest of the series.
But yes, I plan on reviewing Love in the Air after finishing it. Sorry that it has been such a long wait. I will pick up the pace. Thank you for your patience.
The "Newest reviews" section is a good suggestion! You can already browse a list of my recent reviews by clicking the Review tag. It will show all the reviews in chronological order. In the future, I may create a better way to browse new reviews. I don't love how the user has to click through so many pages. But for now, this is a good way to find my newest reviews.
September 2023 Responses
September 11, 2023

Hi Mark! Thanks for the message.
Unfortunately, I haven't reviewed 2gether yet. Yup, this series is a BL juggernaut with a significant impact. It's very popular among fans. I'm sorry about not writing a review yet. Hopefully, I'll have the time to revisit the drama and write about it in the future.
September 17, 2023

Yes, I have finished writing about Be My Favorite! The review came around a week after your original comment.
Here, take this magical crystal ball. 🔮 Spin it once, go back in time, and pretend I posted the review on the day you left the comment~~~ ✨
September 19, 2023

Thank you for the kind words! Yes, I poured a lot of energy into creating BL Watcher. I consider it a passion project, like something that brings me joy and pride. My motivation in running this website is to enjoy my hobby. Most of the time, I have so much fun working on it. Regardless of how much effort it requires, I'm still having a blast.
That's an interesting observation. The shorter series length is likely due to limited production budgets. Many BL studios are small start-ups and don't have the funds to afford long filming schedules. Despite its growing popularity, BL is still a niche genre. It only appeals to a portion of viewers. In contrast, mainstream series are more accessible with larger audiences. They may be considered safer financial investments than BL. So, they get more budget to film longer dramas.
Bigger studios like GMMTV can afford to film longer BL dramas. However, my theory is that they found a business model that works and don't want to change it. Fans respond positively to their 12-episode BL dramas, so let's just be consistent. Shooting longer series means more money and effort with no guarantees of success. Since GMMTV is the industry leader, other studios follow their standard. Their viewers are used to this length and format.
As BL continues to grow, studios will invest more money into this genre. Hopefully, we'll see longer series with higher production standards.
September 26, 2023

Thank you for enjoying BL Watcher! I appreciate your support.
Sorry that I haven't reviewed Love in the Air yet. It's a highly requested title, which increases my urgency to finish the review. From what I can see, it's definitely popular with many viewers. Other readers have also told me how much they loved the series. I love this passion from BL fans. 🙂
August 2023 Responses
August 13, 2023

Thanks for sharing your views with me. I'm sorry you disagreed with the review. You brought up valid points, which I respect.
Yes, some Korean BL dramas suffer from the condensed length. It's hard to tell a comprehensive story in eight short fifteen-minute episodes. They don't have the luxury of mainstream K-dramas, which have hours to flesh out the characters and expand the universe. In addition, these small BL studios have limited budgets. They are working with production restrictions, which I am sympathetic toward.
I'm also rooting for Korean BL to succeed. I want this genre to thrive! In recent years, I have seen an improvement in quality. I hope the new series can continue this upswing, bringing us many excellent stories in the future.
August 15, 2023

YouTube is a good place for new BL watchers to start. Many Thai BL studios release their series on the platform for free. You can also check out Viki and Gagaoolala, which require paid subscriptions. They have large libraries of new and old BL series.
Also, check out my ongoing BL calendar! I include information about which series is currently broadcasting. That can help you keep track of when and where to watch each drama.
Chau Huynh
August 15, 2023

For the time being, I'm only focused on doing BL from Asian countries. A part of me really wants to include shows from other regions, including the United States, South America, and European countries. There's so much I would like to write about!
However, I don't want to get distracted. If I start writing about Western shows, it will take away my time from focusing on Asian dramas. Ahhh, I wish my schedule was more flexible. Writing reviews is like juggling plates. The more I take on, the harder it becomes to manage everything.
I love the two franchises that you recommended to me. Red, White, and Royal Blue and Heartstopper are highly enjoyable. I'm a huge fan, but I probably won't write about them in the near future. 😞
August 17, 2023

Hi Cynne! Thank you for your support from the Phillippines!
I'm happy to hear your interest in writing for BL Watcher. That's flattering. Unfortunately, I'm not looking for new writers at the moment. I have been writing by myself for a while. Bringing in extra reviewers is an unknown element, adding more complexity to how I run the website. I'll need time to think about the logistics and communications involved.
Sorry that my answer is no right now. However, it's not a closed door forever. I have some vague ideas in my head about writing opportunities. If I'm ready in the future, maybe we can get in touch again.
August 20 2023

Hey Priya, thanks for your comment. 🥰
Not yet. I haven't reviewed Theory of Love or Love in the Air. I understand both series are popular and look forward to sharing my thoughts on them soon. It's just a matter of scheduling. I need more time to watch and write about everything. Thank you for your patience.
August 21 2023

Yes, Until We Meet Again is a BL classic! You can't find the review because I haven't worked on it yet. However, it deserves a write-up, which is coming in the future.
Right now, I've been focusing on recent BL dramas in 2023. It's more exciting to watch and write about new stuff. Once I finish this slate of series, I'll go back to reviewing a few older BL dramas, including the classics.
August 26 2023

Hi Aireko! Thanks for getting in touch with me. I'm so glad you found BL Watcher recently and became a reader.
Yes, I'm interested in Stay with Me. I have heard a lot of positive buzz around the series, enough to stir my curiosity. I also respect the courage and dedication to make a Chinese BL series under challenging conditions. The production process couldn't have been easy.
This series is on my radar, but it's competing with other unfinished BL dramas in my queue. I'm very whimsical with my show selection. I never know what to watch next, which can change depending on my mood that day. Sometimes, I want something short and funny. Other times, I'd like to settle for a long and thoughtful series.
Your incredibly positive recommendation has increased my interest in Stay with Me. A review may be coming, but I'm not sure when.
July 2023 Responses
Niy an
July 1, 2023

Unfortunately, I haven't finished watching Love in the Air yet. I paused the series after two episodes, so I can't give a proper assessment. I'll need to finish it first before giving a review.
Based on my recollection of the first two episodes, this drama isn't my cup of tea. However, my opinion could change. When I resume the series, it may possibly overcome my poor first impression.
July 4, 2023

Thank you for finding this website and leaving a comment! Yes, Semantic Error is a BL treasure. The casting for both leads is perfect! Park Seoham has me under his charming spell. 😍
Thanks for requesting TharnType. Yes, I plan on reviewing this highly popular BL series in the future.
July 8, 2023

Hiya, Isabel! 🙂 Thank you for leaving this encouraging comment. I'm delighted that you have enjoyed my reviews. Hopefully, there will be more great BL dramas to come. We can discover new favourites together.
As for recommendations…hmm. Based on your criteria, I would recommend Our Dining Table. This heartwarming Japanese BL drama is safe and wholesome. I can't think of anything too objectionable other than some family tensions. My Love Mix-Up and Cherry Magic are also cute, cheerful entries without anything too offensive.
July 9, 2023

Hi Nong. The letters are review scores. I use a letter grading system to evaluate BL dramas, almost like a report card.
The system works like this:
A (A+, A, A-) – These dramas are excellent!
B (B+, B, B-) – These dramas are decent.
C (C+, C, C-) – These dramas are okay.
D (D+, D, D-) – These dramas are poor.
F – These dramas are awful.
Of course, the review scores are based on my opinion. You may have a different letter grade from me on various dramas.
July 17, 2023

Hi Josh. Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful message with me. I respect and admire your profound self-reflection. Some viewers treat BL as casual entertainment, which is perfectly fine. It's okay to shut off our brains and relax over a cute love story. However, BL dramas can be a powerful medium for exploring complex themes and emotions. Like any fictional work, it makes us think, feel, and view the world from a unique perspective.
From watching BL, I have broadened my perspective. I'm introduced to traditions or cultures that used to be foreign to me. I gained clarity over my sheltered views and became curious about how others lead their lives. It has inspired me to do research, look up discussions, learn new knowledge, and reassess my preconceived notions. Surprisingly, these BL dramas have motivated my personal growth.
BL dramas and gay love stories often promote empathy. The best romances involve diverse emotions, encouraging viewers to relate to the characters' feelings. These couples face challenging conditions as they fall in love. The LGBTQ+ themes mirror real-life predicaments. As I watch BL, my heightened sense of empathy brings advocacy. I become more passionate about social causes, including equal rights and the freedom to love.
BL is primarily a source of entertainment, but it can also be a beacon of inspiration. I genuinely believe many viewers absorb the positives messages embedded in these dramas. The broadened perspectives and increased empathy are universal experiences for everyone. Imagine all the youths who enjoy these shows, they'll grow up carrying more diverse views into our future society. I hope that all BL watchers become more progressive thinkers.
In addition, I appreciate knowing how this website helped you stay organized with BL. In the past, I also used to keep rough lists, marking down which shows I've completed. Then, I got overly ambitious and created an entire website, which grew into its current state. It was a lot of work, but I'm glad to have achieved it.
These reviews have helped me keep track of my thoughts. Sometimes, I go back and read my writing, triggering my memories. I can remember what I enjoyed about these dramas. I'm glad the critical analysis has also resonated with you and broadened your horizons. I love being able to provoke your thoughts!
Thank you for your supportive feedback and intelligent insights, Josh. I am so grateful to have a reader like you. All the best!
July 19, 2023

Thank you for the recommendation! I have finally reviewed Be My Favorite, a few months after your original comment. Sorry for the wait.
Overall, I liked it! Any story with a time-travel component piques my interest. I also think it has interesting themes and profound messages, especially in the finale. The last episode left a positive impression on me.
July 20, 2023

Unfortunately, I thought Naked Dining was just a so-so BL drama. It showed promise in the beginning, but the spark faded around midway. I didn't like how the relationship progressed. The couple's drama felt needless and tiresome, souring my opinion of the series.
However, I really liked how the story promotes open-mindedness in a small town. It teaches us to embrace new experiences. You don't have to physically travel the world to embrace different cultures. What a meaningful message! I also appreciate how it showcases cuisine from around the world. My favourite character is Ryu. I kinda wish he was the lead instead~
July 25, 2023

Thank you for the love!
A lot of the Korean BL dramas are available through Viki or Gagaoolala. They have a great collection of series and movies that continue to expand. Crunchyroll also offers BL anime series with subtitles and dubs. A few studios, like STRONGBERRY, release their series for free on YouTube.
Feel free to check out all those platforms!
July 26, 2023

I appreciate your supportive message! At the moment, my website only covers BL dramas from four countries: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. I also include occasional entries from Vietnam and Hong Kong. I plan on reviewing dramas from China and the Philippines in the future. However, the viewing queue has been overwhelming. I can't even finish dramas from four countries. Adding more to the list will only make me fall behind further.
In particular, Chinese dramas are super long. The length allows for comprehensive stories, which is great. However, they also require lots of time commitment. If I get started on one drama, I may not have the time to watch or review anything else for a while. I don't want to leave the website without updates for too long. There's also the issue of censorship. The newer Chinese BL dramas must avoid showcasing romantic content, so the story must rely on subtext. Admittedly, it has dampened my enthusiasm.
Deluded with BL
July 29, 2023

The letters are review scores used to evaluate BL dramas. Each letter reflects a tier. A is the first tier, B is the second tier, C is the third tier, etc.
The plus and minus signs differentiate between the tiers. An A+ is better than an A, while an A- is worse than an A-.
So, any BL drama with an A+ is the best tier. Then, another series with an A is the next best tier. Moving on, a series with an A- is the third best tier. We move on to B+, B, and B- for the next set of tiers. Finally, anything with an F is the worst tier.
You can use the letter grades to quickly identify my feedback for each series. Hope that helps!
July 29, 2023

Aww, you left such a nice comment! Your encouragement makes me really happy. 😊
Thank you for being a reader of mine. I hope to stay motivated and continue writing even more reviews in the future.
June 2023 Responses
June 6, 2023

Hi Sofia! Thank you for your support. I love the morale boost~ 😊
Oh wow, what an incredible offer! I have never even thought of translating my reviews to other languages like Spanish. I would like to do it to increase the accessibility of my content. Take BL Watcher worldwide in every language!
However, there's too much work. I can't possibly ask you to do it, even on a voluntary basis. From translating to proofreading, the volume of work is tremendous. This task deserves compensation, which I sadly can't afford.
Nonetheless, I really appreciate your sentiment. It's so flattering just to know someone wants to translate my content. Thank you!
June 16, 2023

Yes, I definitely want to review Banana Fish! Unfortunately, I have neglected the BL anime section. I tend to watch more dramas and movies these days. However, I want to go back to reviewing more older BL anime dramas. Banana Fish deserves a write-up.
I don't know much about Word of Honor, but your recommendation sounds intriguing. A 36-episode drama is an enormous time commitment, though. The series length is holding me back, so this one may be lower on the priority list.
Thank you for your appreciation! I'm happy to have your support. 😊
June 16, 2023

Thank you for bringing this movie to my attention. I haven't heard of Where to Go before, but I'll keep an eye out for it.
There are tons of Korean short films that I would love to watch and write about. I know these indie gay flicks don't get a lot of reader interest, but I still like reviewing them!
June 19, 2023

Thanks for expressing an interest! Right now, I'm going at BL Watcher solo. It's easier to write reviews by myself since this arrangement keeps things as simple as possible. Adding another reviewer is complicated.
In the future, I'm open to the idea of having guest contributors. I have a few ideas floating in my head, but I don't have a plan in place yet. Still, thank you for being interested!
June 20, 2023

Message received.
Thank you.
June 21, 2023

Hi Clover! I'm sorry that your message got caught in the strict spam filter. It ate up a handful of messages during the summer, which is a nightmare scenario for me. 😢 However, I was able to read and retrieve what you wrote. Thank you for leaving the comment! I'm a hardcore lurker myself and don't like to respond to anything online, so I know how you feel.
I assume your comment is referencing the Our Skyy 2 review, which I posted around that time? Personally, I really liked that review. Firstly, it's SO ambitious. I can't believe I wrote eight separate reviews for one anthology. OMG. Secondly, there are several snarky one-liners. I remember giggling to myself as I was typing the jokes lol. Most of the time, I'm not funny. But this review was an exception. I could feel my inner comedian possess me.
Whether it's Our Skyy 2 or something else I wrote, I'm glad I was able to amuse you! It's so heartening to know I have a loyal, long-time reader who enjoys my writing so much. I hope that my future reviews can continue to offer entertainment. Thank you for being a member of the non-existent BL Watcher's Watcher Club, haha!
June 22, 2023

Thanks for leaving a comment! Unfortunately, this message got caught up in the spam filter. I can't locate where it was supposed to go. I'm so sorry. 😢
Regardless, I'm happy that you liked the review! I always welcome new readers to BL Watcher. Please, take a look around, get a glass of refreshment, and make yourself at home.
June 26, 2023

Hi Ivy! Thank you for leaving your comment. I'm soooo sorry that it got caught up in the spam filter. Although I was able to retrieve your message, I can't figure out which movie review you're referencing. This spam filter problem is upsetting since it messed up several reader comments. 😢
Anyway, I'm glad that my movie analysis was helpful! It's great to know that it gave you the motivation to rewatch the film. Haha, I don't know where I get the energy and passion to work on BL Watcher either. Writing these reviews is fun for me, I guess. I'll definitely keep up the good work. Thanks again for your support.
June 26, 2023

Hi! Thanks for discovering my website. I loved Triage as well! It's one of the first BL dramas to include time loops in the story. The novelty is astonishing to me.
Thank you for the positive feedback on the website layout. Yeah, it took a lot of time to get the design to look right. The early versions of the website looked far more basic. Over time, I made adjustments here and there. I constantly think about what a user would experience when browsing the website. What features do they want? What buttons will help with their navigations? The current design is still clunky, in my opinion. However, I am proud that it has improved significantly over the earlier iterations.
Great recommendations! I'm not familiar with Chinese dramas, so I appreciate learning about them from readers. You make Winter Begonia sound quite interesting! From the setting to the acting, I'm intrigued to see how it plays out. The censorship is unfortunate. Without the ban, Chinese BL would have thrived among fans. The 49-episode length is holding me back since it's such a big time commitment. I wouldn't have time to watch or review anything else. However, I'll keep it in lists one day. I'll never say no to a good drama!
And KinnPorsche – yes, it's a BL juggernaut. Its popularity is undeniable, taking the entire genre by storm. The review is coming in the future, for sure. I just need to find the right time and energy to write about everything I want.
Once again, thank you for your kind and supportive message! I'm so happy that you have become a reader. Please have a terrific day! 😀
June 27, 2023

Hi! I'm also a chronic procrastinator. (See: how long it took me to reply back to your message. Sorry. 😓) We're like two peas in a pod, haha~ Thank you for taking the time out of your day to leave this supportive message. I appreciate hearing from a long-time reader.
Yes, BL has been a fundamental part of my life. I consumed a lot of manga, games, fanfiction, dramas, and films. They helped me gain clarity to my sexuality, especially during a time with little support. They also offered a welcome escape into a fictional world where I can take a break from my real-life problems. To this day, BL continues to provide guidance for me. I take incredible comfort in pursuing this hobby.
I'm glad that BL and my website can be your companions while you escape for a while. It means so much to me that my writing provides comfort. I hope you are feeling better. A good BL series can lift our spirits, even on a bad day. A lighthearted comedy can make us laugh and see the positives. Also, a profound drama can make us think, feel, and experience unique perspectives. Fiction has the power to motivate us. I always look forward to reading the next chapter of a book or watching the next episode of a series.
Thank you for your compliment! Yes, I put so much effort into creating BL Watcher. It's truly a passion project made with love & dedication. I'm touched to hear how my website has helped you. Know that you're not alone in this fandom. I'm also here, connecting with you through our mutual love for BL!
Your kind words have also helped me. There are days where I lose enthusiasm to continue running BL Watcher. Yet, I read an empowering message like yours, which restores my inspiration. Knowing that I have made a positive difference in someone's life is tremendously rewarding. It goes beyond what I thought I could accomplish with my writing. Thank you for this endorsement. I will use your encouragement as my motivation. I want to keep writing reviews and working on this website for as long as possible.
I happily accept all the good vibes! I'm also sending my best wishes to you, Christopher.
P.S. I loved Not Me dearly! I wouldn't know which BL dramas to put in my Top 5. The decision to narrow it down is too hard. My list of favourites changes all the time, haha~
June 30, 2023

Thank you for the wonderful support from the UK!
I have taken your feedback on board. The new BL series section has been redesigned to list all the BL dramas based on the grade, year, and tone. You can browse the letter grades quickly. This new layout should help you search for BL dramas more easily.
I also have a few other ideas to make searching for BL series easier. I just need time to implement them. I keep debating on how much information to include on the pages. Should I just offer a quick list with the titles and review scores? Or should I include miscellaneous data like the series summary, length, and number of episodes? I can't decide which is more user-friendly.
May 2023 Responses
May 2, 2023

Hi! No, I actually haven't watched Antidote (aka. Jie Yao) before. Sometimes, I miss out on BL titles simply because I don't know much about it. I never looked up information about this one until now.
However, I rely on readers like you to provide recommendations! Your description of it has intrigued me. This anime is now on my radar. I hope to watch and review it one day. Thank you. 🙂
May 5, 2023

Hi Linda, thanks for your suggestion. Sorry, I haven't reviewed KinnPorsche yet. That's why you couldn't find it on the site. There's no real reason why I excluded this series besides procrastination. I haven't been able to review every BL drama. Some are still in the queue, including this one.
KinnPorsche is also a very big series. There's a lot I want to say that it almost feels overwhelming. I may be burned out for weeks once I start working on this review. I need to be mentally prepared before writing it. But one day, it's coming!
May 5, 2023

Hi Maya. No, I haven't watched Hello, Stranger yet. In fact, I'm a total newbie to Filipino BL dramas. I'm not well-versed in the selection of series.
Thank you for the information! Your description sounds intriguing indeed. When I get started on BL dramas from the Philippines one day, I will have this near the top of my list.
May 6, 2023

I am familiar with BounPrem since their Until We Meet Again days! Oh no, I would never let Even Sun tarnish my opinion of them, haha. Their reputation is firmly intact with me.
I haven't gotten to reviewing Between Us yet. That drama had slipped through the cracks while I was watching other stuff. The omission isn't meant to be a slight to BounPrem. I'm simply still clearing the backlog of unreviewed series. However, I definitely plan on catching up on it one day!
May 10, 2023

Hi Laura! Thank you for writing such a heartfelt message. I can understand your English perfectly. You have communicated very well.
I was also a BL manga fan at a young age! I watched anime as well and shipped imaginary couples. It led me to lots of slash fanfiction, which fuelled my fantasies. As I grew older, I turned to western dramas. I like how these countries tackled many topics maturely, including sexuality. I watched a few Kdramas here and there – usually the mainstream ones. I like them, but I'm a very casual fan.
Yes, 2gether is so popular. Its impact on pop culture is tremendous. The buzz also got me more interested in BL again after my interest had dipped. There are so many dramas in this genre. Like you, I was overwhelmed by all the choices out there. I would follow other people's recommendations online, but their tastes didn't align with mine. I didn't know whose opinion to trust. Over time, it frustrated me that I couldn't find a reliable source for BL reviews. So I thought, why not do it myself?
One of the reasons why I created BL Watcher is to stay organized with my hobby. By writing about each drama, I can keep track of what I've already watched. I'll also go back and read my thoughts to remember what I liked or disliked. The website grew as I watched more BL dramas. Before realizing it, I've published hundreds of reviews.
I love watching dramas for the reasons you stated. It's a relaxing and affordable hobby that I can enjoy easily. It also provides a welcomed escape from the real world, away from stress and pressure. I don't need to think about real-life problems when immersing myself in a fictional universe. My only concern is how the leads will fall in love in this sweet and cozy story.
It's great that our tastes are aligned on many shows. I'm glad you find the review system useful. Initially, I used the star system for reviews. Afterwards, I added the letter grades and numeric scores to provide even more information. It will allow readers to quickly see what I liked or disliked about a drama. If I give a high score to "story" and a low score to "romance", you can adjust your expectations accordingly.
Your message is so kind. I really appreciate that you've expressed your gratitude. Sometimes, I lose the motivation to continue writing reviews. I want to shy away from the spotlight and return to watching BL in anonymity. However, comments like yours give me the encouragement to continue. Your positivity is the fuel for my dedication to BL Watcher.
Thank you once again for your support and the big virtual hug! When I first read your message back in May, I felt so warm and fuzzy. Reading it again now, I feel the same joy and cheer radiating from you. Your words have the power to lift my spirits. Whatever you are doing right now, I hope you are having a wonderful time. 😊
May 14, 2023

Hi Anne-Sophie. Thank you for your support from France! I'm really glad you find the website intuitive to use. It's great that my reviews have helped you decide which BL series to watch in the future.
Ahahaha, I'm glad you find my commentary funny. Sometimes, I can't help myself and slip a few silly jokes into my writing. I giggle at my own puns and innuendos, but I don't know how others will respond to my brand of humour. I'm glad at least one person is laughing along with me. 😄
Thank you again. I hope you have a nice day as well!
May 15, 2023

Hey there! I'm glad a new BL fan has found my website. Oh, I adored The Eighth Sense and Our Dating Sim. Both are my favourites for different reasons, so I'm glad you enjoyed them too.
Absolutely. Love in the Air is very popular among BL fans. It must have gone viral everywhere. I get this review request a lot. The most suggested titles from readers include KinnPorsche, Love in the Air, TharnType, and 2gether. I should have probably reviewed all four series by now, but ughhh I don't know why I haven't written about them yet lol. I have no good excuse. I feel like a student who hasn't done their homework over the weekend and can't defend myself to the teacher.
Thank you! I'll continue to do my best with each review!
May 15, 2023

Thank you for finding BL Watcher useful! Yup, I want to make it beginner-friendly and welcome newcomers to the genre. In the past, some readers have told me they only started watching BL recently. I'm always glad my website can provide guidance for them.
Yes, I plan on reviewing 2gether one day! It's a very popular title that many fans hold in high regard. I'll share my thoughts once I work on the review.
May 17, 2023

Unfortunately, I haven't reviewed any BL dramas from the Philippines. It's a glaring omission from my website. In the future, I plan on including Filipino BL in my review rotation. It is on my to-do list.
The biggest reason holding me back is the workload. Despite updating regularly, I haven't been able to finish all the BL dramas from four countries (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand). I also started writing about Vietnamese BL. Adding another country into my review queue will make me fall behind further on everything else.
I made the decision to focus on a small handful of countries for now. However, I want to start adding BL dramas from the Philippines one day. It's a matter of timing. Once I dive into the world of Filipino BL, there will be more to come.
May 18, 2023

Oh, that's so nice of you! Thank you for your supportive message. I have also watched my fair share of crappy BL dramas and understand the disappointment they bring. It's great that my reviews can help you avoid the duds.
Thank you for the compliment on the design! That is so encouraging, especially coming from someone with your background. I have no formal training. Everything is self-taught from years of poking around the web. Sometimes, I'm still frustrated with the interface. The website is not as sleek or intuitive as I envision in my head. However, I probably won't adjust too much. The more changes I make, the more likely the website may break. 😅
Hmm, interesting question. A good narrative stays with me for a long time. Sometimes, a random scene or a piece of meaningful dialogue triggers in my mind without warning. However, I don't have a significant problem separating fiction from reality. I have watched and read so many stories throughout my life. I have developed the ability to move on after each experience without growing attached.
If anything, I'm eager to move on. With only limited time available, I want to experience as many wonderful stories as possible while I'm still alive. I'm always curious about what else is out there. Yes, there may be many duds. But hopefully, I'll find another masterpiece to add to the list. Maybe that's why I don't get fatigued from watching too much BL? I also have a bad memory, so I quickly forget what I watched a few days later. Having the forgetfulness of a goldfish helps keep the BL viewing experience fresh, haha!
May 19, 2023

Hi Emily, I'm so sorry. I didn't see your message until now. I may be interested about participating in a minor capacity. However, so much time has passed that I feel embarrassed about reaching out to you with my reply. 😓
If you contact me again, I may get back to you this time. Sorry again.
May 21, 2023

I'm glad you found my website through the More Than Words review. The story is so nuanced and makes me think a lot. I still think about the series from time to time. Its themes have resonated with me profoundly.
Initially, I was frustrated by the protagonist's decision. The "love triangle" drama seems inelegant, bringing out messiness from everyone. But now, I have made peace with their actions. I appreciate how the conflict adds more complexity to the story.
I actually adore Together With Me. It is one of my favourites. Yes, it deserves to be included in my lists. I want to rewatch the drama one day and do it justice with a proper review. If only I have more time, I want to go back to covering all the BL classics – starting with this series.
Thank you so much for being a reader! I hope you'll continue to find my lists useful.
May 26, 2023

Hello. Unfortunately, I haven't watched or reviewed any BL dramas from the Philippines yet. I understand there's demand since other readers have made similar request.
Personally, I want to add Filipino BL to my website. My biggest obstacle is the workload. I already have too many unfinished series from four countries (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand). Adding another country to the rotation will make me fall behind further.
However, I will figure out the timing and add the Philippines to BL Watcher one day. I know I'm missing out on some great dramas. I want to watch them!
May 26, 2023

Welcome! YouTube is a good place to start for BL fans. You can find some of the Thai BL dramas available for free. GMMTV, Mandee Channel, Studio Wabi Sabi, IDOLFACTORY, and others put their offerings online. These dramas should keep you occupied for days.
Other series are available on streaming platforms with a monthly subscription fee, like Viki and Gagaoolala. They all have English subtitles.
May 27, 2023

No, I haven't reviewed KinnPorsche yet. Unfortunately, I don't have a good reason for its omission. It's the most requested title from many readers. Despite its immense popularity, I simply haven't worked on the review yet.
I need more time to gather my thoughts on this highly influential BL drama. The review will come one day whenever I am ready.
April 2023 Responses
April 2, 2023

Hello again! I'm sorry for the late response, but I love receiving comments. Feel free to express yourself any time! 🙂
I want to watch God's Favor one day. It's one of those 2022 BL dramas that slipped under my radar last year. I knew it existed, but I didn't know much about the story. My lack of knowledge pushed down its priority in my queue.
However, your recommendation has intrigued me! It sounds like a thoughtfully made series, so I'm interested in checking it out soon. I just need to finish reviewing the slew of 2023 series, but I'll go back to doing the missing 2022 dramas as well.
April 13, 2023

Heyyy nounours. Thank you for finding me and leaving such a nice comment. Your kind words have made my day~ 🙂
I'm glad you like the user friendliness and visual design of the website. Also, I'm happy you pointed out the amount of love and passion! Yes, I put great care into BL Watcher. It makes me happy when others recognize my efforts and enthusiasm toward this project.
The website design is DIY. I customize the visual components here and there until I get everything to look right. Often, I put myself into the reader's perspective and think about how to organize the information. In my honest opinion, the current layout needs improvements. I feel like some pages are clunky to use. However, I also don't want to go back and fix them lol. I have to be in the right ~creative mood~ to work on the design.
April 23, 2023

Hi Nyah! Thank you for pointing out the mistake in the summary. I corrected it as soon as I read your comment.
I really appreciate when readers point out typos or factual errors. I don't want to have wrong information in the reviews, so your feedback helps me identify the mistakes quickly. Although I proofread my work, it's hard for one person to notice everything. If you spot anything else in the future, just let me know!
April 27, 2023

Thank you for your insightful comment, Martin. I'm glad my website has been a helpful tool for you to discover new series.
Like you, it's hard to articulate why the BL genre interests me so much. There are many reasons. My love for stories started since a young age. I liked reading books, watching movies, and immersing myself in fictional universes. As I get older, I became more interested in the romance genre. Falling in love is so emotionally complex and provides infinite storytelling opportunities. BL dramas encompass everything I cherish in love stories. In addition, they include lots of hot guys, which is a huge bonus!
Thailand has the largest pool of BL series. It may take a while to navigate everything! The quality of the stories varies. Admittedly, some dramas are pretty bad. However, there are also many excellent entries in recent years. I consider the classics as must-watch for all BL fans. I also love how Thai studios have made their series accessible to international fans via YouTube or streaming platforms like Viki and Gagaoolala. Thailand is the backbone of the BL genre, influencing its popularity worldwide. Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan started investing more in BL after seeing the successful responses from Thailand.
I haven't watched Love in the Air yet! It's definitely a popular drama that I plan to watch soon. Stay tuned.
Also, thanks for recommending The Eighth Sense! Your comment came a few days before I posted my review. Like you, I absolutely loved it. This drama is one of the best in the genre. I wrote so much about it in my review. I can't stop analyzing everything and expressing my admiration for its complex themes. Let's hope there are many superb stories like The Eighth Sense in the future.
April 29, 2023

Hi Charu! I'm glad you enjoyed the review for The Eighth Sense. I agree. It's a brilliant BL series with thoughtful themes and powerful emotions. The story moved me as wel.
I haven't reviewed a lot of BL dramas yet, including 2gether. It's a popular series that other readers have also requested in the past. I will eventually share my thoughts on this story, both good and bad. Yup, I totally understand the sentimental value of your first ever BL drama. It's your introduction to this genre, so it will always hold a special place in your heart. I feel the same way about my first BL experiences. Looking back, I realized the story may be flawed. Yet, I still cherish it in my memory anyway.
I have watched some of the older BL series. However, I haven't gotten a chance to review everything yet. I haven't been able to write about everything in my BL viewing history. My focus has been to review the newer entries in 2023. Nonetheless, I plan on revisiting all the classics one day!
April 30, 2023

Hi Henry, thanks for your comment. Hit Bite Love is a polarizing BL drama. If you look online at MyDramaList, other reviewers have ripped apart this series. My feelings aren't entirely negative. However, I feel conflicted. I'm torn between parts I enjoyed (BurgerKing) and parts that irk me (the problematic plots). I go back and forth on the review score, debating between entertainment value and my concerns.
Ultimately, this series made me feel uneasy. Many BL dramas don't give me lingering discomfort, whereas this one does. However, I understand that some viewers have a higher tolerance threshold for provocative stories. I can see why this series appeals to others. A few scenes, particularly the comedic moments, are written quite well. This drama has its merits, but it's not one of my favourites.
March 2023 Responses
March 4, 2023

Hi Eri! BL Watcher on this side, writing my reply to you.
Can I name any suggestions that made my heart flutter? Oh, I have a lot. Recently, Our Dating Sim and My School President are the two series with cute romances that make me believe in love again. They are popular, so you may have already have already watched them.
Sing My Crush and Vice Versa also do romantic fluff very well. For anime series, Sasaki and Miyano has an enchanting high school romance. These five dramas are sweet, lighthearted, and romantic. Hope you will like them!
March 6, 2023

Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed my reviews. That's comforting to hear. 😊
No, I haven't watched Theory of Love yet. I watched the classics like SOTUS and GMMTV's newer dramas since 2021. However, there are a few older entries that I missed. I'm really interested in experiencing them for the first time.
I really liked OffGun from Not Me, so I want to watch their other works too. When I complete it, I'll share my thoughts!
March 9, 2023

Hi Elisa. Yes, I have watched and wrote about Blueming. Not everyone agrees with my assessment for that series. The review has ruffled some feathers with readers. A B- for the beloved Blueming!? How dare you!
I haven't watched To Sir with Love yet. This Thai BL series has been on my queue for a while, but it keeps getting pushed back. It's a lengthy drama, so the time commitment has been holding me back. However, I plan on making time in my schedule to complete it.
March 10, 2023

Thank you, Reshimi. I'm glad you found BL Watcher and agreed with these reviews. You stumbled upon the right place, haha.
I'm curious about what I will write about KinnPorsche and Love in the Air too. I haven't reviewed them yet. They are popular titles that readers ask about a lot, and I never have a good answer why they are excluded. The closest explanation is procrastination. I'm still gathering my thoughts and working through many BL dramas, one by one.
Dont want to say
March 12, 2023

Hello. I may consider reviewing Heartstopper one day. It's an iconic show for sure. It has received attention and coverage even from viewers who don't typically watch BL.
Right now, I'm more focused on love stories from Asia. I already have a long list of uncompleted shows from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. I want to stay on track instead of getting distracted. However, I may make some exceptions in the future.
March 14, 2023

Thank you for using my lists. That's great they can be of help to you.
Kamisama no Ekohiiki fits the criteria! This drama is in my queue, but I just haven't reviewed it yet. I must admit, its priority is pretty low. I haven't looked up much information about this one. My lack of knowledge means it slips through the cracks more easily than others. However, I will watch it in the future.
Now that you mentioned it, I haven't established any criteria for show selection. Let me come up with a few on the spot:
The first criteria is that it should have BL content in some capacity. It can be a romance (preferred), a gay character, or a major focus of the story. I may tolerate a bromance here and there. Often, I get tricked into watching a bromance thinking it is BL. 😓
The second criteria is that it should come from Asian countries. Right now, I'm focused on reviewing BL dramas from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and a few others.
March 14, 2023

Ahhh, thank you so much! What an incredible messge. I'm very flattered.
Yes, BL Watcher is run entirely by one person. I have poured a significant amount of my personal time and effort into this website. Sometimes, it scares me. Why am I so extreme? *lol* But I have fun doing a bit of this and that. Most of the time, it doesn't feel overwhelming. This is a hobby that brings me pleasure, like sports or music for other people. In my case, I'm watching BL dramas and writing about them.
Now that you gave me an opening, let me do an impromptu BL Watcher vs MyDramaList comparison. MyDramaList has some advantages, like more perspectives and so much content. It's hard to compete against this comprehensive resource. A website run by one person has obvious limitations compared to a website run by an enormous community.
However, I'd like to think my website has a few unique perks too. Like you pointed out, my focus on BL makes it easier to find information in this genre. I also create a safe space for BL fans to enjoy their hobby without the risk of homophobia. It ruins my day when I go on MDL and accidentally stumble upon an ignorant remark. Plus, my website includes a few hidden gems! I like watching obscure indie films and lesser-known dramas. If I find something good, I can recommend them to you.
Yes, I totally get it and feel the same way. BL is a niche hobby, making it harder to find others who share the same interest. Many people don't even know what BL stands for, let alone understand its nuances. Also, some BL fans only focus on the mainstream titles. Their fandom is dedicated to one show or one couple. So, I'm glad this superfan website can be a helpful substitute!
March 15, 2023

Thank you! I'm glad the I Just Want to See You review was useful for you.
Some BL dramas are very straightforward. The entire story is what you see on the surface. What I like about this series is that the narrative themes go beneath the surface. We must ponder more to understand the finer nuances. A story that makes me think more is always appreciated. So, bring on your cryptic messages and subtle symbolism! I enjoy the challenge of deciphering them.
Initially, I didn't understand what they meant by "flaxen". I suspected it was a metaphor about adolescence, but I didn't understand what it meant. My curiosity makes me think more about how it ties to the story's themes. I like the interpretation that it represents the ambiguity of youth. It's a unique and indescribable experience for everyone.
March 18, 2023

Oh no, thanks for pointing it out! I would've never noticed the broken link if you hadn't mention it. I updated the Twitter profile link now. Thank you!
Thanks for recommending Sing in Love, which I reviewed several months after your comment. Unfortunately, I didn't like it. I respect the story it was trying to tell. I think I understand some of its complex narrative themes. However, it's just not my taste. I have no desire to revisit the film after writing about it.
March 20, 2023

Thank you so much for your awesome comment! I really appreciate the support. It's great that my site has been helpful. 😊
Yes, my reviews have an LGBTQ+ focus. Some BL stories contain themes that correspond with my personal experiences, which influence my writing. I respond emotionally to storylines about coming out, advocacy, homophobia, etc. You will find traces of these feelings in many reviews. Hopefully, my insights can resonate with other members in the community.
I try to go deeper in my reviews, capturing what I liked or disliked about each drama. After finishing the series, I have many scrambled thoughts about different aspects. Ooh, I loved this story! Aah, I hated that protagonist! Writing the reviews is a matter of organizing my ideas and articulating them. Not gonna lie, I sometimes just want to be like, "I find this actor SEXY. A+!" I'm not above this type of thinking. 😆
The newsletter is an interesting suggestion! After considering the pros and cons, I've decided not to do it. The main reason is the workload. Setting up a regular newsletter seems complicated, haha. I also want to minimize my tasks. I only have limited time to update BL Watcher, which I'd rather use to watch dramas and write reviews.
Nonetheless, I appreciate your idea! Your suggestions help me consider different ideas to improve the site. The best way to receive updates is to visit my site regularly, haha. I try to post a new review every few days. It's easy to catch up if you visit at least once or twice per month.
Yes, I have watched Sasaki and Miyano and the Sasaki and Miyano: Graduation movie sequel! It's also one of my favourite BL anime franchises. I adore this gentle teenage love story with so much emotional sensitivity.
March 21, 2023

Thanks for the recommendation! I'll add Love in Paradise to my to-watch queue.
There isn't much information about gay Vietnamese movies online. So, I rely on reader recommendations to identify interesting films. Whether they are mainstream or indie, I want to watch everything.
Also, it doesn't have to be current. I grew up watching older LGBTQ movies from different eras. They have extra layers of historical and cultural context that make these stories even more powerful.
March 22, 2023

Hi LP! Sorry your comment got trapped in the spam filter. It's due to the username being too short. However, I was still able to read your message.
Thank you for recommending So Long, See You Tomorrow! I haven't heard of this movie until you brought it to my attention. Although it took a while, I finally wrote a review months after your comment. I l absolutely loved it. What a brilliant story.
March 23, 2023

Thank you for your amazing support! Your encouragement means a lot, especially coming from someone who also worked on a BL website in the past.
Yes, BL Watcher is run by one person. The admin team consists of me, myself, and I, haha~ I have put serious thought into organizing the information in a user-friendly way. I'm glad you like how everything is presented!
Absolutely. Running BL Watcher consumes so much time and requires a herculean amount of dedication. It's a test of my willpower. Sometimes, the administrative workload overwhelms me. I must take a few days off to avoid fatigue and burnout. The mental health breaks are helpful. Each time, I restore the passion to continue this project.
As one person, I run into limitations of how much I can achieve with this website. For example, I can't update as regularly as a team of writers. However, I've learned to accept the constraints. I don't aspire to be the best website or the biggest BL resource. I just want to create something that makes me proud, regardless of the success.
I always see BL Watcher as a hobby. Having fun is my number one motivation to keep this website going. If it starts to feel like work, I know I'll lose the enthusiasm to continue. So far, I'm still enjoying myself. The reader support has been a tremendous morale boost. Going into the future, I hope to keep this fire burning for as long as possible.
March 27, 2023

Wow, thank you! I'm so happy to receive a comment from an Italian reader. Your English is great and totally understandable. 😊
Each review on BL Watcher is written with passion. I love that my enthusiasm has carried over to readers. It's a great feeling to know that my writing can help others enjoy these BL dramas more deeply. You have given me a very high compliment. Thank you.
My prediction is that there won't be a second season of Not Me or Bad Buddy. Not Me has politically sensitive content, making it a tricky drama to promote. The story has explicit themes about taking down corrupt authorities, so that may hit a nerve with real-life leaders in the country. While I'd love to see a second season, there may be risks and complications to getting it produced.
As for Bad Buddy, I think there won't be a second season due to creative reasons. What made the original series compelling is seeing how Pat and Pran fall in love. Now that they're already a couple, I don't know if the story would be as juicy. On the bright side, there's already a semi-sequel in Our Skyy 2. At least we get to see our favourite couple return, albeit in a smaller capacity.
March 29, 2023

Hi Eeyore. Thank you for being a regular reader and commenter. I'm glad to have introduced many shows as you become more immersed in this genre. I never thought of BL Watcher as an encyclopedia, but that's a flattering comparison. Beyond the reviews, I like to include details about the cast, production, and relevant links. Looking up this information is fun for me, almost like a scavenger hunt. Sometimes, I stumble upon a random trivia that helps me appreciate the show better.
You predicted accurately! I'm very fond of Jack o' Frost and Our Dating Sim. They cater to my usual tastes and receive high review scores. Breakup dramas like Jack o' Frost are fascinating to me. These love stories are mixed with melancholy, anger, and intense emotions. I'm overly invested in whether the couples will repair their relationships lol. Likewise, Our Dating Sim contains my favourite tropes, from childhood best friends to teenage regrets. Plus, I appreciate how smooth the storytelling is. Both series have fulfilled my criteria for a BL Watcher favourite!
Generally speaking, Japan has a good track record of producing enjoyable BL dramas. I adore Japanese BL series because their stories are so thoughtful and imaginative. The storytellers often experiment with creative ideas instead of following generic formulas. They also include philosophical themes behind clever metaphors. You must ponder deeply about the narrative to understand the underlying messages. And like you say, these dramas don't need to rely on dialogue. A simple expression or a subtle piece of symbolism can speak volumes.
March 29, 2023

Thank you for your comment! I'm doing well and hope that you are too.
Here's what I love: 1.) I adore your enthusiasm! Your joy is infectious, spreading to me too. 2.) I appreciate your passion for BL. Like you, I'm also an obsessed fan! 3.) And I'm so happy to have a fan! Thank you for your support, hehe~ 😄
Guga Mil
March 31, 2023

Thank you for being a fan of my reviews. I'm glad this website has become a part of your BL experience, whether we agree or not on certain shows. I share my opinions with the understanding that some people will feel differently. I also give my observations while knowing it's impossible to articulate everything. Every time I begin a review, I follow my inspiration wherever it may take me. The depth of each review varies depending on the amount of inspiration at the time.
Yes, Love in the Air is on my list of to-watch series. It's a highly requested drama, but I haven't gotten around to working on it yet. It's coming in the future.
February 2023 Responses
Marie Anna
February 2, 2023

Hi there! Thank you for recommending The Untamed. Yes, I have heard of its positive reputation. It has me quite intrigued.
However, the 50-episode length is a significant commitment. If I start this, I won't have time to watch or review anything else. That has stopped me from approaching it. However, I want to watch everything eventually. If my schedule allows, I will try to see if I can put it into my queue. I bet it will be as enjoyable as you say! 😊
February 3, 2023

Hi Autumn! I'm in love with your comment! ❤️ I haven't watched any BL dramas with samurai, so I don't have recommendations for you. However, I can see its appeal. The whole idea of fighting and falling in love is a wonderful combination.
The two titles you mentioned – Taboo and Onmyouji – are new revelations to me. I'm going to add them to my queue and check them out in my future. Thank you!
By the way, my personal fantasy is a BL drama with ninjas. Like Naruto, but with explicit romantic content. Imagine Kakashi and Iruka hooking up while slaying baddies on their romantic dates lmao~
February 14, 2023

Hi Ayako. I'm so sorry. I still haven't reviewed KinnPorsche yet. That's why you can't find it on the website.
It's easily the most glaring omission on BL Watcher. I feel bad that I haven't reviewed it yet, but it's coming. One day…
February 23, 2023

Hi Yuppie! Thank you for your recommendations. I haven't watched any of the movies you mentioned, but they are now in my viewing queue. Occasionally, I like watching movies to break up the routine of reviewing lengthy dramas. I've been focusing on newer films, but I want to do older ones too.
In Between Seasons is on my radar. Your description of it sounds like something that would appeal to me too. I haven't heard of Artemisia, but I'd be interested in watching it. Also, I'm open to the idea of reviewing dramas with BL side stories. However, they're lower on the priority list since I prefer spending my time on reviewing full-fledged BL stories. I can make exceptions, especially when readers recommend them to me. Let me check out Love with Flaws one day.
I love learning about BL titles that I wouldn't have known otherwise. Thanks again for your recs!
February 28, 2023

Hi Gerald. Sorry, I don't know how to help with your question. It's beyond my limited technical knowledge. 😖
According to my understanding, Hit Bite Love is on YouTube. There are two versions. The cut version is available for free. The uncut version, which contains additional scenes, is available for paying members. I only watched the cut version.
January 2023 Responses
January 5, 2023

Hey there! A few months after your comment, I finally finished watching and reviewing Fahlanruk. Going in, I didn't know about its reputation. However, my thoughts on it are negative. Fahlan's actor is a physically attractive lead. Other than that, it was a challenging series to complete. It frustrated me as much as it bored me.
Thank you for enjoying BL Watcher! It's great to hear you've been referring my reviews to others. That's awesome!
January 5, 2023

Hi Douglas. Sorry for such a delay in the response, but I wish you a happy new year!
I actually haven't reviewed any BL dramas from the Philippines. The one I reviewed was In a Relationship, a Thai remake. However, I haven't watched the original. As a total newbie, I've only watched one show & one movie from quite some time ago. I'm unfamiliar with the list of shows, but a few readers have made several lovely recommendations. I will start with those, I think.
I really want to include the Philippines in BL Watcher in the future. What has been holding me back is time and workload. I'm already struggling to finish everything in four countries (+ a few from Vietnam and other places). By adding another country to the rotation, it splits my focus even more.
But one day, I promise!
January 10, 2023

Hello, fellow BL watcher! I'm so glad you found the reviews useful. It's great that I can help you decide what to watch next. Yeah! ✌🏻
I usually review dramas after they are completed. So, I didn't review My School President until a few months later. I love it so much! The songs, the actors, and the love story are magical. It gets an A from me.
Thank you for taking the time to leave this lovely comment. I hope your day goes well! 😊
January 11, 2023

Hey! Thank you for leaving the sweetest comment ever. I love the comparison to a treasure trove. That's flattering, haha~
It's a pleasure to know we share similar BL tastes. I'm so glad you loved Bad Buddy, which is my comfort series too. The characters and their romance are dear to my heart. A+ all the way! Semantic Error is a fun classic and has a tremendous cultural impact on Korean BL. Plus, I'm obsessed with Park Seoham (and Jaechan!). It deserves that A review grade. Roommates of Poongduck 304 is also fun, but it doesn't generate the same level of excitement in me. I gave that series a B.
I'm so glad you enjoy the reviews and website usability. Let's hope we find more wonderful BL series together!
January 13, 2023

Oh wow, thanks for this awesome compliment! It's true. I've poured a lot of time and dedication into this website. It's one of my proudest accomplishments. 😎
BL Watcher is a passion project. Many times in life, I never invest 100% in doing something. I always hesitate and hold back a little. With this website, I just wanted to try my hardest and see what I can do. I put my full effort into building something with all my heart. Years from now, I want to look back and tell myself, "See? I did THAT. I am capable."
January 16, 2023

Hi Lisa, I'm sorry. I have no idea what that film is based on your description. The plot sounds interesting, but it doesn't sound like anything I have watched or reviewed here on BL Watcher. I'm also notoriously unreliable at trivia. My short memory fails me! 😖
I hope you successfully find the movie title. If you ever find out, feel free to share! I'm curious too!
January 16, 2023

You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed all those BL series, which are also my favourites. Classics, every one of 'em! 😁 I also enjoy reading your insightful comments, sharing details that I may have missed otherwise. They enrich my BL viewing experience
About that KinnPorsche review and its unexplained absence… Before, I wasn't ready to review it. I just wanted to mentally prepare myself before tackling such a big-name series. I kept pushing it back. But now that I've procrastinated for so long, I'm worried it will never happen. SOON. I swear, it's coming soon. 😣
January 16, 2023

Hi Cathy! Thank you so much for recommending Love Bill to me. It wasn't high in my review queue until you brought it to my attention. The priority was low. I had only done a few Vietnamese BL reviews at that point.
However, your description of it was so compelling that I became intrigued. I'm glad I watched it! Although flawed in some ways, there's also much to love. The romance is so juicy. The story is complex. It became one of my favourite BL dramas from Vietnam. When I look back, it's all because of your brilliant recommendation. Thank you!
January 18, 2023

Thank you for enjoying the site!
Sorry I haven't reviewed KinnPorsche yet. It's the most requested title, for sure. My short recommendation is yes, you should watch it. This BL series is too iconic to neglect (unless you're me lol). It has overwhelming fan popularity. If I'm preparing a BL curriculum, KinnPorsche would be one of the required viewing materials.
January 18, 2023

Why hello there! Thank you. I'm really glad you found the reviews fun to read.
Despite its popularity, I haven't finished Love in the Air yet. I plan on resuming the rest of the episodes and writing a proper review in the future. My short assessment based on what I've watched: it's very toxic. Like you mentioned, my tastes are more inclined toward cute and sweet BL dramas, hehe~ I will need to be mentally prepared to watch the rest of the series.
January 20, 2023

Hello! Yup, I have reviewed Ai Long Nhai a few months after your comment. I really liked it! Nhai is super adorable.
Also, thank you for all the heart emojis! I'm returning a few back to you, hehe~ ❤️🩷🧡💜
January 26, 2023

Hi Lyno! Thanks for your support. The letters are review grades. They are used to evaluate my opinion of the series. For instance, A+ is the highest score and means I loved the drama. B- means I liked this less than the A+ drama. F is the lowest score.
The system works like this, from highest to lowest:
A: (A+, A, or A-) – I loved this BL drama!
B: (B+, B, or B-) – I liked this BL drama.
C: (C+, C, or C-) – This BL drama is okay.
D: (D+, D, or D) – I disliked this BL drama.
F – I hated this BL drama!
January 31, 2023

Thank you, Charmi! Sorry, I reviewed Ai Long Nhai a few months after your comment. You couldn't find it back in January, but it's there now.
Like you, I really enjoyed this series! So funny and so silly. Just how I like my BL dramas!
December 1, 2023
Hello. The three Japanese BL dramas in the picture are Ossan's Love, Cherry Magic, and My Beautiful Man.
All three series are iconic and reflect the growing popularity of the genre. Hope this information helps!